path: root/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html
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authorwei <>2006-07-05 07:35:50 +0000
committerwei <>2006-07-05 07:35:50 +0000
commitb6dfb6c447cf502e694d299dbda1b2e092c3312d (patch)
treeb1bbd0abf857cca4b297d575942efa60edd12480 /test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html
parentb5c7c7b77d33aa3e04ed6c16a489a2076a30f57a (diff)
move tests to test_tools
Diffstat (limited to 'test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html b/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..51f604be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/web_tester_documentation.html
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+<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Simple Test for PHP web script testing documentation</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css" title="Styles">
+<div class="menu_back">
+<div class="menu">
+<a href="index.html">SimpleTest</a>
+<a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
+<a href="unit_test_documentation.html">Unit tester</a>
+<a href="group_test_documentation.html">Group tests</a>
+<a href="server_stubs_documentation.html">Server stubs</a>
+<a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
+<a href="partial_mocks_documentation.html">Partial mocks</a>
+<a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
+<a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
+<span class="chosen">Web tester</span>
+<a href="form_testing_documentation.html">Testing forms</a>
+<a href="authentication_documentation.html">Authentication</a>
+<a href="browser_documentation.html">Scriptable browser</a>
+<h1>Web tester documentation</h1>
+<div class="content">
+ <p>
+<a class="target" name="fetch">
+<h2>Fetching a page</h2>
+ <p>
+ Testing classes is all very well, but PHP is predominately
+ a language for creating functionality within web pages.
+ How do we test the front end presentation role of our PHP
+ applications?
+ Well the web pages are just text, so we should be able to
+ examine them just like any other test data.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This leads to a tricky issue.
+ If we test at too low a level, testing for matching tags
+ in the page with pattern matching for example, our tests will
+ be brittle.
+ The slightest change in layout could break a large number of
+ tests.
+ If we test at too high a level, say using mock versions of a
+ template engine, then we lose the ability to automate some classes
+ of test.
+ For example, the interaction of forms and navigation will
+ have to be tested manually.
+ These types of test are extremely repetitive and error prone.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ SimpleTest includes a special form of test case for the testing
+ of web page actions.
+ The <span class="new_code">WebTestCase</span> includes facilities
+ for navigation, content and cookie checks and form handling.
+ Usage of these test cases is similar to the
+ <a href="unit_tester_documentation.html">UnitTestCase</a>...
+<strong>class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ Here we are about to test the
+ <a href="http://www/">Last Craft</a> site itself.
+ If this test case is in a file called <em>lastcraft_test.php</em>
+ then it can be loaded in a runner script just like unit tests...
+ require_once('simpletest/web_tester.php');</strong>
+ require_once('simpletest/reporter.php');
+ $test = &amp;new GroupTest('Web site tests');<strong>
+ $test-&gt;addTestFile('lastcraft_test.php');</strong>
+ exit ($test-&gt;run(new TextReporter()) ? 0 : 1);
+ I am using the text reporter here to more clearly
+ distinguish the web content from the test output.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Nothing is being tested yet.
+ We can fetch the home page by using the
+ <span class="new_code">get()</span> method...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ <strong>
+ function testHomepage() {
+ $this-&gt;assertTrue($this-&gt;get(''));
+ }</strong>
+ The <span class="new_code">get()</span> method will
+ return true only if page content was successfully
+ loaded.
+ It is a simple, but crude way to check that a web page
+ was actually delivered by the web server.
+ However that content may be a 404 response and yet
+ our <span class="new_code">get()</span> method will still return true.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Assuming that the web server for the Last Craft site is up
+ (sadly not always the case), we should see...
+<pre class="shell">
+Web site tests
+Test cases run: 1/1, Failures: 0, Exceptions: 0
+ All we have really checked is that any kind of page was
+ returned.
+ We don't yet know if it was the right one.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+<a class="target" name="content">
+<h2>Testing page content</h2>
+ <p>
+ To confirm that the page we think we are on is actually the
+ page we are on, we need to verify the page content.
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ function testHomepage() {<strong>
+ $this-&gt;get('');
+ $this-&gt;assertWantedPattern('/why the last craft/i');</strong>
+ }
+ The page from the last fetch is held in a buffer in
+ the test case, so there is no need to refer to it directly.
+ The pattern match is always made against the buffer.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Here is the list of possible content assertions...
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertTitle($title)</span></td><td>Pass if title is an exact match</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertWantedPattern($pattern)</span></td><td>A Perl pattern match against the page content</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoUnwantedPattern($pattern)</span></td><td>A Perl pattern match to not find content</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertWantedText($text)</span></td><td>Pass if matches visible and "alt" text</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoUnwantedText($text)</span></td><td>Pass if doesn't match visible and "alt" text</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertLink($label)</span></td><td>Pass if a link with this text is present</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoLink($label)</span></td><td>Pass if no link with this text is present</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertLinkById($id)</span></td><td>Pass if a link with this id attribute is present</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoLinkById($id)</span></td><td>Pass if no link with this id attribute is present</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertField($name, $value)</span></td><td>Pass if an input tag with this name has this value</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertFieldById($id, $value)</span></td><td>Pass if an input tag with this id has this value</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertResponse($codes)</span></td><td>Pass if HTTP response matches this list</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertMime($types)</span></td><td>Pass if MIME type is in this list</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertAuthentication($protocol)</span></td><td>Pass if the current challenge is this protocol</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoAuthentication()</span></td><td>Pass if there is no current challenge</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertRealm($name)</span></td><td>Pass if the current challenge realm matches</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertHeader($header, $content)</span></td><td>Pass if a header was fetched matching this value</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoUnwantedHeader($header)</span></td><td>Pass if a header was not fetched</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertHeaderPattern($header, $pattern)</span></td><td>Pass if a header was fetched matching this Perl regex</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertCookie($name, $value)</span></td><td>Pass if there is currently a matching cookie</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">assertNoCookie($name)</span></td><td>Pass if there is currently no cookie of this name</td>
+ </tbody>
+ As usual with the SimpleTest assertions, they all return
+ false on failure and true on pass.
+ They also allow an optional test message and you can embed
+ the original test message inside using "%s" inside
+ your custom message.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ So now we could instead test against the title tag with...
+<strong>$this-&gt;assertTitle('The Last Craft? Web developer tutorials on PHP, Extreme programming and Object Oriented development');</strong>
+ As well as the simple HTML content checks we can check
+ that the MIME type is in a list of allowed types with...
+<strong>$this-&gt;assertMime(array('text/plain', 'text/html'));</strong>
+ More interesting is checking the HTTP response code.
+ Like the MIME type, we can assert that the response code
+ is in a list of allowed values...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ function testRedirects() {
+ $this-&gt;get('');
+ $this-&gt;assertResponse(200);&lt;/strong&gt;
+ }
+ Here we are checking that the fetch is successful by
+ allowing only a 200 HTTP response.
+ This test will pass, but it is not actually correct to do so.
+ There is no page, instead the server issues a redirect.
+ The <span class="new_code">WebTestCase</span> will
+ automatically follow up to three such redirects.
+ The tests are more robust this way and we are usually
+ interested in the interaction with the pages rather
+ than their delivery.
+ If the redirects are of interest then this ability must
+ be disabled...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ function testHomepage() {<strong>
+ $this-&gt;setMaximumRedirects(0);</strong>
+ $this-&gt;get('');
+ $this-&gt;assertResponse(200);
+ }
+ The assertion now fails as expected...
+<pre class="shell">
+Web site tests
+1) Expecting response in [200] got [302]
+ in testhomepage
+ in testoflastcraft
+ in lastcraft_test.php
+Test cases run: 1/1, Failures: 1, Exceptions: 0
+ We can modify the test to correctly assert redirects with...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ function testHomepage() {
+ $this-&gt;setMaximumRedirects(0);
+ $this-&gt;get('');
+ $this-&gt;assertResponse(<strong>array(301, 302, 303, 307)</strong>);
+ }
+ This now passes.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+<a class="target" name="navigation">
+<h2>Navigating a web site</h2>
+ <p>
+ Users don't often navigate sites by typing in URLs, but by
+ clicking links and buttons.
+ Here we confirm that the contact details can be reached
+ from the home page...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testContact() {
+ $this-&gt;get('');<strong>
+ $this-&gt;clickLink('About');
+ $this-&gt;assertTitle('About Last Craft');</strong>
+ }
+ The parameter is the text of the link.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If the target is a button rather than an anchor tag, then
+ <span class="new_code">clickSubmit()</span> should be used
+ with the button title...
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The list of navigation methods is...
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">getUrl()</span></td><td>The current location</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">get($url, $parameters)</span></td><td>Send a GET request with these parameters</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">post($url, $parameters)</span></td><td>Send a POST request with these parameters</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">head($url, $parameters)</span></td><td>Send a HEAD request without replacing the page content</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">retry()</span></td><td>Reload the last request</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">back()</span></td><td>Like the browser back button</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">forward()</span></td><td>Like the browser forward button</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">authenticate($name, $password)</span></td><td>Retry after a challenge</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">restart()</span></td><td>Restarts the browser as if a new session</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">getCookie($name)</span></td><td>Gets the cookie value for the current context</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">ageCookies($interval)</span></td><td>Ages current cookies prior to a restart</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clearFrameFocus()</span></td><td>Go back to treating all frames as one page</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickSubmit($label)</span></td><td>Click the first button with this label</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickSubmitByName($name)</span></td><td>Click the button with this name attribute</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickSubmitById($id)</span></td><td>Click the button with this ID attribute</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickImage($label, $x, $y)</span></td><td>Click an input tag of type image by title or alt text</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickImageByName($name, $x, $y)</span></td><td>Click an input tag of type image by name</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickImageById($id, $x, $y)</span></td><td>Click an input tag of type image by ID attribute</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">submitFormById($id)</span></td><td>Submit a form without the submit value</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickLink($label, $index)</span></td><td>Click an anchor by the visible label text</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">clickLinkById($id)</span></td><td>Click an anchor by the ID attribute</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">getFrameFocus()</span></td><td>The name of the currently selected frame</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">setFrameFocusByIndex($choice)</span></td><td>Focus on a frame counting from 1</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">setFrameFocus($name)</span></td><td>Focus on a frame by name</td>
+ </tbody>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The parameters in the <span class="new_code">get()</span>, <span class="new_code">post()</span> or
+ <span class="new_code">head()</span> methods are optional.
+ The HTTP HEAD fetch does not change the browser context, only loads
+ cookies.
+ This can be useful for when an image or stylesheet sets a cookie
+ for crafty robot blocking.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The <span class="new_code">retry()</span>, <span class="new_code">back()</span> and
+ <span class="new_code">forward()</span> commands work as they would on
+ your web browser.
+ They use the history to retry pages.
+ This can be handy for checking the effect of hitting the
+ back button on your forms.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The frame methods need a little explanation.
+ By default a framed page is treated just like any other.
+ Content will be searced for throughout the entire frameset,
+ so clicking a link will work no matter which frame
+ the anchor tag is in.
+ You can override this behaviour by focusing on a single
+ frame.
+ If you do that, all searches and actions will apply to that
+ frame alone, such as authentication and retries.
+ If a link or button is not in a focused frame then it cannot
+ be clicked.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Testing navigation on fixed pages only tells you when you
+ have broken an entire script.
+ For highly dynamic pages, such as for bulletin boards, this can
+ be crucial for verifying the correctness of the application.
+ For most applications though, the really tricky logic is usually in
+ the handling of forms and sessions.
+ Fortunately SimpleTest includes
+ <a href="form_testing_documentation.html">tools for testing web forms</a>
+ as well.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+<a class="target" name="request">
+<h2>Modifying the request</h2>
+ <p>
+ Although SimpleTest does not have the goal of testing networking
+ problems, it does include some methods to modify and debug
+ the requests it makes.
+ Here is another method list...
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">getTransportError()</span></td><td>The last socket error</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">showRequest()</span></td><td>Dump the outgoing request</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">showHeaders()</span></td><td>Dump the incoming headers</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">showSource()</span></td><td>Dump the raw HTML page content</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">ignoreFrames()</span></td><td>Do not load framesets</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">setCookie($name, $value)</span></td><td>Set a cookie from now on</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">addHeader($header)</span></td><td>Always add this header to the request</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">setMaximumRedirects($max)</span></td><td>Stop after this many redirects</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">setConnectionTimeout($timeout)</span></td><td>Kill the connection after this time between bytes</td>
+ <tr>
+<td><span class="new_code">useProxy($proxy, $name, $password)</span></td><td>Make requests via this proxy URL</td>
+ </tbody>
+ These methods are principally for debugging.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+<div class="copyright">
+ Copyright<br>Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
+ </div>