path: root/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js')
1 files changed, 789 insertions, 789 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js
index e92904c8..ad7eb019 100644
--- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js
+++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/prado/datepicker/datepicker.js
@@ -1,790 +1,790 @@
-Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control,
- MonthNames : [ "January", "February", "March", "April",
- "May", "June", "July", "August",
- "September", "October", "November", "December"
- ],
- AbbreviatedMonthNames : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
- "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
- ShortWeekDayNames : ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
- Format : "yyyy-MM-dd",
- FirstDayOfWeek : 1, // 0 for sunday
- ClassName : "",
- CalendarStyle : "default",
- FromYear : 2005, UpToYear: 2020,
- onInit : function(options)
- {
- this.options = options || [];
- this.control = $(options.ID);
- this.dateSlot = new Array(42);
- this.weekSlot = new Array(6);
- this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek = 4;
- this.positionMode = 'Bottom';
- Prado.Registry.set(options.ID, this);
- //which element to trigger to show the calendar
- if(this.options.Trigger)
- {
- this.trigger = $(this.options.Trigger) ;
- var triggerEvent = this.options.TriggerEvent || "click";
- }
- else
- {
- this.trigger = this.control;
- var triggerEvent = this.options.TriggerEvent || "focus";
- }
- // Popup position
- if(this.options.PositionMode == 'Top')
- {
- this.positionMode = this.options.PositionMode;
- }
- Object.extend(this,options);
- // generate default date _after_ extending options
- this.selectedDate = this.newDate();
- Event.observe(this.trigger, triggerEvent,;
- // Listen to change event if needed
- if (typeof(this.options.OnDateChanged) == "function")
- {
- if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
- {
- Event.observe(this.control, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
- }
- else
- {
- var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
- var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
- var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
- Event.observe (day, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe (month, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe (year, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
- }
- }
- },
- create : function()
- {
- if(typeof(this._calDiv) != "undefined")
- return;
- var div;
- var table;
- var tbody;
- var tr;
- var td;
- // Create the top-level div element
- this._calDiv = document.createElement("div");
- this._calDiv.className = "TDatePicker_"+this.CalendarStyle+" "+this.ClassName;
- = "none";
- = "absolute"
- // header div
- div = document.createElement("div");
- div.className = "calendarHeader";
- this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
- table = document.createElement("table");
- = 0;
- div.appendChild(table);
- tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
- table.appendChild(tbody);
- tr = document.createElement("tr");
- tbody.appendChild(tr);
- // Previous Month Button
- td = document.createElement("td");
- var previousMonth = document.createElement("input");
- previousMonth.className = "prevMonthButton button";
- previousMonth.type = "button"
- previousMonth.value = "<<";
- td.appendChild(previousMonth);
- tr.appendChild(td);
- //
- // Create the month drop down
- //
- td = document.createElement("td");
- tr.appendChild(td);
- this._monthSelect = document.createElement("select");
- this._monthSelect.className = "months";
- for (var i = 0 ; i < this.MonthNames.length ; i++) {
- var opt = document.createElement("option");
- opt.innerHTML = this.MonthNames[i];
- opt.value = i;
- if (i == this.selectedDate.getMonth()) {
- opt.selected = true;
- }
- this._monthSelect.appendChild(opt);
- }
- td.appendChild(this._monthSelect);
- //
- // Create the year drop down
- //
- td = document.createElement("td");
- td.className = "labelContainer";
- tr.appendChild(td);
- this._yearSelect = document.createElement("select");
- for(var i=this.FromYear; i <= this.UpToYear; ++i) {
- var opt = document.createElement("option");
- opt.innerHTML = i;
- opt.value = i;
- if (i == this.selectedDate.getFullYear()) {
- opt.selected = false;
- }
- this._yearSelect.appendChild(opt);
- }
- td.appendChild(this._yearSelect);
- td = document.createElement("td");
- var nextMonth = document.createElement("input");
- nextMonth.className = "nextMonthButton button";
- nextMonth.type = "button";
- nextMonth.value = ">>";
- td.appendChild(nextMonth);
- tr.appendChild(td);
- // Calendar body
- div = document.createElement("div");
- div.className = "calendarBody";
- this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
- var calendarBody = div;
- // Create the inside of calendar body
- var text;
- table = document.createElement("table");
- table.align="center";
- table.className = "grid";
- div.appendChild(table);
- var thead = document.createElement("thead");
- table.appendChild(thead);
- tr = document.createElement("tr");
- thead.appendChild(tr);
- for(i=0; i < 7; ++i) {
- td = document.createElement("th");
- text = document.createTextNode(this.ShortWeekDayNames[(i+this.FirstDayOfWeek)%7]);
- td.appendChild(text);
- td.className = "weekDayHead";
- tr.appendChild(td);
- }
- // Date grid
- tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
- table.appendChild(tbody);
- for(var week=0; week<6; ++week) {
- tr = document.createElement("tr");
- tbody.appendChild(tr);
- for(var day=0; day<7; ++day) {
- td = document.createElement("td");
- td.className = "calendarDate";
- text = document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(160));
- td.appendChild(text);
- tr.appendChild(td);
- var tmp = new Object();
- tmp.tag = "DATE";
- tmp.value = -1;
- = text;
- this.dateSlot[(week*7)+day] = tmp;
- Event.observe(td, "mouseover", this.hover.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(td, "mouseout", this.hover.bindEvent(this));
- }
- }
- // Calendar Footer
- div = document.createElement("div");
- div.className = "calendarFooter";
- this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
- var todayButton = document.createElement("input");
- todayButton.type="button";
- todayButton.className = "todayButton";
- var today = this.newDate();
- var buttonText = today.SimpleFormat(this.Format,this);
- todayButton.value = buttonText;
- div.appendChild(todayButton);
- if(Prado.Browser().ie)
- {
- this.iePopUp = document.createElement('iframe');
- this.iePopUp.src = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.spacer;
- = "absolute"
- this.iePopUp.scrolling="no"
- this.iePopUp.frameBorder="0"
- this.control.parentNode.appendChild(this.iePopUp);
- }
- this.control.parentNode.appendChild(this._calDiv);
- this.update();
- this.updateHeader();
- this.ieHack(true);
- // IE55+ extension
- previousMonth.hideFocus = true;
- nextMonth.hideFocus = true;
- todayButton.hideFocus = true;
- // end IE55+ extension
- // hook up events
- Event.observe(previousMonth, "click", this.prevMonth.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(nextMonth, "click", this.nextMonth.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(todayButton, "click", this.selectToday.bindEvent(this));
- //Event.observe(clearButton, "click", this.clearSelection.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(this._monthSelect, "change", this.monthSelect.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(this._yearSelect, "change", this.yearSelect.bindEvent(this));
- // ie, opera
- Event.observe(this._calDiv, "mousewheel", this.mouseWheelChange.bindEvent(this));
- // ff
- Event.observe(this._calDiv, "DOMMouseScroll", this.mouseWheelChange.bindEvent(this));
- Event.observe(calendarBody, "click", this.selectDate.bindEvent(this));
- Prado.Element.focus(this.control);
- },
- ieHack : function(cleanup)
- {
- // IE hack
- if(this.iePopUp)
- {
- = "block";
- = (this._calDiv.offsetLeft -1)+ "px";
- = (this._calDiv.offsetTop -1 ) + "px";
- = Math.abs(this._calDiv.offsetWidth -2)+ "px";
- = (this._calDiv.offsetHeight + 1)+ "px";
- if(cleanup) = "none";
- }
- },
- keyPressed : function(ev)
- {
- if(!this.showing) return;
- if (!ev) ev = document.parentWindow.event;
- var kc = ev.keyCode != null ? ev.keyCode : ev.charCode;
- if(kc == Event.KEY_RETURN || kc == Event.KEY_SPACEBAR || kc == Event.KEY_TAB)
- {
- this.setSelectedDate(this.selectedDate);
- Event.stop(ev);
- this.hide();
- }
- if(kc == Event.KEY_ESC)
- {
- Event.stop(ev); this.hide();
- }
- var getDaysPerMonth = function (nMonth, nYear)
- {
- nMonth = (nMonth + 12) % 12;
- var days= [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
- var res = days[nMonth];
- if (nMonth == 1) //feburary, leap years has 29
- res += nYear % 4 == 0 && !(nYear % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
- return res;
- }
- if(kc < 37 || kc > 40) return true;
- var current = this.selectedDate;
- var d = current.valueOf();
- if(kc == Event.KEY_LEFT)
- {
- if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // -1 month
- {
- current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth() - 1,current.getFullYear())) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
- d = current.setMonth( current.getMonth() - 1 );
- }
- else
- d -= 86400000; //-1 day
- }
- else if (kc == Event.KEY_RIGHT)
- {
- if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // +1 month
- {
- current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth() + 1,current.getFullYear())) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
- d = current.setMonth( current.getMonth() + 1 );
- }
- else
- d += 86400000; //+1 day
- }
- else if (kc == Event.KEY_UP)
- {
- if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) //-1 year
- {
- current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth(),current.getFullYear() - 1)) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
- d = current.setFullYear( current.getFullYear() - 1 );
- }
- else
- d -= 604800000; // -7 days
- }
- else if (kc == Event.KEY_DOWN)
- {
- if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // +1 year
- {
- current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth(),current.getFullYear() + 1)) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
- d = current.setFullYear( current.getFullYear() + 1 );
- }
- else
- d += 7 * 24 * 61 * 60 * 1000; // +7 days
- }
- this.setSelectedDate(d);
- Event.stop(ev);
- },
- selectDate : function(ev)
- {
- var el = Event.element(ev);
- while (el.nodeType != 1)
- el = el.parentNode;
- while (el != null && el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td")
- el = el.parentNode;
- // if no td found, return
- if (el == null || el.tagName == null || el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td")
- return;
- var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
- var n = Number(;
- if (isNaN(n) || n <= 0 || n == null)
- return;
- d.setDate(n);
- this.setSelectedDate(d);
- this.hide();
- },
- selectToday : function()
- {
- if(this.selectedDate.toISODate() == this.newDate().toISODate())
- this.hide();
- this.setSelectedDate(this.newDate());
- },
- clearSelection : function()
- {
- this.setSelectedDate(this.newDate());
- this.hide();
- },
- monthSelect : function(ev)
- {
- this.setMonth(Form.Element.getValue(Event.element(ev)));
- },
- yearSelect : function(ev)
- {
- this.setYear(Form.Element.getValue(Event.element(ev)));
- },
- mouseWheelChange : function (event)
- {
- var delta = 0;
- if (!event) event = document.parentWindow.event;
- if (event.wheelDelta) {
- delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
- if (window.opera) delta = -delta;
- } else if (event.detail) { delta = -event.detail/3; }
- var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
- var m = d.getMonth() + Math.round(delta);
- this.setMonth(m,true);
- return false;
- },
- // Respond to change event on the textbox or dropdown list
- // This method raises OnDateChanged event on client side if it has been defined
- onDateChanged : function ()
- {
- if (this.options.OnDateChanged)
- {
- var date;
- if (this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
- {
- date=this.control.value;
- }
- else
- {
- var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control).selectedIndex+1;
- var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control).selectedIndex;
- var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control).value;
- date=new Date(year, month, day, 0,0,0).SimpleFormat(this.Format, this);
- }
- this.options.OnDateChanged(this, date);
- }
- },
- fireChangeEvent: function(element, capped)
- {
- if (capped)
- {
- var obj = this;
- if (typeof(obj.changeeventtimer)!="undefined")
- {
- clearTimeout(obj.changeeventtimer);
- obj.changeeventtimer = null;
- }
- obj.changeeventtimer = setTimeout(
- function() { obj.changeeventtimer = null; Event.fireEvent(element, "change"); },
- 1500
- );
- }
- else
- Event.fireEvent(element, "change");
- },
- onChange : function(ref, date, capevents)
- {
- if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
- {
- this.control.value = this.formatDate();
- this.fireChangeEvent(this.control, capevents);
- }
- else
- {
- var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
- var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
- var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
- var date = this.selectedDate;
- if(day)
- {
- day.selectedIndex = date.getDate()-1;
- }
- if(month)
- {
- month.selectedIndex = date.getMonth();
- }
- if(year)
- {
- var years = year.options;
- var currentYear = date.getFullYear();
- for(var i = 0; i < years.length; i++)
- years[i].selected = years[i].value.toInteger() == currentYear;
- }
- this.fireChangeEvent(day || month || year, capevents);
- }
- },
- formatDate : function()
- {
- return this.selectedDate ? this.selectedDate.SimpleFormat(this.Format,this) : '';
- },
- newDate : function(date)
- {
- if(!date)
- date = new Date();
- if(typeof(date) == "string" || typeof(date) == "number")
- date = new Date(date);
- return new Date(Math.min(Math.max(date.getFullYear(),this.FromYear),this.UpToYear), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0,0,0);
- },
- setSelectedDate : function(date, capevents)
- {
- if (date == null)
- return;
- var old=this.selectedDate;
- this.selectedDate = this.newDate(date);
- var dateChanged=(old - this.selectedDate != 0) || ( this.options.InputMode == "TextBox" && this.control.value != this.formatDate());
- this.updateHeader();
- this.update();
- if (dateChanged && typeof(this.onChange) == "function")
- this.onChange(this, date, capevents);
- },
- getElement : function()
- {
- return this._calDiv;
- },
- getSelectedDate : function ()
- {
- return this.selectedDate == null ? null : this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
- },
- setYear : function(year)
- {
- var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
- d.setFullYear(year);
- this.setSelectedDate(d);
- },
- setMonth : function (month, capevents)
- {
- var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
- d.setDate(Math.min(d.getDate(), this.getDaysPerMonth(month,d.getFullYear())));
- d.setMonth(month);
- this.setSelectedDate(d,capevents);
- },
- nextMonth : function ()
- {
- this.setMonth(this.selectedDate.getMonth()+1);
- },
- prevMonth : function ()
- {
- this.setMonth(this.selectedDate.getMonth()-1);
- },
- getDaysPerMonth : function (month, year)
- {
- month = (Number(month)+12) % 12;
- var days = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
- var res = days[month];
- if (month == 1 && ((!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400))) //feburary, leap years has 29
- res++;
- return res;
- },
- getDatePickerOffsetHeight : function()
- {
- if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
- return this.control.offsetHeight;
- var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
- if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
- var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
- if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
- var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
- if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
- return 0;
- },
- show : function()
- {
- this.create();
- if(!this.showing)
- {
- var pos = this.control.positionedOffset();
- pos[1] += this.getDatePickerOffsetHeight();
- = (pos[1]-1) + "px";
- = "block";
- = pos[0] + "px";
- this.documentClickEvent = this.hideOnClick.bindEvent(this);
- this.documentKeyDownEvent = this.keyPressed.bindEvent(this);
- Event.observe(document.body, "click", this.documentClickEvent);
- var date = this.getDateFromInput();
- if(date)
- {
- this.selectedDate = date;
- this.setSelectedDate(date);
- }
- Event.observe(document,"keydown", this.documentKeyDownEvent);
- this.showing = true;
- if(this.positionMode=='Top')
- {
- = ((pos[1]-1) - this.getDatePickerOffsetHeight() - this._calDiv.offsetHeight) + 'px';
- if(Prado.Browser().ie)
- this.iePopup =;
- }
- this.ieHack(false);
- }
- },
- getDateFromInput : function()
- {
- if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
- return Date.SimpleParse($F(this.control), this.Format);
- else
- return Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDropDownDate(this.control);
- },
- //hide the calendar when clicked outside any calendar
- hideOnClick : function(ev)
- {
- if(!this.showing) return;
- var el = Event.element(ev);
- var within = false;
- do
- {
- within = within || (el.className && Element.hasClassName(el, "TDatePicker_"+this.CalendarStyle));
- within = within || el == this.trigger;
- within = within || el == this.control;
- if(within) break;
- el = el.parentNode;
- }
- while(el);
- if(!within) this.hide();
- },
- hide : function()
- {
- if(this.showing)
- {
- = "none";
- if(this.iePopUp)
- = "none";
- this.showing = false;
- Event.stopObserving(document.body, "click", this.documentClickEvent);
- Event.stopObserving(document,"keydown", this.documentKeyDownEvent);
- }
- },
- update : function()
- {
- // Calculate the number of days in the month for the selected date
- var date = this.selectedDate;
- var today = (this.newDate()).toISODate();
- var selected = date.toISODate();
- var d1 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
- var d2 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, 1);
- var monthLength = Math.round((d2 - d1) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
- // Find out the weekDay index for the first of this month
- var firstIndex = (d1.getDay() - this.FirstDayOfWeek) % 7 ;
- if (firstIndex < 0)
- firstIndex += 7;
- var index = 0;
- while (index < firstIndex) {
- this.dateSlot[index].value = -1;
- this.dateSlot[index] = String.fromCharCode(160);
- this.dateSlot[index].data.parentNode.className = "empty";
- index++;
- }
- for (var i = 1; i <= monthLength; i++, index++) {
- var slot = this.dateSlot[index];
- var slotNode =;
- slot.value = i;
- = i;
- slotNode.className = "date";
- // = "";
- if (d1.toISODate() == today) {
- slotNode.className += " today";
- }
- if (d1.toISODate() == selected) {
- // = "blue";
- slotNode.className += " selected";
- }
- d1 = new Date(d1.getFullYear(), d1.getMonth(), d1.getDate()+1);
- }
- var lastDateIndex = index;
- while(index < 42) {
- this.dateSlot[index].value = -1;
- this.dateSlot[index] = String.fromCharCode(160);
- this.dateSlot[index].data.parentNode.className = "empty";
- ++index;
- }
- },
- hover : function(ev)
- {
- if(Event.element(ev).tagName)
- {
- if(ev.type == "mouseover")
- Event.element(ev).addClassName("hover");
- else
- Event.element(ev).removeClassName("hover");
- }
- },
- updateHeader : function () {
- var options = this._monthSelect.options;
- var m = this.selectedDate.getMonth();
- for(var i=0; i < options.length; ++i) {
- options[i].selected = false;
- if (options[i].value == m) {
- options[i].selected = true;
- }
- }
- options = this._yearSelect.options;
- var year = this.selectedDate.getFullYear();
- for(var i=0; i < options.length; ++i) {
- options[i].selected = false;
- if (options[i].value == year) {
- options[i].selected = true;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return Date the date from drop down list options.
- */
- getDropDownDate : function(control)
- {
- var now=new Date();
- var year=now.getFullYear();
- var month=now.getMonth();
- var day=1;
- var month_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(control);
- var day_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(control);
- var year_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(control);
- var day = day_list ? $F(day_list) : 1;
- var month = month_list ? $F(month_list) : now.getMonth();
- var year = year_list ? $F(year_list) : now.getFullYear();
- return new Date(year,month,day, 0, 0, 0);
- },
- getYearListControl : function(control)
- {
- return $("_year");
- },
- getMonthListControl : function(control)
- {
- return $("_month");
- },
- getDayListControl : function(control)
- {
- return $("_day");
- }
+Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker = Class.create(Prado.WebUI.Control,
+ MonthNames : [ "January", "February", "March", "April",
+ "May", "June", "July", "August",
+ "September", "October", "November", "December"
+ ],
+ AbbreviatedMonthNames : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
+ "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
+ ShortWeekDayNames : ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
+ Format : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+ FirstDayOfWeek : 1, // 0 for sunday
+ ClassName : "",
+ CalendarStyle : "default",
+ FromYear : 2005, UpToYear: 2020,
+ onInit : function(options)
+ {
+ this.options = options || [];
+ this.control = $(options.ID);
+ this.dateSlot = new Array(42);
+ this.weekSlot = new Array(6);
+ this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek = 4;
+ this.positionMode = 'Bottom';
+ Prado.Registry.set(options.ID, this);
+ //which element to trigger to show the calendar
+ if(this.options.Trigger)
+ {
+ this.trigger = $(this.options.Trigger) ;
+ var triggerEvent = this.options.TriggerEvent || "click";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.trigger = this.control;
+ var triggerEvent = this.options.TriggerEvent || "focus";
+ }
+ // Popup position
+ if(this.options.PositionMode == 'Top')
+ {
+ this.positionMode = this.options.PositionMode;
+ }
+ Object.extend(this,options);
+ // generate default date _after_ extending options
+ this.selectedDate = this.newDate();
+ Event.observe(this.trigger, triggerEvent,;
+ // Listen to change event if needed
+ if (typeof(this.options.OnDateChanged) == "function")
+ {
+ if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
+ {
+ Event.observe(this.control, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
+ var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
+ var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
+ Event.observe (day, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe (month, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe (year, "change", this.onDateChanged.bindEvent(this));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ create : function()
+ {
+ if(typeof(this._calDiv) != "undefined")
+ return;
+ var div;
+ var table;
+ var tbody;
+ var tr;
+ var td;
+ // Create the top-level div element
+ this._calDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ this._calDiv.className = "TDatePicker_"+this.CalendarStyle+" "+this.ClassName;
+ = "none";
+ = "absolute"
+ // header div
+ div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.className = "calendarHeader";
+ this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
+ table = document.createElement("table");
+ = 0;
+ div.appendChild(table);
+ tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
+ table.appendChild(tbody);
+ tr = document.createElement("tr");
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ // Previous Month Button
+ td = document.createElement("td");
+ var previousMonth = document.createElement("input");
+ previousMonth.className = "prevMonthButton button";
+ previousMonth.type = "button"
+ previousMonth.value = "<<";
+ td.appendChild(previousMonth);
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ //
+ // Create the month drop down
+ //
+ td = document.createElement("td");
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ this._monthSelect = document.createElement("select");
+ this._monthSelect.className = "months";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < this.MonthNames.length ; i++) {
+ var opt = document.createElement("option");
+ opt.innerHTML = this.MonthNames[i];
+ opt.value = i;
+ if (i == this.selectedDate.getMonth()) {
+ opt.selected = true;
+ }
+ this._monthSelect.appendChild(opt);
+ }
+ td.appendChild(this._monthSelect);
+ //
+ // Create the year drop down
+ //
+ td = document.createElement("td");
+ td.className = "labelContainer";
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ this._yearSelect = document.createElement("select");
+ for(var i=this.FromYear; i <= this.UpToYear; ++i) {
+ var opt = document.createElement("option");
+ opt.innerHTML = i;
+ opt.value = i;
+ if (i == this.selectedDate.getFullYear()) {
+ opt.selected = false;
+ }
+ this._yearSelect.appendChild(opt);
+ }
+ td.appendChild(this._yearSelect);
+ td = document.createElement("td");
+ var nextMonth = document.createElement("input");
+ nextMonth.className = "nextMonthButton button";
+ nextMonth.type = "button";
+ nextMonth.value = ">>";
+ td.appendChild(nextMonth);
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ // Calendar body
+ div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.className = "calendarBody";
+ this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
+ var calendarBody = div;
+ // Create the inside of calendar body
+ var text;
+ table = document.createElement("table");
+ table.align="center";
+ table.className = "grid";
+ div.appendChild(table);
+ var thead = document.createElement("thead");
+ table.appendChild(thead);
+ tr = document.createElement("tr");
+ thead.appendChild(tr);
+ for(i=0; i < 7; ++i) {
+ td = document.createElement("th");
+ text = document.createTextNode(this.ShortWeekDayNames[(i+this.FirstDayOfWeek)%7]);
+ td.appendChild(text);
+ td.className = "weekDayHead";
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ }
+ // Date grid
+ tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
+ table.appendChild(tbody);
+ for(var week=0; week<6; ++week) {
+ tr = document.createElement("tr");
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ for(var day=0; day<7; ++day) {
+ td = document.createElement("td");
+ td.className = "calendarDate";
+ text = document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(160));
+ td.appendChild(text);
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ var tmp = new Object();
+ tmp.tag = "DATE";
+ tmp.value = -1;
+ = text;
+ this.dateSlot[(week*7)+day] = tmp;
+ Event.observe(td, "mouseover", this.hover.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(td, "mouseout", this.hover.bindEvent(this));
+ }
+ }
+ // Calendar Footer
+ div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.className = "calendarFooter";
+ this._calDiv.appendChild(div);
+ var todayButton = document.createElement("input");
+ todayButton.type="button";
+ todayButton.className = "todayButton";
+ var today = this.newDate();
+ var buttonText = today.SimpleFormat(this.Format,this);
+ todayButton.value = buttonText;
+ div.appendChild(todayButton);
+ if(Prado.Browser().ie)
+ {
+ this.iePopUp = document.createElement('iframe');
+ this.iePopUp.src = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.spacer;
+ = "absolute"
+ this.iePopUp.scrolling="no"
+ this.iePopUp.frameBorder="0"
+ this.control.parentNode.appendChild(this.iePopUp);
+ }
+ this.control.parentNode.appendChild(this._calDiv);
+ this.update();
+ this.updateHeader();
+ this.ieHack(true);
+ // IE55+ extension
+ previousMonth.hideFocus = true;
+ nextMonth.hideFocus = true;
+ todayButton.hideFocus = true;
+ // end IE55+ extension
+ // hook up events
+ Event.observe(previousMonth, "click", this.prevMonth.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(nextMonth, "click", this.nextMonth.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(todayButton, "click", this.selectToday.bindEvent(this));
+ //Event.observe(clearButton, "click", this.clearSelection.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(this._monthSelect, "change", this.monthSelect.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(this._yearSelect, "change", this.yearSelect.bindEvent(this));
+ // ie, opera
+ Event.observe(this._calDiv, "mousewheel", this.mouseWheelChange.bindEvent(this));
+ // ff
+ Event.observe(this._calDiv, "DOMMouseScroll", this.mouseWheelChange.bindEvent(this));
+ Event.observe(calendarBody, "click", this.selectDate.bindEvent(this));
+ Prado.Element.focus(this.control);
+ },
+ ieHack : function(cleanup)
+ {
+ // IE hack
+ if(this.iePopUp)
+ {
+ = "block";
+ = (this._calDiv.offsetLeft -1)+ "px";
+ = (this._calDiv.offsetTop -1 ) + "px";
+ = Math.abs(this._calDiv.offsetWidth -2)+ "px";
+ = (this._calDiv.offsetHeight + 1)+ "px";
+ if(cleanup) = "none";
+ }
+ },
+ keyPressed : function(ev)
+ {
+ if(!this.showing) return;
+ if (!ev) ev = document.parentWindow.event;
+ var kc = ev.keyCode != null ? ev.keyCode : ev.charCode;
+ if(kc == Event.KEY_RETURN || kc == Event.KEY_SPACEBAR || kc == Event.KEY_TAB)
+ {
+ this.setSelectedDate(this.selectedDate);
+ Event.stop(ev);
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ if(kc == Event.KEY_ESC)
+ {
+ Event.stop(ev); this.hide();
+ }
+ var getDaysPerMonth = function (nMonth, nYear)
+ {
+ nMonth = (nMonth + 12) % 12;
+ var days= [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
+ var res = days[nMonth];
+ if (nMonth == 1) //feburary, leap years has 29
+ res += nYear % 4 == 0 && !(nYear % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ return res;
+ }
+ if(kc < 37 || kc > 40) return true;
+ var current = this.selectedDate;
+ var d = current.valueOf();
+ if(kc == Event.KEY_LEFT)
+ {
+ if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // -1 month
+ {
+ current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth() - 1,current.getFullYear())) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
+ d = current.setMonth( current.getMonth() - 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ d -= 86400000; //-1 day
+ }
+ else if (kc == Event.KEY_RIGHT)
+ {
+ if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // +1 month
+ {
+ current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth() + 1,current.getFullYear())) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
+ d = current.setMonth( current.getMonth() + 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ d += 86400000; //+1 day
+ }
+ else if (kc == Event.KEY_UP)
+ {
+ if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) //-1 year
+ {
+ current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth(),current.getFullYear() - 1)) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
+ d = current.setFullYear( current.getFullYear() - 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ d -= 604800000; // -7 days
+ }
+ else if (kc == Event.KEY_DOWN)
+ {
+ if(ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey) // +1 year
+ {
+ current.setDate( Math.min(current.getDate(), getDaysPerMonth(current.getMonth(),current.getFullYear() + 1)) ); // no need to catch dec -> jan for the year
+ d = current.setFullYear( current.getFullYear() + 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ d += 7 * 24 * 61 * 60 * 1000; // +7 days
+ }
+ this.setSelectedDate(d);
+ Event.stop(ev);
+ },
+ selectDate : function(ev)
+ {
+ var el = Event.element(ev);
+ while (el.nodeType != 1)
+ el = el.parentNode;
+ while (el != null && el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td")
+ el = el.parentNode;
+ // if no td found, return
+ if (el == null || el.tagName == null || el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td")
+ return;
+ var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
+ var n = Number(;
+ if (isNaN(n) || n <= 0 || n == null)
+ return;
+ d.setDate(n);
+ this.setSelectedDate(d);
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ selectToday : function()
+ {
+ if(this.selectedDate.toISODate() == this.newDate().toISODate())
+ this.hide();
+ this.setSelectedDate(this.newDate());
+ },
+ clearSelection : function()
+ {
+ this.setSelectedDate(this.newDate());
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ monthSelect : function(ev)
+ {
+ this.setMonth(Form.Element.getValue(Event.element(ev)));
+ },
+ yearSelect : function(ev)
+ {
+ this.setYear(Form.Element.getValue(Event.element(ev)));
+ },
+ mouseWheelChange : function (event)
+ {
+ var delta = 0;
+ if (!event) event = document.parentWindow.event;
+ if (event.wheelDelta) {
+ delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
+ if (window.opera) delta = -delta;
+ } else if (event.detail) { delta = -event.detail/3; }
+ var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
+ var m = d.getMonth() + Math.round(delta);
+ this.setMonth(m,true);
+ return false;
+ },
+ // Respond to change event on the textbox or dropdown list
+ // This method raises OnDateChanged event on client side if it has been defined
+ onDateChanged : function ()
+ {
+ if (this.options.OnDateChanged)
+ {
+ var date;
+ if (this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
+ {
+ date=this.control.value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control).selectedIndex+1;
+ var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control).selectedIndex;
+ var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control).value;
+ date=new Date(year, month, day, 0,0,0).SimpleFormat(this.Format, this);
+ }
+ this.options.OnDateChanged(this, date);
+ }
+ },
+ fireChangeEvent: function(element, capped)
+ {
+ if (capped)
+ {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (typeof(obj.changeeventtimer)!="undefined")
+ {
+ clearTimeout(obj.changeeventtimer);
+ obj.changeeventtimer = null;
+ }
+ obj.changeeventtimer = setTimeout(
+ function() { obj.changeeventtimer = null; Event.fireEvent(element, "change"); },
+ 1500
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ Event.fireEvent(element, "change");
+ },
+ onChange : function(ref, date, capevents)
+ {
+ if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
+ {
+ this.control.value = this.formatDate();
+ this.fireChangeEvent(this.control, capevents);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var day = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
+ var month = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
+ var year = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
+ var date = this.selectedDate;
+ if(day)
+ {
+ day.selectedIndex = date.getDate()-1;
+ }
+ if(month)
+ {
+ month.selectedIndex = date.getMonth();
+ }
+ if(year)
+ {
+ var years = year.options;
+ var currentYear = date.getFullYear();
+ for(var i = 0; i < years.length; i++)
+ years[i].selected = years[i].value.toInteger() == currentYear;
+ }
+ this.fireChangeEvent(day || month || year, capevents);
+ }
+ },
+ formatDate : function()
+ {
+ return this.selectedDate ? this.selectedDate.SimpleFormat(this.Format,this) : '';
+ },
+ newDate : function(date)
+ {
+ if(!date)
+ date = new Date();
+ if(typeof(date) == "string" || typeof(date) == "number")
+ date = new Date(date);
+ return new Date(Math.min(Math.max(date.getFullYear(),this.FromYear),this.UpToYear), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0,0,0);
+ },
+ setSelectedDate : function(date, capevents)
+ {
+ if (date == null)
+ return;
+ var old=this.selectedDate;
+ this.selectedDate = this.newDate(date);
+ var dateChanged=(old - this.selectedDate != 0) || ( this.options.InputMode == "TextBox" && this.control.value != this.formatDate());
+ this.updateHeader();
+ this.update();
+ if (dateChanged && typeof(this.onChange) == "function")
+ this.onChange(this, date, capevents);
+ },
+ getElement : function()
+ {
+ return this._calDiv;
+ },
+ getSelectedDate : function ()
+ {
+ return this.selectedDate == null ? null : this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
+ },
+ setYear : function(year)
+ {
+ var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
+ d.setFullYear(year);
+ this.setSelectedDate(d);
+ },
+ setMonth : function (month, capevents)
+ {
+ var d = this.newDate(this.selectedDate);
+ d.setDate(Math.min(d.getDate(), this.getDaysPerMonth(month,d.getFullYear())));
+ d.setMonth(month);
+ this.setSelectedDate(d,capevents);
+ },
+ nextMonth : function ()
+ {
+ this.setMonth(this.selectedDate.getMonth()+1);
+ },
+ prevMonth : function ()
+ {
+ this.setMonth(this.selectedDate.getMonth()-1);
+ },
+ getDaysPerMonth : function (month, year)
+ {
+ month = (Number(month)+12) % 12;
+ var days = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
+ var res = days[month];
+ if (month == 1 && ((!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400))) //feburary, leap years has 29
+ res++;
+ return res;
+ },
+ getDatePickerOffsetHeight : function()
+ {
+ if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
+ return this.control.offsetHeight;
+ var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(this.control);
+ if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
+ var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(this.control);
+ if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
+ var control = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(this.control);
+ if(control) return control.offsetHeight;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ show : function()
+ {
+ this.create();
+ if(!this.showing)
+ {
+ var pos = this.control.positionedOffset();
+ pos[1] += this.getDatePickerOffsetHeight();
+ = (pos[1]-1) + "px";
+ = "block";
+ = pos[0] + "px";
+ this.documentClickEvent = this.hideOnClick.bindEvent(this);
+ this.documentKeyDownEvent = this.keyPressed.bindEvent(this);
+ Event.observe(document.body, "click", this.documentClickEvent);
+ var date = this.getDateFromInput();
+ if(date)
+ {
+ this.selectedDate = date;
+ this.setSelectedDate(date);
+ }
+ Event.observe(document,"keydown", this.documentKeyDownEvent);
+ this.showing = true;
+ if(this.positionMode=='Top')
+ {
+ = ((pos[1]-1) - this.getDatePickerOffsetHeight() - this._calDiv.offsetHeight) + 'px';
+ if(Prado.Browser().ie)
+ this.iePopup =;
+ }
+ this.ieHack(false);
+ }
+ },
+ getDateFromInput : function()
+ {
+ if(this.options.InputMode == "TextBox")
+ return Date.SimpleParse($F(this.control), this.Format);
+ else
+ return Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDropDownDate(this.control);
+ },
+ //hide the calendar when clicked outside any calendar
+ hideOnClick : function(ev)
+ {
+ if(!this.showing) return;
+ var el = Event.element(ev);
+ var within = false;
+ do
+ {
+ within = within || (el.className && Element.hasClassName(el, "TDatePicker_"+this.CalendarStyle));
+ within = within || el == this.trigger;
+ within = within || el == this.control;
+ if(within) break;
+ el = el.parentNode;
+ }
+ while(el);
+ if(!within) this.hide();
+ },
+ hide : function()
+ {
+ if(this.showing)
+ {
+ = "none";
+ if(this.iePopUp)
+ = "none";
+ this.showing = false;
+ Event.stopObserving(document.body, "click", this.documentClickEvent);
+ Event.stopObserving(document,"keydown", this.documentKeyDownEvent);
+ }
+ },
+ update : function()
+ {
+ // Calculate the number of days in the month for the selected date
+ var date = this.selectedDate;
+ var today = (this.newDate()).toISODate();
+ var selected = date.toISODate();
+ var d1 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
+ var d2 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, 1);
+ var monthLength = Math.round((d2 - d1) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
+ // Find out the weekDay index for the first of this month
+ var firstIndex = (d1.getDay() - this.FirstDayOfWeek) % 7 ;
+ if (firstIndex < 0)
+ firstIndex += 7;
+ var index = 0;
+ while (index < firstIndex) {
+ this.dateSlot[index].value = -1;
+ this.dateSlot[index] = String.fromCharCode(160);
+ this.dateSlot[index].data.parentNode.className = "empty";
+ index++;
+ }
+ for (var i = 1; i <= monthLength; i++, index++) {
+ var slot = this.dateSlot[index];
+ var slotNode =;
+ slot.value = i;
+ = i;
+ slotNode.className = "date";
+ // = "";
+ if (d1.toISODate() == today) {
+ slotNode.className += " today";
+ }
+ if (d1.toISODate() == selected) {
+ // = "blue";
+ slotNode.className += " selected";
+ }
+ d1 = new Date(d1.getFullYear(), d1.getMonth(), d1.getDate()+1);
+ }
+ var lastDateIndex = index;
+ while(index < 42) {
+ this.dateSlot[index].value = -1;
+ this.dateSlot[index] = String.fromCharCode(160);
+ this.dateSlot[index].data.parentNode.className = "empty";
+ ++index;
+ }
+ },
+ hover : function(ev)
+ {
+ if(Event.element(ev).tagName)
+ {
+ if(ev.type == "mouseover")
+ Event.element(ev).addClassName("hover");
+ else
+ Event.element(ev).removeClassName("hover");
+ }
+ },
+ updateHeader : function () {
+ var options = this._monthSelect.options;
+ var m = this.selectedDate.getMonth();
+ for(var i=0; i < options.length; ++i) {
+ options[i].selected = false;
+ if (options[i].value == m) {
+ options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ options = this._yearSelect.options;
+ var year = this.selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ for(var i=0; i < options.length; ++i) {
+ options[i].selected = false;
+ if (options[i].value == year) {
+ options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Date the date from drop down list options.
+ */
+ getDropDownDate : function(control)
+ {
+ var now=new Date();
+ var year=now.getFullYear();
+ var month=now.getMonth();
+ var day=1;
+ var month_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getMonthListControl(control);
+ var day_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDayListControl(control);
+ var year_list = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getYearListControl(control);
+ var day = day_list ? $F(day_list) : 1;
+ var month = month_list ? $F(month_list) : now.getMonth();
+ var year = year_list ? $F(year_list) : now.getFullYear();
+ return new Date(year,month,day, 0, 0, 0);
+ },
+ getYearListControl : function(control)
+ {
+ return $("_year");
+ },
+ getMonthListControl : function(control)
+ {
+ return $("_month");
+ },
+ getDayListControl : function(control)
+ {
+ return $("_day");
+ }
}); \ No newline at end of file