path: root/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/tinymce-405/langs/ca.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/Javascripts/source/tinymce-405/langs/ca.js')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/tinymce-405/langs/ca.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/tinymce-405/langs/ca.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..110b0109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/source/tinymce-405/langs/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"Cut": "Retalla",
+"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "El vostre navegador no suporta l'acc\u00e9s directe al portaobjectes. Si us plau, feu servir les dreceres de teclat Ctrl+X\/C\/V en el seu lloc",
+"Paste": "Pega",
+"Close": "Tanca",
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+"Formats": "Formats",
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+"Undo": "Desfer",
+"Strikethrough": "Ratllat",
+"Bullet list": "Llista no ordenada",
+"Superscript": "Super\u00edndex",
+"Clear formatting": "Eliminar format",
+"Subscript": "Sub\u00edndex",
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+"Ok": "Acceptar",
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+"Italic": "Cursiva",
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+"Decrease indent": "Disminuir sagnat",
+"Underline": "Subratllat",
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+"Copy": "Copia",
+"Align left": "Aliniat a l'esquerra",
+"Visual aids": "Assist\u00e8ncia visual",
+"Lower Greek": "Grec menor",
+"Square": "Quadrat",
+"Default": "Per defecte",
+"Lower Alpha": "Alfa menor",
+"Circle": "Cercle",
+"Disc": "Disc",
+"Upper Alpha": "Alfa major",
+"Upper Roman": "Roman major",
+"Lower Roman": "Roman menor",
+"Name": "Nom",
+"Anchor": "\u00c0ncora",
+"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Teniu canvis sense desar, esteu segur que voleu deixar-ho ara?",
+"Restore last draft": "Restaurar l'\u00faltim esborrany",
+"Special character": "Car\u00e0cter especial",
+"Source code": "Codi font",
+"Right to left": "De dreta a esquerra",
+"Left to right": "D'esquerra a dreta",
+"Emoticons": "Emoticones",
+"Robots": "Robots",
+"Document properties": "Propietats del document",
+"Title": "T\u00edtol",
+"Keywords": "Paraules clau",
+"Encoding": "Codificaci\u00f3",
+"Description": "Descripci\u00f3",
+"Author": "Autor",
+"Fullscreen": "Pantalla completa",
+"Horizontal line": "L\u00ednia horitzontal",
+"Horizontal space": "Espai horitzontal",
+"Insert\/edit image": "Inserir\/editar imatge",
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+"Constrain proportions": "Mantenir proporcions",
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+"Image description": "Descripci\u00f3 de la imatge",
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+"Insert image": "Inserir imatge",
+"Insert date\/time": "Inserir data\/hora",
+"Remove link": "Treure enlla\u00e7",
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+"Text to display": "Text per mostrar",
+"Insert link": "Inserir enlla\u00e7",
+"New window": "Finestra nova",
+"None": "Cap",
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+"Insert\/edit link": "Inserir\/editar enlla\u00e7",
+"Insert\/edit video": "Inserir\/editar v\u00eddeo",
+"Poster": "P\u00f3ster",
+"Alternative source": "Font alternativa",
+"Paste your embed code below:": "Enganxau el codi a sota:",
+"Insert video": "Inserir v\u00eddeo",
+"Embed": "Incloure",
+"Nonbreaking space": "Espai fixe",
+"Page break": "Salt de p\u00e0gina",
+"Preview": "Previsualitzaci\u00f3",
+"Print": "Imprimir",
+"Save": "Desa",
+"Could not find the specified string.": "No es pot trobar el text especificat.",
+"Replace": "Rempla\u00e7ar",
+"Next": "Seg\u00fcent",
+"Whole words": "Paraules senceres",
+"Find and replace": "Buscar i rempla\u00e7ar",
+"Replace with": "Rempla\u00e7ar amb",
+"Find": "Buscar",
+"Replace all": "Rempla\u00e7ar-ho tot",
+"Match case": "Coincidir maj\u00fascules",
+"Prev": "Ant",
+"Spellcheck": "Comprovar ortrografia",
+"Finish": "Finalitzar",
+"Ignore all": "Ignorar tots",
+"Ignore": "Ignorar",
+"Insert template": "Inserir plantilla",
+"Templates": "Plantilles",
+"Background color": "Color del fons",
+"Text color": "Color del text",
+"Show blocks": "Mostrar blocs",
+"Show invisible characters": "Mostrar car\u00e0cters invisibles",
+"Words: {0}": "Paraules: {0}",
+"Insert": "Inserir",
+"File": "Arxiu",
+"Edit": "Edici\u00f3",
+"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "\u00c0rea de text amb format. Premeu ALT-F9 per mostrar el men\u00fa, ALT F10 per la barra d'eines i ALT-0 per ajuda.",
+"Tools": "Eines",
+"View": "Veure",
+"Table": "Taula",
+"Format": "Format"
+}); \ No newline at end of file