path: root/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js
index bbc54e9e..fd8a4c91 100644
--- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js
+++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/controls/controls.js
@@ -1,517 +1,517 @@
-Prado.WebUI = Class.create();
-Prado.WebUI.Control = Class.create({
- initialize : function(options)
- {
- this.registered = false;
- this.ID = options.ID;
- this.element = $(this.ID);
- this.observers = new Array();
- this.intervals = new Array();
- var e;
- if (e = Prado.Registry.get(this.ID))
- this.replace(e, options);
- else
- this.register(options);
- if (this === Prado.Registry.get(this.ID))
- {
- this.registered = true;
- if(this.onInit)
- this.onInit(options);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Registers the control wrapper in the Prado client side control registry
- * @param array control wrapper options
- */
- register : function(options)
- {
- return Prado.Registry.set(options.ID, this);
- },
- /**
- * De-registers the control wrapper in the Prado client side control registry
- */
- deregister : function()
- {
- // extra check so we don't ever deregister another wrapper
- if (Prado.Registry.get(this.ID)===this)
- return Prado.Registry.unset(this.ID);
- else
- debugger; // invoke debugger - this should never happen
- },
- /**
- * Replaces and control wrapper for an already existing control in the Prado client side control registry
- * @param object reference to the old wrapper
- * @param array control wrapper options
- */
- replace : function(oldwrapper, options)
- {
- // if there's some advanced state management in the wrapper going on, then
- // this method could be used either to copy the current state of the control
- // from the old wrapper to this new one (which then could live on, while the old
- // one could get destroyed), or to copy the new, changed options to the old wrapper,
- // (which could then left intact to keep working, while this new wrapper could be
- // disposed of by exiting its initialization without installing any handlers or
- // leaving any references to it)
- //
- // for now this method is simply deinitializing and deregistering the old wrapper,
- // and then registering the new wrapper for the control id
- if (oldwrapper.deinitialize)
- oldwrapper.deinitialize();
- return this.register(options);
- },
- /**
- * Registers an event observer which will be automatically disposed of when the wrapper
- * is deregistered
- * @param element DOM element reference or id to attach the event handler to
- * @param string event name to observe
- * @param handler event handler function
- */
- observe: function(element, eventName, handler)
- {
- var e = { _element: element, _eventName: eventName, _handler: handler };
- this.observers.push(e);
- return Event.observe(e._element,e._eventName,e._handler);
- },
- /**
- * Checks whether an event observer is installed and returns its index
- * @param element DOM element reference or id the event handler was attached to
- * @param string event name observed
- * @param handler event handler function
- * @result int false if the event handler is not installed, or 1-based index when installed
- */
- findObserver: function(element, eventName, handler)
- {
- var e = { _element: element, _eventName: eventName, _handler: handler };
- var idx = -1;
- for(var i=0;i<this.observers.length;i++)
- {
- var o = this.observers[i];
- if ((o._element===element) && (o._eventName===eventName) && (o._handler===handler))
- {
- idx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return idx;
- },
- /**
- * Degisters an event observer from the list of automatically disposed handlers
- * @param element DOM element reference or id the event handler was attached to
- * @param string event name observed
- * @param handler event handler function
- */
- stopObserving: function(element, eventName, handler)
- {
- var idx = this.findObserver(element,eventName,handler);
- if (idx!=-1)
- this.observers = this.observers.without(this.observers[idx]);
- else
- debugger; // shouldn't happen
- return Event.stopObserving(element,eventName,handler);
- },
- /**
- * Registers a code snippet or function to be executed after a delay, if the
- * wrapper hasn't been destroyed in the meantime
- * @param code function or code snippet to execute
- * @param int number of milliseconds to wait before executing
- * @return int unique ID that can be used to cancel the scheduled execution
- */
- setTimeout: function(func, delay)
- {
- if (!Object.isFunction(func))
- {
- var expr = func;
- func = function() { return eval(expr); }
- };
- var obj = this;
- return window.setTimeout(function() {
- if (!obj.isLingering())
- func();
- obj = null;
- },delay);
- },
- /**
- * Cancels a previously scheduled code snippet or function
- * @param int unique ID returned by setTimeout()
- */
- clearTimeout: function(timeoutid)
- {
- return window.clearTimeout(timeoutid);
- },
- /**
- * Registers a code snippet or function to be executed periodically, up until the
- * wrapper gets destroyed or the schedule cancelled using cancelInterval()
- * @param code function or code snippet to execute
- * @param int number of milliseconds to wait before executing
- * @return int unique ID that can be used to cancel the interval (see clearInterval() method)
- */
- setInterval: function(func, delay)
- {
- if (!Object.isFunction(func)) func = function() { eval(func); };
- var obj = this;
- var h = window.setInterval(function() {
- if (!obj.isLingering())
- func();
- },delay);
- this.intervals.push(h);
- return h;
- },
- /**
- * Deregisters a snipper or function previously registered with setInterval()
- * @param int unique ID of interval (returned by setInterval() previously)
- */
- clearInterval: function(intervalid)
- {
- window.clearInterval(intervalid);
- this.intervals = this.intervals.without(intervalid);
- },
- /**
- * Tells whether this is a wrapper that has already been deregistered and is lingering
- * @return bool true if object
- */
- isLingering: function()
- {
- return !this.registered;
- },
- /**
- * Deinitializes the control wrapper by calling the onDone method and the deregistering it
- * @param array control wrapper options
- */
- deinitialize : function()
- {
- if (this.registered)
- {
- if(this.onDone)
- this.onDone();
- // automatically stop all intervals
- while (this.intervals.length>0)
- window.clearInterval(this.intervals.pop());
- // automatically deregister all installed observers
- while (this.observers.length>0)
- {
- var e = this.observers.pop();
- Event.stopObserving(e._element,e._eventName,e._handler);
- }
- }
- else
- debugger; // shouldn't happen
- this.deregister();
- this.registered = false;
- }
-Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control, {
- onInit : function(options)
- {
- this._elementOnClick = null;
- if (!this.element)
- debugger; // element not found
- else
- {
- //capture the element's onclick function
- if(typeof(this.element.onclick)=="function")
- {
- this._elementOnClick = this.element.onclick.bind(this.element);
- this.element.onclick = null;
- }
- this.observe(this.element, "click", this.elementClicked.bindEvent(this,options));
- }
- },
- elementClicked : function(event, options)
- {
- var src = Event.element(event);
- var doPostBack = true;
- var onclicked = null;
- if(this._elementOnClick)
- {
- var onclicked = this._elementOnClick(event);
- if(typeof(onclicked) == "boolean")
- doPostBack = onclicked;
- }
- if(doPostBack && !Prado.Element.isDisabled(src))
- this.onPostBack(event,options);
- if(typeof(onclicked) == "boolean" && !onclicked)
- Event.stop(event);
- },
- onPostBack : function(event, options)
- {
- Prado.PostBack(event,options);
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
-Prado.WebUI.TLinkButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
-Prado.WebUI.TCheckBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
-Prado.WebUI.TBulletedList = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
-Prado.WebUI.TImageMap = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
- * TImageButton client-side behaviour. With validation, Firefox needs
- * to capture the x,y point of the clicked image in hidden form fields.
- */
-Prado.WebUI.TImageButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
- /**
- * Override parent onPostBack function, tried to add hidden forms
- * inputs to capture x,y clicked point.
- */
- onPostBack : function(event, options)
- {
- this.addXYInput(event,options);
- Prado.PostBack(event, options);
- this.removeXYInput(event,options);
- },
- /**
- * Add hidden inputs to capture the x,y point clicked on the image.
- * @param event DOM click event.
- * @param array image button options.
- */
- addXYInput : function(event,options)
- {
- var imagePos = this.element.cumulativeOffset();
- var clickedPos = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
- var x = clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1;
- var y = clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1;
- x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
- y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
- var id = options['EventTarget'];
- var x_input = $(id+"_x");
- var y_input = $(id+"_y");
- if(x_input)
- {
- x_input.value = x;
- }
- else
- {
- x_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_x','id':id+'_x',value:x});
- this.element.parentNode.appendChild(x_input);
- }
- if(y_input)
- {
- y_input.value = y;
- }
- else
- {
- y_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_y','id':id+'_y',value:y});
- this.element.parentNode.appendChild(y_input);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Remove hidden inputs for x,y-click capturing
- * @param event DOM click event.
- * @param array image button options.
- */
- removeXYInput : function(event,options)
- {
- var id = options['EventTarget'];
- this.element.parentNode.removeChild($(id+"_x"));
- this.element.parentNode.removeChild($(id+"_y"));
- }
- * Radio button, only initialize if not already checked.
- */
-Prado.WebUI.TRadioButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
- initialize : function($super, options)
- {
- this.element = $(options['ID']);
- if(this.element)
- {
- if(!this.element.checked)
- $super(options);
- }
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TTextBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
- onInit : function(options)
- {
- this.options=options;
- if(this.options['TextMode'] != 'MultiLine')
- this.observe(this.element, "keydown", this.handleReturnKey.bind(this));
- if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true)
- this.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options));
- },
- handleReturnKey : function(e)
- {
- if(Event.keyCode(e) == Event.KEY_RETURN)
- {
- var target = Event.element(e);
- if(target)
- {
- if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true)
- {
- Event.fireEvent(target, "change");
- Event.stop(e);
- }
- else
- {
- if(this.options['CausesValidation'] && typeof(Prado.Validation) != "undefined")
- {
- if(!Prado.Validation.validate(this.options['FormID'], this.options['ValidationGroup'], $(this.options['ID'])))
- return Event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TListControl = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
- onInit : function(options)
- {
- this.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options));
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TListBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.TListControl);
-Prado.WebUI.TDropDownList = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.TListControl);
-Prado.WebUI.DefaultButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control,
- onInit : function(options)
- {
- this.options = options;
- this.observe(options['Panel'], 'keydown', this.triggerEvent.bindEvent(this));
- },
- triggerEvent : function(ev, target)
- {
- var enterPressed = Event.keyCode(ev) == Event.KEY_RETURN;
- var isTextArea = Event.element(ev).tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea";
- var isValidButton = Event.element(ev).tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && Event.element(ev).type.toLowerCase() == "submit";
- if(enterPressed && !isTextArea && !isValidButton)
- {
- var defaultButton = $(this.options['Target']);
- if(defaultButton)
- {
- this.triggered = true;
- Event.fireEvent(defaultButton, this.options['Event']);
- Event.stop(ev);
- }
- }
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter = Class.create();
-Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.prototype =
- initialize:function(id)
- {
- if(!window.clipboardData) return;
- var options =
- {
- href : 'javascript:;/'+'/copy code to clipboard',
- onclick : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.copy(this)',
- onmouseover : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.hover(this)',
- onmouseout : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.out(this)'
- }
- var div = DIV({className:'copycode'}, A(options, 'Copy Code'));
- document.write(DIV(null,div).innerHTML);
- }
- copy : function(obj)
- {
- var parent = obj.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
- var text = '';
- for(var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var node = parent.childNodes[i];
- if(node.innerText)
- text += node.innerText == 'Copy Code' ? '' : node.innerText;
- else
- text += node.nodeValue;
- }
- if(text.length > 0)
- window.clipboardData.setData("Text", text);
- },
- hover : function(obj)
- {
- obj.parentNode.className = "copycode copycode_hover";
- },
- out : function(obj)
- {
- obj.parentNode.className = "copycode";
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TCheckBoxList = Base.extend(
- constructor : function(options)
- {
- Prado.Registry.set(options.ListID, this);
- for(var i = 0; i<options.ItemCount; i++)
- {
- var checkBoxOptions = Object.extend(
- {
- ID : options.ListID+"_c"+i,
- EventTarget : options.ListName+"$c"+i
- }, options);
- new Prado.WebUI.TCheckBox(checkBoxOptions);
- }
- }
-Prado.WebUI.TRadioButtonList = Base.extend(
- constructor : function(options)
- {
- Prado.Registry.set(options.ListID, this);
- for(var i = 0; i<options.ItemCount; i++)
- {
- var radioButtonOptions = Object.extend(
- {
- ID : options.ListID+"_c"+i,
- EventTarget : options.ListName+"$c"+i
- }, options);
- new Prado.WebUI.TRadioButton(radioButtonOptions);
- }
- }
+Prado.WebUI = Class.create();
+Prado.WebUI.Control = Class.create({
+ initialize : function(options)
+ {
+ this.registered = false;
+ this.ID = options.ID;
+ this.element = $(this.ID);
+ this.observers = new Array();
+ this.intervals = new Array();
+ var e;
+ if (e = Prado.Registry.get(this.ID))
+ this.replace(e, options);
+ else
+ this.register(options);
+ if (this === Prado.Registry.get(this.ID))
+ {
+ this.registered = true;
+ if(this.onInit)
+ this.onInit(options);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Registers the control wrapper in the Prado client side control registry
+ * @param array control wrapper options
+ */
+ register : function(options)
+ {
+ return Prado.Registry.set(options.ID, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * De-registers the control wrapper in the Prado client side control registry
+ */
+ deregister : function()
+ {
+ // extra check so we don't ever deregister another wrapper
+ if (Prado.Registry.get(this.ID)===this)
+ return Prado.Registry.unset(this.ID);
+ else
+ debugger; // invoke debugger - this should never happen
+ },
+ /**
+ * Replaces and control wrapper for an already existing control in the Prado client side control registry
+ * @param object reference to the old wrapper
+ * @param array control wrapper options
+ */
+ replace : function(oldwrapper, options)
+ {
+ // if there's some advanced state management in the wrapper going on, then
+ // this method could be used either to copy the current state of the control
+ // from the old wrapper to this new one (which then could live on, while the old
+ // one could get destroyed), or to copy the new, changed options to the old wrapper,
+ // (which could then left intact to keep working, while this new wrapper could be
+ // disposed of by exiting its initialization without installing any handlers or
+ // leaving any references to it)
+ //
+ // for now this method is simply deinitializing and deregistering the old wrapper,
+ // and then registering the new wrapper for the control id
+ if (oldwrapper.deinitialize)
+ oldwrapper.deinitialize();
+ return this.register(options);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Registers an event observer which will be automatically disposed of when the wrapper
+ * is deregistered
+ * @param element DOM element reference or id to attach the event handler to
+ * @param string event name to observe
+ * @param handler event handler function
+ */
+ observe: function(element, eventName, handler)
+ {
+ var e = { _element: element, _eventName: eventName, _handler: handler };
+ this.observers.push(e);
+ return Event.observe(e._element,e._eventName,e._handler);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Checks whether an event observer is installed and returns its index
+ * @param element DOM element reference or id the event handler was attached to
+ * @param string event name observed
+ * @param handler event handler function
+ * @result int false if the event handler is not installed, or 1-based index when installed
+ */
+ findObserver: function(element, eventName, handler)
+ {
+ var e = { _element: element, _eventName: eventName, _handler: handler };
+ var idx = -1;
+ for(var i=0;i<this.observers.length;i++)
+ {
+ var o = this.observers[i];
+ if ((o._element===element) && (o._eventName===eventName) && (o._handler===handler))
+ {
+ idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return idx;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Degisters an event observer from the list of automatically disposed handlers
+ * @param element DOM element reference or id the event handler was attached to
+ * @param string event name observed
+ * @param handler event handler function
+ */
+ stopObserving: function(element, eventName, handler)
+ {
+ var idx = this.findObserver(element,eventName,handler);
+ if (idx!=-1)
+ this.observers = this.observers.without(this.observers[idx]);
+ else
+ debugger; // shouldn't happen
+ return Event.stopObserving(element,eventName,handler);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Registers a code snippet or function to be executed after a delay, if the
+ * wrapper hasn't been destroyed in the meantime
+ * @param code function or code snippet to execute
+ * @param int number of milliseconds to wait before executing
+ * @return int unique ID that can be used to cancel the scheduled execution
+ */
+ setTimeout: function(func, delay)
+ {
+ if (!Object.isFunction(func))
+ {
+ var expr = func;
+ func = function() { return eval(expr); }
+ };
+ var obj = this;
+ return window.setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!obj.isLingering())
+ func();
+ obj = null;
+ },delay);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Cancels a previously scheduled code snippet or function
+ * @param int unique ID returned by setTimeout()
+ */
+ clearTimeout: function(timeoutid)
+ {
+ return window.clearTimeout(timeoutid);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Registers a code snippet or function to be executed periodically, up until the
+ * wrapper gets destroyed or the schedule cancelled using cancelInterval()
+ * @param code function or code snippet to execute
+ * @param int number of milliseconds to wait before executing
+ * @return int unique ID that can be used to cancel the interval (see clearInterval() method)
+ */
+ setInterval: function(func, delay)
+ {
+ if (!Object.isFunction(func)) func = function() { eval(func); };
+ var obj = this;
+ var h = window.setInterval(function() {
+ if (!obj.isLingering())
+ func();
+ },delay);
+ this.intervals.push(h);
+ return h;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Deregisters a snipper or function previously registered with setInterval()
+ * @param int unique ID of interval (returned by setInterval() previously)
+ */
+ clearInterval: function(intervalid)
+ {
+ window.clearInterval(intervalid);
+ this.intervals = this.intervals.without(intervalid);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Tells whether this is a wrapper that has already been deregistered and is lingering
+ * @return bool true if object
+ */
+ isLingering: function()
+ {
+ return !this.registered;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Deinitializes the control wrapper by calling the onDone method and the deregistering it
+ * @param array control wrapper options
+ */
+ deinitialize : function()
+ {
+ if (this.registered)
+ {
+ if(this.onDone)
+ this.onDone();
+ // automatically stop all intervals
+ while (this.intervals.length>0)
+ window.clearInterval(this.intervals.pop());
+ // automatically deregister all installed observers
+ while (this.observers.length>0)
+ {
+ var e = this.observers.pop();
+ Event.stopObserving(e._element,e._eventName,e._handler);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ debugger; // shouldn't happen
+ this.deregister();
+ this.registered = false;
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control, {
+ onInit : function(options)
+ {
+ this._elementOnClick = null;
+ if (!this.element)
+ debugger; // element not found
+ else
+ {
+ //capture the element's onclick function
+ if(typeof(this.element.onclick)=="function")
+ {
+ this._elementOnClick = this.element.onclick.bind(this.element);
+ this.element.onclick = null;
+ }
+ this.observe(this.element, "click", this.elementClicked.bindEvent(this,options));
+ }
+ },
+ elementClicked : function(event, options)
+ {
+ var src = Event.element(event);
+ var doPostBack = true;
+ var onclicked = null;
+ if(this._elementOnClick)
+ {
+ var onclicked = this._elementOnClick(event);
+ if(typeof(onclicked) == "boolean")
+ doPostBack = onclicked;
+ }
+ if(doPostBack && !Prado.Element.isDisabled(src))
+ this.onPostBack(event,options);
+ if(typeof(onclicked) == "boolean" && !onclicked)
+ Event.stop(event);
+ },
+ onPostBack : function(event, options)
+ {
+ Prado.PostBack(event,options);
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
+Prado.WebUI.TLinkButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
+Prado.WebUI.TCheckBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
+Prado.WebUI.TBulletedList = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
+Prado.WebUI.TImageMap = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl);
+ * TImageButton client-side behaviour. With validation, Firefox needs
+ * to capture the x,y point of the clicked image in hidden form fields.
+ */
+Prado.WebUI.TImageButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
+ /**
+ * Override parent onPostBack function, tried to add hidden forms
+ * inputs to capture x,y clicked point.
+ */
+ onPostBack : function(event, options)
+ {
+ this.addXYInput(event,options);
+ Prado.PostBack(event, options);
+ this.removeXYInput(event,options);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add hidden inputs to capture the x,y point clicked on the image.
+ * @param event DOM click event.
+ * @param array image button options.
+ */
+ addXYInput : function(event,options)
+ {
+ var imagePos = this.element.cumulativeOffset();
+ var clickedPos = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
+ var x = clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1;
+ var y = clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1;
+ x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
+ y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
+ var id = options['EventTarget'];
+ var x_input = $(id+"_x");
+ var y_input = $(id+"_y");
+ if(x_input)
+ {
+ x_input.value = x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_x','id':id+'_x',value:x});
+ this.element.parentNode.appendChild(x_input);
+ }
+ if(y_input)
+ {
+ y_input.value = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_y','id':id+'_y',value:y});
+ this.element.parentNode.appendChild(y_input);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove hidden inputs for x,y-click capturing
+ * @param event DOM click event.
+ * @param array image button options.
+ */
+ removeXYInput : function(event,options)
+ {
+ var id = options['EventTarget'];
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild($(id+"_x"));
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild($(id+"_y"));
+ }
+ * Radio button, only initialize if not already checked.
+ */
+Prado.WebUI.TRadioButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
+ initialize : function($super, options)
+ {
+ this.element = $(options['ID']);
+ if(this.element)
+ {
+ if(!this.element.checked)
+ $super(options);
+ }
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TTextBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
+ onInit : function(options)
+ {
+ this.options=options;
+ if(this.options['TextMode'] != 'MultiLine')
+ this.observe(this.element, "keydown", this.handleReturnKey.bind(this));
+ if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true)
+ this.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options));
+ },
+ handleReturnKey : function(e)
+ {
+ if(Event.keyCode(e) == Event.KEY_RETURN)
+ {
+ var target = Event.element(e);
+ if(target)
+ {
+ if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true)
+ {
+ Event.fireEvent(target, "change");
+ Event.stop(e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(this.options['CausesValidation'] && typeof(Prado.Validation) != "undefined")
+ {
+ if(!Prado.Validation.validate(this.options['FormID'], this.options['ValidationGroup'], $(this.options['ID'])))
+ return Event.stop(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TListControl = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl,
+ onInit : function(options)
+ {
+ this.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options));
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TListBox = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.TListControl);
+Prado.WebUI.TDropDownList = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.TListControl);
+Prado.WebUI.DefaultButton = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control,
+ onInit : function(options)
+ {
+ this.options = options;
+ this.observe(options['Panel'], 'keydown', this.triggerEvent.bindEvent(this));
+ },
+ triggerEvent : function(ev, target)
+ {
+ var enterPressed = Event.keyCode(ev) == Event.KEY_RETURN;
+ var isTextArea = Event.element(ev).tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea";
+ var isValidButton = Event.element(ev).tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && Event.element(ev).type.toLowerCase() == "submit";
+ if(enterPressed && !isTextArea && !isValidButton)
+ {
+ var defaultButton = $(this.options['Target']);
+ if(defaultButton)
+ {
+ this.triggered = true;
+ Event.fireEvent(defaultButton, this.options['Event']);
+ Event.stop(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter = Class.create();
+Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.prototype =
+ initialize:function(id)
+ {
+ if(!window.clipboardData) return;
+ var options =
+ {
+ href : 'javascript:;/'+'/copy code to clipboard',
+ onclick : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.copy(this)',
+ onmouseover : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.hover(this)',
+ onmouseout : 'Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter.out(this)'
+ }
+ var div = DIV({className:'copycode'}, A(options, 'Copy Code'));
+ document.write(DIV(null,div).innerHTML);
+ }
+ copy : function(obj)
+ {
+ var parent = obj.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+ var text = '';
+ for(var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++)
+ {
+ var node = parent.childNodes[i];
+ if(node.innerText)
+ text += node.innerText == 'Copy Code' ? '' : node.innerText;
+ else
+ text += node.nodeValue;
+ }
+ if(text.length > 0)
+ window.clipboardData.setData("Text", text);
+ },
+ hover : function(obj)
+ {
+ obj.parentNode.className = "copycode copycode_hover";
+ },
+ out : function(obj)
+ {
+ obj.parentNode.className = "copycode";
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TCheckBoxList = Base.extend(
+ constructor : function(options)
+ {
+ Prado.Registry.set(options.ListID, this);
+ for(var i = 0; i<options.ItemCount; i++)
+ {
+ var checkBoxOptions = Object.extend(
+ {
+ ID : options.ListID+"_c"+i,
+ EventTarget : options.ListName+"$c"+i
+ }, options);
+ new Prado.WebUI.TCheckBox(checkBoxOptions);
+ }
+ }
+Prado.WebUI.TRadioButtonList = Base.extend(
+ constructor : function(options)
+ {
+ Prado.Registry.set(options.ListID, this);
+ for(var i = 0; i<options.ItemCount; i++)
+ {
+ var radioButtonOptions = Object.extend(
+ {
+ ID : options.ListID+"_c"+i,
+ EventTarget : options.ListName+"$c"+i
+ }, options);
+ new Prado.WebUI.TRadioButton(radioButtonOptions);
+ }
+ }