path: root/framework
diff options
authorCiro Mattia Gonano <>2013-09-11 16:03:16 +0200
committerCiro Mattia Gonano <>2013-09-11 16:03:16 +0200
commit86f8924ca755d4f65724430b4bd17c4b71d0abe9 (patch)
treef82611f8cd4d914df07bcc2bedf0e2a0dfda2378 /framework
parent8f03317aa3fa051f03132d93c4bdd628a463e4f3 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'framework')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 723 deletions
diff --git a/framework/pradolite.php b/framework/pradolite.php
index 1e117149..2b75df89 100644
--- a/framework/pradolite.php
+++ b/framework/pradolite.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* File Name: pradolite.php
- * Last Update: 2012/11/26 11:38:32
+ * Last Update: 2013/09/11 16:01:18
* Generated By: buildscripts/phpbuilder/build.php
* This file is used in lieu of prado.php to boost PRADO application performance.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class PradoBase
protected static $classExists = array();
public static function getVersion()
- return '3.2.0';
+ return '3.2.2';
public static function initErrorHandlers()
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ class PradoBase
public static function autoload($className)
- include_once($className.self::CLASS_FILE_EXT);
- if(!class_exists($className,false) && !interface_exists($className,false))
- self::fatalError("Class file for '$className' cannot be found.");
+ if ((@include($className.self::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) !== false) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
public static function poweredByPrado($logoType=0)
@@ -1248,377 +1249,6 @@ class TTextWriter extends TComponent implements ITextWriter
-class TPriorityList extends TList
- private $_d=array();
- private $_o=false;
- private $_fd=null;
- private $_c=0;
- private $_dp=10;
- private $_p=8;
- public function __construct($data=null,$readOnly=false,$defaultPriority=10,$precision=8)
- {
- parent::__construct();
- if($data!==null)
- $this->copyFrom($data);
- $this->setReadOnly($readOnly);
- $this->setPrecision($precision);
- $this->setDefaultPriority($defaultPriority);
- }
- public function count()
- {
- return $this->getCount();
- }
- public function getCount()
- {
- return $this->_c;
- }
- public function getPriorityCount($priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if(!isset($this->_d[$priority]) || !is_array($this->_d[$priority]))
- return false;
- return count($this->_d[$priority]);
- }
- public function getDefaultPriority()
- {
- return $this->_dp;
- }
- protected function setDefaultPriority($value)
- {
- $this->_dp=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value),$this->_p);
- }
- public function getPrecision()
- {
- return $this->_p;
- }
- protected function setPrecision($value)
- {
- $this->_p=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value);
- }
- public function getIterator()
- {
- return new ArrayIterator($this->flattenPriorities());
- }
- public function getPriorities()
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- return array_keys($this->_d);
- }
- protected function sortPriorities() {
- if(!$this->_o) {
- ksort($this->_d,SORT_NUMERIC);
- $this->_o=true;
- }
- }
- protected function flattenPriorities() {
- if(is_array($this->_fd))
- return $this->_fd;
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $this->_fd=array();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority => $itemsatpriority)
- $this->_fd=array_merge($this->_fd,$itemsatpriority);
- return $this->_fd;
- }
- public function itemAt($index)
- {
- if($index>=0&&$index<$this->getCount()) {
- $arr=$this->flattenPriorities();
- return $arr[$index];
- } else
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_index_invalid',$index);
- }
- public function itemsAtPriority($priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- return isset($this->_d[$priority])?$this->_d[$priority]:null;
- }
- public function itemAtIndexInPriority($index,$priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority), $this->_p);
- return !isset($this->_d[$priority])?false:(
- isset($this->_d[$priority][$index])?$this->_d[$priority][$index]:false
- );
- }
- public function add($item,$priority=null)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- return $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,false,$priority,true);
- }
- public function insertAt($index,$item)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if(($priority=$this->priorityAt($index,true))!==false)
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$priority[1],$priority[0]);
- else
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_index_invalid',$index);
- }
- public function insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$index=false,$priority=null,$preserveCache=false)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority), $this->_p);
- if($preserveCache) {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $cc=0;
- foreach($this->_d as $prioritykey=>$items)
- if($prioritykey>=$priority)
- break;
- else
- $cc+=count($items);
- if($index===false&&isset($this->_d[$priority])) {
- $c=count($this->_d[$priority]);
- $c+=$cc;
- $this->_d[$priority][]=$item;
- } else if(isset($this->_d[$priority])) {
- $c=$index+$cc;
- array_splice($this->_d[$priority],$index,0,array($item));
- } else {
- $c = $cc;
- $this->_o = false;
- $this->_d[$priority]=array($item);
- }
- if($this->_fd&&is_array($this->_fd)) array_splice($this->_fd,$c,0,array($item));
- } else {
- $c=null;
- if($index===false&&isset($this->_d[$priority])) {
- $cc=count($this->_d[$priority]);
- $this->_d[$priority][]=$item;
- } else if(isset($this->_d[$priority])) {
- $cc=$index;
- array_splice($this->_d[$priority],$index,0,array($item));
- } else {
- $cc=0;
- $this->_o=false;
- $this->_d[$priority]=array($item);
- }
- if($this->_fd&&is_array($this->_fd)&&count($this->_d)==1)
- array_splice($this->_fd,$cc,0,array($item));
- else
- $this->_fd=null;
- }
- $this->_c++;
- return $c;
- }
- public function remove($item,$priority=false)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if(($p=$this->priorityOf($item,true))!==false)
- {
- if($priority!==false) {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if($p[0]!=$priority)
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_item_inexistent');
- }
- $this->removeAtIndexInPriority($p[1],$p[0]);
- return $p[2];
- }
- else
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_item_inexistent');
- }
- public function removeAt($index)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if(($priority=$this->priorityAt($index, true))!==false)
- return $this->removeAtIndexInPriority($priority[1],$priority[0]);
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_index_invalid',$index);
- }
- public function removeAtIndexInPriority($index, $priority=null)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if(!isset($this->_d[$priority])||$index<0||$index>=count($this->_d[$priority]))
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_item_inexistent');
- $value=array_splice($this->_d[$priority],$index,1);
- $value=$value[0];
- if(!count($this->_d[$priority]))
- unset($this->_d[$priority]);
- $this->_c--;
- $this->_fd=null;
- return $value;
- }
- public function clear()
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- $d=array_reverse($this->_d,true);
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) {
- for($index=count($items)-1;$index>=0;$index--)
- $this->removeAtIndexInPriority($index,$priority);
- unset($this->_d[$priority]);
- }
- }
- public function contains($item)
- {
- return $this->indexOf($item)>=0;
- }
- public function indexOf($item)
- {
- if(($index=array_search($item,$this->flattenPriorities(),true))===false)
- return -1;
- else
- return $index;
- }
- public function priorityOf($item,$withindex = false)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $absindex = 0;
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) {
- if(($index=array_search($item,$items,true))!==false) {
- $absindex+=$index;
- return $withindex?array($priority,$index,$absindex,
- 'priority'=>$priority,'index'=>$index,'absindex'=>$absindex):$priority;
- } else
- $absindex+=count($items);
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function priorityAt($index,$withindex = false)
- {
- if($index<0||$index>=$this->getCount())
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_index_invalid',$index);
- $absindex=$index;
- $this->sortPriorities();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) {
- if($index>=($c=count($items)))
- $index-=$c;
- else
- return $withindex?array($priority,$index,$absindex,
- 'priority'=>$priority,'index'=>$index,'absindex'=>$absindex):$priority;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function insertBefore($indexitem, $item)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if(($priority=$this->priorityOf($indexitem,true))===false)
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_item_inexistent');
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$priority[1],$priority[0]);
- return $priority[2];
- }
- public function insertAfter($indexitem, $item)
- {
- if($this->getReadOnly())
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('list_readonly',get_class($this));
- if(($priority=$this->priorityOf($indexitem,true))===false)
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('list_item_inexistent');
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$priority[1]+1,$priority[0]);
- return $priority[2]+1;
- }
- public function toArray()
- {
- return $this->flattenPriorities();
- }
- public function toPriorityArray()
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- return $this->_d;
- }
- public function toArrayBelowPriority($priority,$inclusive=false)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $items=array();
- foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority)
- {
- if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority>=$priority)||$itemspriority>$priority)
- break;
- $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority);
- }
- return $items;
- }
- public function toArrayAbovePriority($priority,$inclusive=true)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $items=array();
- foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority)
- {
- if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority<=$priority)||$itemspriority<$priority)
- continue;
- $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority);
- }
- return $items;
- }
- public function copyFrom($data)
- {
- if($data instanceof TPriorityList)
- {
- if($this->getCount()>0)
- $this->clear();
- foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority)
- {
- foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $index=>$item)
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$index,$priority);
- }
- } else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof Traversable) {
- if($this->getCount()>0)
- $this->clear();
- foreach($data as $key=>$item)
- $this->add($item);
- } else if($data!==null)
- throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable');
- }
- public function mergeWith($data)
- {
- if($data instanceof TPriorityList)
- {
- foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority)
- {
- foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $index=>$item)
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,false,$priority);
- }
- }
- else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof Traversable)
- {
- foreach($data as $priority=>$item)
- $this->add($item);
- }
- else if($data!==null)
- throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable');
- }
- public function offsetExists($offset)
- {
- return ($offset>=0&&$offset<$this->getCount());
- }
- public function offsetGet($offset)
- {
- return $this->itemAt($offset);
- }
- public function offsetSet($offset,$item)
- {
- if($offset===null)
- return $this->add($item);
- if($offset===$this->getCount()) {
- $priority=$this->priorityAt($offset-1,true);
- $priority[1]++;
- } else {
- $priority=$this->priorityAt($offset,true);
- $this->removeAtIndexInPriority($priority[1],$priority[0]);
- }
- $this->insertAtIndexInPriority($item,$priority[1],$priority[0]);
- }
- public function offsetUnset($offset)
- {
- $this->removeAt($offset);
- }
class TMap extends TComponent implements IteratorAggregate,ArrayAccess,Countable
private $_d=array();
@@ -1763,310 +1393,6 @@ class TMapIterator implements Iterator
return $this->_key!==false;
-class TPriorityMap extends TMap
- private $_d=array();
- private $_r=false;
- private $_o=false;
- private $_fd=null;
- private $_c=0;
- private $_dp=10;
- private $_p=8;
- public function __construct($data=null,$readOnly=false,$defaultPriority=10,$precision=8)
- {
- if($data!==null)
- $this->copyFrom($data);
- $this->setReadOnly($readOnly);
- $this->setPrecision($precision);
- $this->setDefaultPriority($defaultPriority);
- }
- public function getReadOnly()
- {
- return $this->_r;
- }
- protected function setReadOnly($value)
- {
- $this->_r=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
- }
- public function getDefaultPriority()
- {
- return $this->_dp;
- }
- protected function setDefaultPriority($value)
- {
- $this->_dp = (string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value), $this->_p);
- }
- public function getPrecision()
- {
- return $this->_p;
- }
- protected function setPrecision($value)
- {
- $this->_p=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value);
- }
- public function getIterator()
- {
- return new ArrayIterator($this->flattenPriorities());
- }
- protected function sortPriorities() {
- if(!$this->_o) {
- ksort($this->_d, SORT_NUMERIC);
- $this->_o=true;
- }
- }
- protected function flattenPriorities() {
- if(is_array($this->_fd))
- return $this->_fd;
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $this->_fd = array();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority => $itemsatpriority)
- $this->_fd = array_merge($this->_fd, $itemsatpriority);
- return $this->_fd;
- }
- public function count()
- {
- return $this->getCount();
- }
- public function getCount()
- {
- return $this->_c;
- }
- public function getPriorityCount($priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if(!isset($this->_d[$priority])||!is_array($this->_d[$priority]))
- return false;
- return count($this->_d[$priority]);
- }
- public function getPriorities()
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- return array_keys($this->_d);
- }
- public function getKeys()
- {
- return array_keys($this->flattenPriorities());
- }
- public function itemAt($key,$priority=false)
- {
- if($priority===false){
- $map=$this->flattenPriorities();
- return isset($map[$key])?$map[$key]:null;
- } else {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- return (isset($this->_d[$priority])&&isset($this->_d[$priority][$key]))?$this->_d[$priority][$key]:null;
- }
- }
- public function setPriorityAt($key,$priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- $oldpriority=$this->priorityAt($key);
- if($oldpriority!==false&&$oldpriority!=$priority) {
- $value=$this->remove($key,$oldpriority);
- $this->add($key,$value,$priority);
- }
- return $oldpriority;
- }
- public function itemsAtPriority($priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- return isset($this->_d[$priority])?$this->_d[$priority]:null;
- }
- public function priorityOf($item)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items)
- if(($index=array_search($item,$items,true))!==false)
- return $priority;
- return false;
- }
- public function priorityAt($key)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items)
- if(array_key_exists($key,$items))
- return $priority;
- return false;
- }
- public function add($key,$value,$priority=null)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if(!$this->_r)
- {
- foreach($this->_d as $innerpriority=>$items)
- if(array_key_exists($key,$items))
- {
- unset($this->_d[$innerpriority][$key]);
- $this->_c--;
- if(count($this->_d[$innerpriority])===0)
- unset($this->_d[$innerpriority]);
- }
- if(!isset($this->_d[$priority])) {
- $this->_d[$priority]=array($key=>$value);
- $this->_o=false;
- }
- else
- $this->_d[$priority][$key]=$value;
- $this->_c++;
- $this->_fd=null;
- }
- else
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('map_readonly',get_class($this));
- return $priority;
- }
- public function remove($key,$priority=false)
- {
- if(!$this->_r)
- {
- if($priority===null)
- $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority();
- if($priority===false)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items)
- if(array_key_exists($key,$items))
- {
- $value=$this->_d[$priority][$key];
- unset($this->_d[$priority][$key]);
- $this->_c--;
- if(count($this->_d[$priority])===0)
- {
- unset($this->_d[$priority]);
- $this->_o=false;
- }
- $this->_fd=null;
- return $value;
- }
- return null;
- }
- else
- {
- $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p);
- if(isset($this->_d[$priority])&&(isset($this->_d[$priority][$key])||array_key_exists($key,$this->_d[$priority])))
- {
- $value=$this->_d[$priority][$key];
- unset($this->_d[$priority][$key]);
- $this->_c--;
- if(count($this->_d[$priority])===0) {
- unset($this->_d[$priority]);
- $this->_o=false;
- }
- $this->_fd=null;
- return $value;
- }
- else
- return null;
- }
- }
- else
- throw new TInvalidOperationException('map_readonly',get_class($this));
- }
- public function clear()
- {
- foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items)
- foreach(array_keys($items) as $key)
- $this->remove($key);
- }
- public function contains($key)
- {
- $map=$this->flattenPriorities();
- return isset($map[$key])||array_key_exists($key,$map);
- }
- public function toArray()
- {
- return $this->flattenPriorities();
- }
- public function toArrayBelowPriority($priority,$inclusive=false)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $items=array();
- foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority)
- {
- if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority>=$priority)||$itemspriority>$priority)
- break;
- $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority);
- }
- return $items;
- }
- public function toArrayAbovePriority($priority,$inclusive=true)
- {
- $this->sortPriorities();
- $items=array();
- foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority)
- {
- if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority<=$priority)||$itemspriority<$priority)
- continue;
- $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority);
- }
- return $items;
- }
- public function copyFrom($data)
- {
- if($data instanceof TPriorityMap)
- {
- if($this->getCount()>0)
- $this->clear();
- foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority) {
- foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $key => $value) {
- $this->add($key,$value,$priority);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof Traversable)
- {
- if($this->getCount()>0)
- $this->clear();
- foreach($data as $key=>$value)
- $this->add($key,$value);
- }
- else if($data!==null)
- throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable');
- }
- public function mergeWith($data)
- {
- if($data instanceof TPriorityMap)
- {
- foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority)
- {
- foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $key => $value)
- $this->add($key,$value,$priority);
- }
- }
- else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof Traversable)
- {
- foreach($data as $key=>$value)
- $this->add($key,$value);
- }
- else if($data!==null)
- throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable');
- }
- public function offsetExists($offset)
- {
- return $this->contains($offset);
- }
- public function offsetGet($offset)
- {
- return $this->itemAt($offset);
- }
- public function offsetSet($offset,$item)
- {
- $this->add($offset,$item);
- }
- public function offsetUnset($offset)
- {
- $this->remove($offset);
- }
class TStack extends TComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Countable
private $_d=array();
@@ -2899,13 +2225,13 @@ class TJavaScript
($g=Prado::getApplication()->getGlobalization(false))!==null &&
$value=iconv($enc, 'UTF-8', $value);
- $s = json_encode($value,$options);
+ $s = @json_encode($value,$options);
return $s;
public static function jsonDecode($value, $assoc = false, $depth = 512)
- $s= json_decode($value, $assoc, $depth);
+ $s= @json_decode($value, $assoc, $depth);
return $s;
@@ -2980,16 +2306,23 @@ class TUrlManager extends TModule
- if($request->getUrlFormat()===THttpRequestUrlFormat::Path)
- return $request->getApplicationUrl().'/'.strtr($url,array($amp=>'/','?'=>'/','='=>$request->getUrlParamSeparator()));
- else
- return $request->getApplicationUrl().'?'.$url;
+ switch($request->getUrlFormat())
+ {
+ case THttpRequestUrlFormat::Path:
+ return $request->getApplicationUrl().'/'.strtr($url,array($amp=>'/','?'=>'/','='=>$request->getUrlParamSeparator()));
+ case THttpRequestUrlFormat::HiddenPath:
+ return rtrim(dirname($request->getApplicationUrl()), '/').'/'.strtr($url,array($amp=>'/','?'=>'/','='=>$request->getUrlParamSeparator()));
+ default:
+ return $request->getApplicationUrl().'?'.$url;
+ }
public function parseUrl()
- if($request->getUrlFormat()===THttpRequestUrlFormat::Path && $pathInfo!=='')
+ if(($request->getUrlFormat()===THttpRequestUrlFormat::Path ||
+ $request->getUrlFormat()===THttpRequestUrlFormat::HiddenPath) &&
+ $pathInfo!=='')
@@ -3035,6 +2368,7 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
private $_requestResolved=false;
private $_enableCookieValidation=false;
private $_cgiFix=0;
+ private $_enableCache=false;
private $_url=null;
private $_id;
private $_items=array();
@@ -3048,19 +2382,6 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
public function init($config)
- if(empty($this->_urlManagerID))
- {
- $this->_urlManager=new TUrlManager;
- $this->_urlManager->init(null);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->_urlManager=$this->getApplication()->getModule($this->_urlManagerID);
- if($this->_urlManager===null)
- throw new TConfigurationException('httprequest_urlmanager_inexist',$this->_urlManagerID);
- if(!($this->_urlManager instanceof TUrlManager))
- throw new TConfigurationException('httprequest_urlmanager_invalid',$this->_urlManagerID);
- }
@@ -3117,6 +2438,51 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
return $this->_url;
+ public function setEnableCache($value)
+ {
+ $this->_enableCache = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
+ }
+ public function getEnableCache()
+ {
+ return $this->_enableCache;
+ }
+ protected function getCacheKey()
+ {
+ return $this->getID();
+ }
+ protected function cacheUrlManager($manager)
+ {
+ if($this->getEnableCache())
+ {
+ $cache = $this->getApplication()->getCache();
+ if($cache !== null)
+ {
+ $dependencies = null;
+ if($this->getApplication()->getMode() !== TApplicationMode::Performance)
+ if ($manager instanceof TUrlMapping && $fn = $manager->getConfigFile())
+ {
+ $fn = Prado::getPathOfNamespace($fn,$this->getApplication()->getConfigurationFileExt());
+ $dependencies = new TFileCacheDependency($fn);
+ }
+ return $cache->set($this->getCacheKey(), $manager, 0, $dependencies);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function loadCachedUrlManager()
+ {
+ if($this->getEnableCache())
+ {
+ $cache = $this->getApplication()->getCache();
+ if($cache !== null)
+ {
+ $manager = $cache->get($this->getCacheKey());
+ if($manager instanceof TUrlManager)
+ return $manager;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public function getUrlManager()
return $this->_urlManagerID;
@@ -3127,6 +2493,26 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
public function getUrlManagerModule()
+ if($this->_urlManager===null)
+ {
+ if(($this->_urlManager = $this->loadCachedUrlManager())===null)
+ {
+ if(empty($this->_urlManagerID))
+ {
+ $this->_urlManager=new TUrlManager;
+ $this->_urlManager->init(null);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->_urlManager=$this->getApplication()->getModule($this->_urlManagerID);
+ if($this->_urlManager===null)
+ throw new TConfigurationException('httprequest_urlmanager_inexist',$this->_urlManagerID);
+ if(!($this->_urlManager instanceof TUrlManager))
+ throw new TConfigurationException('httprequest_urlmanager_invalid',$this->_urlManagerID);
+ }
+ $this->cacheUrlManager($this->_urlManager);
+ }
+ }
return $this->_urlManager;
public function getUrlFormat()
@@ -3317,7 +2703,7 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
if ($this->_cookieOnly===null)
$this->_cookieOnly=(int)ini_get('session.use_cookies') && (int)ini_get('session.use_only_cookies');
- $url=$this->_urlManager->constructUrl($serviceID,$serviceParam,$getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems);
+ $url=$this->getUrlManagerModule()->constructUrl($serviceID,$serviceParam,$getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems);
if(defined('SID') && SID != '' && !$this->_cookieOnly)
return $url . (strpos($url,'?')===false? '?' : ($encodeAmpersand?'&amp;':'&')) . SID;
@@ -3325,7 +2711,7 @@ class THttpRequest extends TApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,Ar
protected function parseUrl()
- return $this->_urlManager->parseUrl();
+ return $this->getUrlManagerModule()->parseUrl();
public function resolveRequest($serviceIDs)
@@ -3622,6 +3008,7 @@ class THttpRequestUrlFormat extends TEnumerable
const Get='Get';
const Path='Path';
+ const HiddenPath='HiddenPath';
class THttpResponseAdapter extends TApplicationComponent
@@ -7049,7 +6436,14 @@ class TClientScriptManager extends TApplicationComponent
public function getStyleSheetUrls()
- $stylesheets = array_values(array_merge($this->_styleSheetFiles, $this->_styleSheets));
+ $stylesheets = array_values(
+ array_merge(
+ array_map(
+ create_function('$e', 'return is_array($e) ? $e[0] : $e;'),
+ $this->_styleSheetFiles),
+ $this->_styleSheets
+ )
+ );
foreach(Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager()->getPublished() as $path=>$url)
if (substr($url,strlen($url)-4)=='.css')
$stylesheets[] = $url;
@@ -7250,10 +6644,6 @@ class TClientScriptManager extends TApplicationComponent
abstract class TClientSideOptions extends TComponent
private $_options;
- public function __construct()
- {
- $this->_options = Prado::createComponent('System.Collections.TMap');
- }
protected function setFunction($name, $code)
@@ -7262,14 +6652,19 @@ abstract class TClientSideOptions extends TComponent
protected function getOption($name)
- return $this->_options->itemAt($name);
+ if ($this->_options)
+ return $this->_options->itemAt($name);
+ else
+ return null;
protected function setOption($name, $value)
- $this->_options->add($name, $value);
+ $this->getOptions()->add($name, $value);
public function getOptions()
+ if (!$this->_options)
+ $this->_options = Prado::createComponent('System.Collections.TMap');
return $this->_options;
protected function ensureFunction($javascript)
@@ -8632,7 +8027,7 @@ class TTemplate extends TApplicationComponent implements ITemplate
else if($str[2]==='~')
else if($str[2]==='/')
- $tpl[$c++]=array($container,array(TCompositeLiteral::TYPE_EXPRESSION,"dirname(\$this->getApplication()->getRequest()->getApplicationUrl()).'/$literal'"));
+ $tpl[$c++]=array($container,array(TCompositeLiteral::TYPE_EXPRESSION,"rtrim(dirname(\$this->getApplication()->getRequest()->getApplicationUrl()), '/').'/$literal'"));
else if($str[2]==='[')
@@ -8849,7 +8244,7 @@ class TTemplate extends TApplicationComponent implements ITemplate
return array(self::CONFIG_PARAMETER,trim(substr($value,3,strlen($value)-5)));
elseif($value[2]==='/') {
$literal = trim(substr($value,3,strlen($value)-5));
- return array(self::CONFIG_EXPRESSION,"dirname(\$this->getApplication()->getRequest()->getApplicationUrl()).'/$literal'");
+ return array(self::CONFIG_EXPRESSION,"rtrim(dirname(\$this->getApplication()->getRequest()->getApplicationUrl()), '/').'/$literal'");
@@ -10133,6 +9528,7 @@ class TApplication extends TComponent
private $_services;
private $_service;
private $_modules=array();
+ private $_lazyModules=array();
private $_parameters;
private $_configFile;
private $_configFileExt;
@@ -10365,7 +9761,7 @@ class TApplication extends TComponent
- public function setModule($id,IModule $module)
+ public function setModule($id,IModule $module=null)
throw new TConfigurationException('application_moduleid_duplicated',$id);
@@ -10374,7 +9770,14 @@ class TApplication extends TComponent
public function getModule($id)
- return isset($this->_modules[$id])?$this->_modules[$id]:null;
+ if(!array_key_exists($id, $this->_modules))
+ return null;
+ if($this->_modules[$id]===null)
+ {
+ $module = $this->internalLoadModule($id, true);
+ $module[0]->init($module[1]);
+ }
+ return $this->_modules[$id];
public function getModules()
@@ -10514,6 +9917,24 @@ class TApplication extends TComponent
return 'TApplicationConfiguration';
+ protected function internalLoadModule($id, $force=false)
+ {
+ list($moduleClass, $initProperties, $configElement)=$this->_lazyModules[$id];
+ if(isset($initProperties['lazy']) && $initProperties['lazy'] && !$force)
+ {
+ $this->setModule($id, null);
+ return null;
+ }
+ $module=Prado::createComponent($moduleClass);
+ foreach($initProperties as $name=>$value)
+ {
+ if($name==='lazy') continue;
+ $module->setSubProperty($name,$value);
+ }
+ $this->setModule($id,$module);
+ $this->_lazyModules[$id]=null;
+ return array($module,$configElement);
+ }
public function applyConfiguration($config,$withinService=false)
@@ -10544,17 +9965,11 @@ class TApplication extends TComponent
foreach($config->getModules() as $id=>$moduleConfig)
- list($moduleClass, $initProperties, $configElement)=$moduleConfig;
- $module=Prado::createComponent($moduleClass);
- {
- $id='_module'.count($this->_modules);
- $initProperties['id']=$id;
- }
- $this->setModule($id,$module);
- foreach($initProperties as $name=>$value)
- $module->setSubProperty($name,$value);
- $modules[]=array($module,$configElement);
+ $id='_module'.count($this->_lazyModules);
+ $this->_lazyModules[$id]=$moduleConfig;
+ if($module = $this->internalLoadModule($id))
+ $modules[]=$module;
foreach($modules as $module)