path: root/framework
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7 files changed, 506 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Exceptions/messages.txt b/framework/Exceptions/messages.txt
index 582195f3..5099e9b3 100644
--- a/framework/Exceptions/messages.txt
+++ b/framework/Exceptions/messages.txt
@@ -1,321 +1,322 @@
-prado_application_singleton_required = Prado.Application must only be set once.
-prado_component_unknown = Unknown component type '{0}'.
-prado_using_invalid = '{0}' is not a valid namespace to be used. Make sure '.*' is appended if you want to use a namespace referring to a directory.
-prado_alias_redefined = Alias '{0}' cannot be redefined.
-prado_alias_invalid = Alias '{0}' refers to an invalid path '{1}'. Only existing directories can be aliased.
-prado_aliasname_invalid = Alias '{0}' contains invalid character '.'.
-component_property_undefined = Component property '{0}.{1}' is not defined.
-component_property_readonly = Component property '{0}.{1}' is read-only.
-component_event_undefined = Component event '{0}.{1}' is not defined.
-component_eventhandler_invalid = Component event '{0}.{1}' is attached with an invalid event handler.
-component_expression_invalid = Component '{0}' is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}.
-component_statements_invalid = Component '{0}' is evaluating invalid PHP statements '{1}' : {2}.
-propertyvalue_enumvalue_invalid = Value '{0}' is a not valid enumeration value ({1}).
-list_index_invalid = Index '{0}' is out of range.
-list_item_inexistent = The item cannot be found in the list.
-list_data_not_iterable = Data must be either an array or an object implementing Traversable interface.
-list_readonly = {0} is read-only.
-map_addition_disallowed = The new item cannot be added to the map.
-map_item_unremovable = The item cannot be removed from the map.
-map_data_not_iterable = Data must be either an array or an object implementing Traversable interface.
-map_readonly = {0} is read-only.
-application_basepath_invalid = Application base path '{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.
-application_runtimepath_invalid = Application runtime path '{0}' does not exist or is not writable by Web server process.
-application_service_invalid = Service '{0}' must implement IService interface.
-application_service_unknown = Requested service '{0}' is not defined.
-application_service_unavailable = Service Unavailable.
-application_moduleid_duplicated = Application module ID '{0}' is not unique.
-application_runtimepath_failed = Unable to create runtime path '{0}'. Make sure the parent directory exists and is writable by the Web process.
-appconfig_aliaspath_invalid = Application configuration <alias id="{0}"> uses an invalid file path "{1}".
-appconfig_alias_invalid = Application configuration <alias> element must have an "id" attribute and a "path" attribute.
-appconfig_alias_redefined = Application configuration <alias id="{0}"> cannot be redefined.
-appconfig_using_invalid = Application configuration <using> element must have a "namespace" attribute.
-appconfig_moduleid_required = Application configuration <module> element must have an "id" attribute.
-appconfig_moduletype_required = Application configuration <module id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute.
-appconfig_serviceid_required = Application configuration <service> element must have an "id" attribute.
-appconfig_servicetype_required = Application configuration <service id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute.
-appconfig_parameterid_required = Application configuration <parameter> element must have an "id" attribute.
-securitymanager_validationkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.ValidationKey must not be empty.
-securitymanager_encryptionkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.EncryptionKey must not be empty.
-securitymanager_mcryptextension_required = Mcrypt PHP extension is required in order to use TSecurityManager's encryption feature.
-uri_format_invalid = '{0}' is not a valid URI.
-httpresponse_bufferoutput_unchangeable = THttpResponse.BufferOutput cannot be modified after THttpResponse is initialized.
-httpresponse_file_inexistent = THttpResponse cannot send file '{0}'. The file does not exist.
-httpsession_sessionid_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionID cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_sessionname_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionName cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_sessionname_invalid = THttpSession.SessionName must contain alphanumeric characters only.
-httpsession_savepath_unchangeable = THttpSession.SavePath cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_savepath_invalid = THttpSession.SavePath '{0}' is invalid.
-httpsession_storage_unchangeable = THttpSession.Storage cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_cookiemode_unchangeable = THttpSession.CookieMode cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_autostart_unchangeable = THttpSession.AutoStart cannot be modified after the session module is initialized.
-httpsession_gcprobability_unchangeable = THttpSession.GCProbability cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_gcprobability_invalid = THttpSession.GCProbability must be an integer between 0 and 100.
-httpsession_transid_unchangeable = THttpSession.UseTransparentSessionID cannot be modified after the session is started.
-httpsession_maxlifetime_unchangeable = THttpSession.Timeout cannot be modified after the session is started.
-assetmanager_basepath_invalid = TAssetManager.BasePath '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace form and points to a directory writable by the Web server process.
-assetmanager_basepath_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BasePath cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-assetmanager_baseurl_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BaseUrl cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-assetmanager_filepath_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing an invalid file '{0}'.
-assetmanager_tarchecksum_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing a tar file with invalid checksum '{0}'.
-assetmanager_tarfile_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing an invalid tar file '{0}'.
-cache_primary_duplicated = At most one primary cache module is allowed. {0} is trying to register as another primary cache.
-sqlitecache_extension_required = TSqliteCache requires SQLite PHP extension.
-sqlitecache_dbfile_required = TSqliteCache.DbFile is required.
-sqlitecache_connection_failed = TSqliteCache database connection failed. {0}.
-sqlitecache_table_creation_failed = TSqliteCache failed to create cache database. {0}.
-sqlitecache_dbfile_unchangeable = TSqliteCache.DbFile cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-sqlitecache_dbfile_invalid = TSqliteCache.DbFile is invalid. Make sure it is in a proper namespace format.
-memcache_extension_required = TMemCache requires memcache PHP extension.
-memcache_connection_failed = TMemCache failed to connect to memcache server {0}:{1}.
-memcache_host_unchangeable = TMemCache.Host cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-memcache_port_unchangeable = TMemCache.Port cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-apccache_extension_required = TAPCCache requires APC PHP extension.
-apccache_add_unsupported = TAPCCache.add() is not supported.
-apccache_replace_unsupported = TAPCCache.replace() is not supported.
-errorhandler_errortemplatepath_invalid = TErrorHandler.ErrorTemplatePath '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace form and points to a valid directory containing error template files.
-pageservice_page_unknown = Page '{0}' Not Found
-pageservice_pageclass_unknown = Page class '{0}' is unknown.
-pageservice_basepath_invalid = TPageService.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid directory.
-pageservice_page_required = Page Name Required
-pageservice_defaultpage_unchangeable = TPageService.DefaultPage cannot be modified after the service is initialized.
-pageservice_basepath_unchangeable = TPageService.BasePath cannot be modified after the service is initialized.
-pageserviceconf_file_invalid = Unable to open page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-pageserviceconf_aliaspath_invalid = <alias id="{0}"> uses an invalid file path "{1}" in page directory configuration file '{2}'.
-pageserviceconf_alias_invalid = <alias> element must have an "id" attribute and a "path" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-pageserviceconf_using_invalid = <using> element must have a "namespace" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-pageserviceconf_module_invalid = <module> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-pageserviceconf_moduletype_required = <module id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute in page directory configuration file '{1}'.
-pageserviceconf_parameter_invalid = <parameter> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-pageserviceconf_page_invalid = <page> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
-template_closingtag_unexpected = Unexpected closing tag '{0}' is found.
-template_closingtag_expected = Closing tag '{0}' is expected.
-template_directive_nonunique = Directive '<%@ ... %>' must appear at the beginning of the template and can appear at most once.
-template_comments_forbidden = Template comments are not allowed within property tags.
-template_matching_unexpected = Unexpected matching.
-template_property_unknown = {0} has no property called '{1}'.
-template_event_unknown = {0} has no event called '{1}'.
-template_property_readonly = {0} has a read-only property '{1}'.
-template_event_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. No handler can be attached to its event '{1}' in a template.
-template_databind_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. Expressions cannot be bound to its property '{1}'.
-template_component_required = '{0}' is not a component. Only components can appear in a template.
-template_format_invalid = Error in {0} (line {1}) : {2}
-template_format_invalid2 = Error at line {0} of the following template: {1} {2}
-template_property_duplicated = Property {0} is configured twice or more.
-template_eventhandler_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static string.
-template_controlid_invalid = {0}.ID can only accept a static text string.
-template_controlskinid_invalid = {0}.SkinID can only accept a static text string.
-template_content_unexpected = Unexpected content is encountered when instantiating template: {0}.
-xmldocument_file_read_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to read file '{0}'.
-xmldocument_file_write_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to write file '{0}'.
-xmlelementlist_xmlelement_required = TXmlElementList can only accept TXmlElement objects.
-authorizationrule_action_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Action can only take 'allow' or 'deny' as the value.
-authorizationrule_verb_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Verb can only take 'get' or 'post' as the value.
-authorizationrulecollection_authorizationrule_required = TAuthorizationRuleCollection can only accept TAuthorizationRule objects.
-usermanager_userfile_invalid = TUserManager.UserFile '{0}' is not a valid file.
-usermanager_userfile_unchangeable = TUserManager.UserFile cannot be modified. The user module has been initialized already.
-authmanager_usermanager_required = TAuthManager.UserManager must be assigned a value.
-authmanager_usermanager_inexistent = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to an ID of application module.
-authmanager_usermanager_invalid = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to a valid TUserManager application module.
-authmanager_usermanager_unchangeable = TAuthManager.UserManager cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-authmanager_session_required = TAuthManager requires a session application module.
-thememanager_basepath_invalid = TThemeManager.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid directory.
-thememanager_basepath_unchangeable = TThemeManager.BasePath cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
-theme_baseurl_required = TThemeManager.BasePath is required. By default, a directory named 'themes' under the directory containing the application entry script is assumed.
-theme_path_inexistent = Theme path '{0}' does not exist.
-theme_control_nested = Skin for control type '{0}' in theme '{1}' cannot be within another skin.
-theme_skinid_duplicated = SkinID '{0}.{1}' is duplicated in theme '{2}'.
-theme_databind_forbidden = Databind cannot be used in theme '{0}' for control skin '{1}.{2}' about property '{3}'.
-theme_property_readonly = Skin is being applied to a read-only control property '{0}.{1}'.
-theme_property_undefined = Skin is being applied to an inexistent control property '{0}.{1}'.
-control_object_reregistered = Duplicated object ID '{0}' found.
-control_id_invalid = {0}.ID '{1}' is invalid. Only alphanumeric and underline characters are allowed. The first character must be an alphabetic or underline character.
-control_skinid_unchangeable = {0}.SkinID cannot be modified after a skin has been applied to the control or the child controls have been created.
-control_enabletheming_unchangeable = {0}.EnableTheming cannot be modified after the child controls have been created.
-control_stylesheet_applied = StyleSheet skin has already been applied to {0}.
-control_id_nonunique = {0}.ID '{1}' is not unique among all controls under the same naming container.
-templatecontrol_mastercontrol_invalid = Master control must be of type TTemplateControl or a child class.
-templatecontrol_contentid_duplicated = TContent ID '{0}' is duplicated.
-templatecontrol_placeholderid_duplicated= TContentPlaceHolder ID '{0}' is duplicated.
-templatecontrol_directive_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static text string through a template directive.
-templatecontrol_placeholder_inexistent = TContent '{0}' does not have a matching TContentPlaceHolder.
-page_form_duplicated = A page can contain at most one TForm. Use regular HTML form tags for the rest forms.
-page_isvalid_unknown = TPage.IsValid has not been evaluated yet.
-page_postbackcontrol_invalid = Unable to determine postback control '{0}'.
-page_control_outofform = {0} '{1}' must be enclosed within TForm.
-page_head_duplicated = A page can contain at most one THead.
-page_statepersister_invalid = Page state persister must implement IPageStatePersister interface.
-csmanager_pradoscript_invalid = Unknown Prado script library name '{0}'.
-contentplaceholder_id_required = TContentPlaceHolder must have an ID.
-content_id_required = TContent must have an ID.
-controlcollection_control_required = TControlList can only accept strings or TControl objects.
-webcontrol_accesskey_invalid = {0}.AccessKey '{1}' is invalid. It must be a single character only.
-webcontrol_style_invalid = {0}.Style must take string value only.
-listcontrol_selection_invalid = {0} has an invalid selection that is set before performing databinding.
-listcontrol_selectedindex_invalid = {0}.SelectedIndex has an invalid value {1}.
-listcontrol_selectedvalue_invalid = {0}.SelectedValue has an invalid value '{1}'.
-listcontrol_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}
-label_associatedcontrol_invalid = TLabel.AssociatedControl '{0}' cannot be found.
-hiddenfield_focus_unsupported = THiddenField does not support setting input focus.
-hiddenfield_theming_unsupported = THiddenField does not support theming.
-hiddenfield_skinid_unsupported = THiddenField does not support control skin.
-panel_defaultbutton_invalid = TPanel.DefaultButton '{0}' does not refer to an existing button control.
-tablestyle_cellpadding_invalid = TTableStyle.CellPadding must take an integer equal to or greater than -1.
-tablestyle_cellspacing_invalid = TTableStyle.CellSpacing must take an integer equal to or greater than -1.
-pagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted.
-sessionpagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted.
-sessionpagestatepersister_historysize_invalid = TSessionPageStatePersister.History must be an integer greater than 0.
-listitemcollection_item_invalid = TListItemCollection can only take strings or TListItem objects.
-dropdownlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TDropDownList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
-bulletedlist_autopostback_unsupported = TBulletedList.AutoPostBack is read-only.
-bulletedlist_selectedindex_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedIndex is read-only.
-bulletedlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TBulletedList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
-bulletedlist_selectedvalue_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedValue is read-only.
-radiobuttonlist_selectedindices_unsupported = TRadioButtonList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
-logrouter_configfile_invalid = TLogRouter.ConfigFile '{0}' does not exist.
-logrouter_routeclass_required = Class attribute is required in <route> configuration.
-logrouter_routetype_required = Log route must be an instance of TLogRoute or its derived class.
-filelogroute_logpath_invalid = TFileLogRoute.LogPath '{0}' must be a directory in namespace format and must be writable by the Web server process.
-filelogroute_maxfilesize_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxFileSize must be greater than 0.
-filelogroute_maxlogfiles_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxLogFiles must be greater than 0.
-emaillogroute_sentfrom_required = TEmailLogRoute.SentFrom cannot be empty.
-repeatinfo_repeatcolumns_invalid = TRepeatInfo.RepeatColumns must be no less than 0.
-basevalidator_controltovalidate_invalid = {0}.ControlToValidate is empty or contains an invalid control ID path.
-basevalidator_validatable_required = {0}.ControlToValidate must point to a control implementing IValidatable interface.
-basevalidator_forcontrol_unsupported = {0}.ForControl is not supported.
-comparevalidator_controltocompare_invalid = TCompareValidator.ControlToCompare contains an invalid control ID path.
-listcontrolvalidator_invalid_control = {0}.ControlToValidate contains an invalid TListControl ID path, "{1}" is a {2}.
-repeater_template_required = TRepeater.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
-datalist_template_required = TDataList.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
-templatecolumn_template_required = TTemplateColumn.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
-datagrid_currentpageindex_invalid = TDataGrid.CurrentPageIndex must be no less than 0.
-datagrid_pagesize_invalid = TDataGrid.PageSize must be greater than 0.
-datagrid_virtualitemcount_invalid = TDataGrid.VirtualItemCount must be no less than 0.
-datagridpagerstyle_pagebuttoncount_invalid = TDataGridPagerStyle.PageButtonCount must be greater than 0.
-datafieldaccessor_data_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate a field value of an invalid data. Make sure the data is an array, TMap, TList, or object that contains the specified field '{0}'.
-datafieldaccessor_datafield_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate data value of an unknown field '{0}'.
-repeateritemcollection_repeateritem_required = TRepeaterItemCollection can only accept TRepeaterItem objects.
-datagriditemcollection_datagriditem_required = TDataGridItemCollection can only accept TDataGridItem objects.
-datagridcolumncollection_datagridcolumn_required = TDataGridColumnCollection can only accept TDataGridColumn objects.
-datalistitemcollection_datalistitem_required = TDataListItemCollection can only accept TDataListItem objects.
-tablerowcollection_tablerow_required = TTableRowCollection can only accept TTableRow objects.
-tablecellcollection_tablerow_required = TTableCellCollection can only accept TTableCell objects.
-multiview_view_required = TMultiView can only accept TView as child.
-multiview_activeviewindex_invalid = TMultiView.ActiveViewIndex has an invalid index '{0}'.
-multiview_view_inexistent = TMultiView cannot find the specified view.
-multiview_viewid_invalid = TMultiView cannot find the view '{0}' to switch to.
-viewcollection_view_required = TViewCollection can only accept TView as its element.
-view_visible_readonly = TView.Visible is read-only. Use TView.Active to toggle its visibility.
-wizard_step_invalid = The step to be activated cannot be found in wizard step collection.
-wizard_command_invalid = Invalid wizard navigation command '{0}'.
-table_tablesection_outoforder = TTable table sections must be in the order of: Header, Body and Footer.
-completewizardstep_steptype_readonly = TCompleteWizardStep.StepType is read-only.
-wizardstepcollection_wizardstep_required = TWizardStepCollection can only accept objects of TWizardStep or its derived classes.
-texthighlighter_stylesheet_invalid = Unable to find the stylesheet file for TTextHighlighter.
-hotspotcollection_hotspot_required = THotSpotCollection can only accept instance of THotSpot or its derived classes.
-htmlarea_textmode_readonly = THtmlArea.TextMode is read-only.
-htmlarea_tarfile_invalid = THtmlArea is unable to locate the TinyMCE tar file.
-parametermodule_parameterfile_unchangeable = TParameterModule.ParameterFile is not changeable because the module is already initialized.
-parametermodule_parameterfile_invalid = TParameterModule.ParameterFile '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace format and the file extension is '.xml'.
-parametermodule_parameterid_required = Parameter element must have 'id' attribute.
-datagridcolumn_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}
-outputcache_cachemoduleid_invalid = TOutputCache.CacheModuleID is set with an invalid cache module ID {0}. Either the module does not exist or does not implement ICache interface.
-outputcache_duration_invalid = {0}.Duration must be an integer no less than 0.
-stack_data_not_iterable = TStack can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object.
-stack_empty = TStack is empty.
-queue_data_not_iterable = TQueue can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object.
-queue_empty = TQueue is empty.
-callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update.
-callback_invalid_callback_options = '{1}' is not a valid TCallbackOptions control for Callback control '{0}'.
-callback_invalid_clientside_options = Callback ClientSide property must be either a string that is the ID of a TCallbackOptions control or an instance of TCallbackClientSideOptions.=======
-callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update.
-callback_invalid_handler = Invalid callback handler, control {0} must implement ICallbackEventHandler.
-callback_invalid_target = Invalid callback target, no such control with ID {0}.
-callback_interval_be_positive = Interval for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be strictly greater than zero seconds.
-callback_decay_be_not_negative = Decay rate for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be not negative.
-callback_no_autopostback = Control "{0}" can not enable AutoPostBack.
-xmltransform_xslextension_required = TXmlTransform require the PHP's XSL extension
-xmltransform_transformpath_invalid = TransformPath '{0}' is invalid.
-xmltransform_documentpath_invalid = DocumentPath '{0}' is invalid.
-xmltransform_transform_required = Either TransformContent or TransformPath property must be set.
+prado_application_singleton_required = Prado.Application must only be set once.
+prado_component_unknown = Unknown component type '{0}'.
+prado_using_invalid = '{0}' is not a valid namespace to be used. Make sure '.*' is appended if you want to use a namespace referring to a directory.
+prado_alias_redefined = Alias '{0}' cannot be redefined.
+prado_alias_invalid = Alias '{0}' refers to an invalid path '{1}'. Only existing directories can be aliased.
+prado_aliasname_invalid = Alias '{0}' contains invalid character '.'.
+component_property_undefined = Component property '{0}.{1}' is not defined.
+component_property_readonly = Component property '{0}.{1}' is read-only.
+component_event_undefined = Component event '{0}.{1}' is not defined.
+component_eventhandler_invalid = Component event '{0}.{1}' is attached with an invalid event handler.
+component_expression_invalid = Component '{0}' is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}.
+component_statements_invalid = Component '{0}' is evaluating invalid PHP statements '{1}' : {2}.
+propertyvalue_enumvalue_invalid = Value '{0}' is a not valid enumeration value ({1}).
+list_index_invalid = Index '{0}' is out of range.
+list_item_inexistent = The item cannot be found in the list.
+list_data_not_iterable = Data must be either an array or an object implementing Traversable interface.
+list_readonly = {0} is read-only.
+map_addition_disallowed = The new item cannot be added to the map.
+map_item_unremovable = The item cannot be removed from the map.
+map_data_not_iterable = Data must be either an array or an object implementing Traversable interface.
+map_readonly = {0} is read-only.
+application_basepath_invalid = Application base path '{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.
+application_runtimepath_invalid = Application runtime path '{0}' does not exist or is not writable by Web server process.
+application_service_invalid = Service '{0}' must implement IService interface.
+application_service_unknown = Requested service '{0}' is not defined.
+application_service_unavailable = Service Unavailable.
+application_moduleid_duplicated = Application module ID '{0}' is not unique.
+application_runtimepath_failed = Unable to create runtime path '{0}'. Make sure the parent directory exists and is writable by the Web process.
+appconfig_aliaspath_invalid = Application configuration <alias id="{0}"> uses an invalid file path "{1}".
+appconfig_alias_invalid = Application configuration <alias> element must have an "id" attribute and a "path" attribute.
+appconfig_alias_redefined = Application configuration <alias id="{0}"> cannot be redefined.
+appconfig_using_invalid = Application configuration <using> element must have a "namespace" attribute.
+appconfig_moduleid_required = Application configuration <module> element must have an "id" attribute.
+appconfig_moduletype_required = Application configuration <module id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute.
+appconfig_serviceid_required = Application configuration <service> element must have an "id" attribute.
+appconfig_servicetype_required = Application configuration <service id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute.
+appconfig_parameterid_required = Application configuration <parameter> element must have an "id" attribute.
+securitymanager_validationkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.ValidationKey must not be empty.
+securitymanager_encryptionkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.EncryptionKey must not be empty.
+securitymanager_mcryptextension_required = Mcrypt PHP extension is required in order to use TSecurityManager's encryption feature.
+uri_format_invalid = '{0}' is not a valid URI.
+httpresponse_bufferoutput_unchangeable = THttpResponse.BufferOutput cannot be modified after THttpResponse is initialized.
+httpresponse_file_inexistent = THttpResponse cannot send file '{0}'. The file does not exist.
+httpsession_sessionid_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionID cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_sessionname_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionName cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_sessionname_invalid = THttpSession.SessionName must contain alphanumeric characters only.
+httpsession_savepath_unchangeable = THttpSession.SavePath cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_savepath_invalid = THttpSession.SavePath '{0}' is invalid.
+httpsession_storage_unchangeable = THttpSession.Storage cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_cookiemode_unchangeable = THttpSession.CookieMode cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_autostart_unchangeable = THttpSession.AutoStart cannot be modified after the session module is initialized.
+httpsession_gcprobability_unchangeable = THttpSession.GCProbability cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_gcprobability_invalid = THttpSession.GCProbability must be an integer between 0 and 100.
+httpsession_transid_unchangeable = THttpSession.UseTransparentSessionID cannot be modified after the session is started.
+httpsession_maxlifetime_unchangeable = THttpSession.Timeout cannot be modified after the session is started.
+assetmanager_basepath_invalid = TAssetManager.BasePath '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace form and points to a directory writable by the Web server process.
+assetmanager_basepath_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BasePath cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+assetmanager_baseurl_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BaseUrl cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+assetmanager_filepath_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing an invalid file '{0}'.
+assetmanager_tarchecksum_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing a tar file with invalid checksum '{0}'.
+assetmanager_tarfile_invalid = TAssetManager is publishing an invalid tar file '{0}'.
+cache_primary_duplicated = At most one primary cache module is allowed. {0} is trying to register as another primary cache.
+sqlitecache_extension_required = TSqliteCache requires SQLite PHP extension.
+sqlitecache_dbfile_required = TSqliteCache.DbFile is required.
+sqlitecache_connection_failed = TSqliteCache database connection failed. {0}.
+sqlitecache_table_creation_failed = TSqliteCache failed to create cache database. {0}.
+sqlitecache_dbfile_unchangeable = TSqliteCache.DbFile cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+sqlitecache_dbfile_invalid = TSqliteCache.DbFile is invalid. Make sure it is in a proper namespace format.
+memcache_extension_required = TMemCache requires memcache PHP extension.
+memcache_connection_failed = TMemCache failed to connect to memcache server {0}:{1}.
+memcache_host_unchangeable = TMemCache.Host cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+memcache_port_unchangeable = TMemCache.Port cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+apccache_extension_required = TAPCCache requires APC PHP extension.
+apccache_add_unsupported = TAPCCache.add() is not supported.
+apccache_replace_unsupported = TAPCCache.replace() is not supported.
+errorhandler_errortemplatepath_invalid = TErrorHandler.ErrorTemplatePath '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace form and points to a valid directory containing error template files.
+pageservice_page_unknown = Page '{0}' Not Found
+pageservice_pageclass_unknown = Page class '{0}' is unknown.
+pageservice_basepath_invalid = TPageService.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid directory.
+pageservice_page_required = Page Name Required
+pageservice_defaultpage_unchangeable = TPageService.DefaultPage cannot be modified after the service is initialized.
+pageservice_basepath_unchangeable = TPageService.BasePath cannot be modified after the service is initialized.
+pageserviceconf_file_invalid = Unable to open page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+pageserviceconf_aliaspath_invalid = <alias id="{0}"> uses an invalid file path "{1}" in page directory configuration file '{2}'.
+pageserviceconf_alias_invalid = <alias> element must have an "id" attribute and a "path" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+pageserviceconf_using_invalid = <using> element must have a "namespace" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+pageserviceconf_module_invalid = <module> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+pageserviceconf_moduletype_required = <module id="{0}"> must have a "class" attribute in page directory configuration file '{1}'.
+pageserviceconf_parameter_invalid = <parameter> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+pageserviceconf_page_invalid = <page> element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'.
+template_closingtag_unexpected = Unexpected closing tag '{0}' is found.
+template_closingtag_expected = Closing tag '{0}' is expected.
+template_directive_nonunique = Directive '<%@ ... %>' must appear at the beginning of the template and can appear at most once.
+template_comments_forbidden = Template comments are not allowed within property tags.
+template_matching_unexpected = Unexpected matching.
+template_property_unknown = {0} has no property called '{1}'.
+template_event_unknown = {0} has no event called '{1}'.
+template_property_readonly = {0} has a read-only property '{1}'.
+template_event_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. No handler can be attached to its event '{1}' in a template.
+template_databind_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. Expressions cannot be bound to its property '{1}'.
+template_component_required = '{0}' is not a component. Only components can appear in a template.
+template_format_invalid = Error in {0} (line {1}) : {2}
+template_format_invalid2 = Error at line {0} of the following template: {1} {2}
+template_property_duplicated = Property {0} is configured twice or more.
+template_eventhandler_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static string.
+template_controlid_invalid = {0}.ID can only accept a static text string.
+template_controlskinid_invalid = {0}.SkinID can only accept a static text string.
+template_content_unexpected = Unexpected content is encountered when instantiating template: {0}.
+xmldocument_file_read_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to read file '{0}'.
+xmldocument_file_write_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to write file '{0}'.
+xmlelementlist_xmlelement_required = TXmlElementList can only accept TXmlElement objects.
+authorizationrule_action_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Action can only take 'allow' or 'deny' as the value.
+authorizationrule_verb_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Verb can only take 'get' or 'post' as the value.
+authorizationrulecollection_authorizationrule_required = TAuthorizationRuleCollection can only accept TAuthorizationRule objects.
+usermanager_userfile_invalid = TUserManager.UserFile '{0}' is not a valid file.
+usermanager_userfile_unchangeable = TUserManager.UserFile cannot be modified. The user module has been initialized already.
+authmanager_usermanager_required = TAuthManager.UserManager must be assigned a value.
+authmanager_usermanager_inexistent = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to an ID of application module.
+authmanager_usermanager_invalid = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to a valid TUserManager application module.
+authmanager_usermanager_unchangeable = TAuthManager.UserManager cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+authmanager_session_required = TAuthManager requires a session application module.
+thememanager_basepath_invalid = TThemeManager.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid directory.
+thememanager_basepath_unchangeable = TThemeManager.BasePath cannot be modified after the module is initialized.
+theme_baseurl_required = TThemeManager.BasePath is required. By default, a directory named 'themes' under the directory containing the application entry script is assumed.
+theme_path_inexistent = Theme path '{0}' does not exist.
+theme_control_nested = Skin for control type '{0}' in theme '{1}' cannot be within another skin.
+theme_skinid_duplicated = SkinID '{0}.{1}' is duplicated in theme '{2}'.
+theme_databind_forbidden = Databind cannot be used in theme '{0}' for control skin '{1}.{2}' about property '{3}'.
+theme_property_readonly = Skin is being applied to a read-only control property '{0}.{1}'.
+theme_property_undefined = Skin is being applied to an inexistent control property '{0}.{1}'.
+control_object_reregistered = Duplicated object ID '{0}' found.
+control_id_invalid = {0}.ID '{1}' is invalid. Only alphanumeric and underline characters are allowed. The first character must be an alphabetic or underline character.
+control_skinid_unchangeable = {0}.SkinID cannot be modified after a skin has been applied to the control or the child controls have been created.
+control_enabletheming_unchangeable = {0}.EnableTheming cannot be modified after the child controls have been created.
+control_stylesheet_applied = StyleSheet skin has already been applied to {0}.
+control_id_nonunique = {0}.ID '{1}' is not unique among all controls under the same naming container.
+templatecontrol_mastercontrol_invalid = Master control must be of type TTemplateControl or a child class.
+templatecontrol_contentid_duplicated = TContent ID '{0}' is duplicated.
+templatecontrol_placeholderid_duplicated= TContentPlaceHolder ID '{0}' is duplicated.
+templatecontrol_directive_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static text string through a template directive.
+templatecontrol_placeholder_inexistent = TContent '{0}' does not have a matching TContentPlaceHolder.
+page_form_duplicated = A page can contain at most one TForm. Use regular HTML form tags for the rest forms.
+page_isvalid_unknown = TPage.IsValid has not been evaluated yet.
+page_postbackcontrol_invalid = Unable to determine postback control '{0}'.
+page_control_outofform = {0} '{1}' must be enclosed within TForm.
+page_head_duplicated = A page can contain at most one THead.
+page_statepersister_invalid = Page state persister must implement IPageStatePersister interface.
+csmanager_pradoscript_invalid = Unknown Prado script library name '{0}'.
+contentplaceholder_id_required = TContentPlaceHolder must have an ID.
+content_id_required = TContent must have an ID.
+controlcollection_control_required = TControlList can only accept strings or TControl objects.
+webcontrol_accesskey_invalid = {0}.AccessKey '{1}' is invalid. It must be a single character only.
+webcontrol_style_invalid = {0}.Style must take string value only.
+listcontrol_selection_invalid = {0} has an invalid selection that is set before performing databinding.
+listcontrol_selectedindex_invalid = {0}.SelectedIndex has an invalid value {1}.
+listcontrol_selectedvalue_invalid = {0}.SelectedValue has an invalid value '{1}'.
+listcontrol_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}
+label_associatedcontrol_invalid = TLabel.AssociatedControl '{0}' cannot be found.
+hiddenfield_focus_unsupported = THiddenField does not support setting input focus.
+hiddenfield_theming_unsupported = THiddenField does not support theming.
+hiddenfield_skinid_unsupported = THiddenField does not support control skin.
+panel_defaultbutton_invalid = TPanel.DefaultButton '{0}' does not refer to an existing button control.
+tablestyle_cellpadding_invalid = TTableStyle.CellPadding must take an integer equal to or greater than -1.
+tablestyle_cellspacing_invalid = TTableStyle.CellSpacing must take an integer equal to or greater than -1.
+pagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted.
+sessionpagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted.
+sessionpagestatepersister_historysize_invalid = TSessionPageStatePersister.History must be an integer greater than 0.
+listitemcollection_item_invalid = TListItemCollection can only take strings or TListItem objects.
+dropdownlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TDropDownList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
+bulletedlist_autopostback_unsupported = TBulletedList.AutoPostBack is read-only.
+bulletedlist_selectedindex_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedIndex is read-only.
+bulletedlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TBulletedList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
+bulletedlist_selectedvalue_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedValue is read-only.
+radiobuttonlist_selectedindices_unsupported = TRadioButtonList.SelectedIndices is read-only.
+logrouter_configfile_invalid = TLogRouter.ConfigFile '{0}' does not exist.
+logrouter_routeclass_required = Class attribute is required in <route> configuration.
+logrouter_routetype_required = Log route must be an instance of TLogRoute or its derived class.
+filelogroute_logpath_invalid = TFileLogRoute.LogPath '{0}' must be a directory in namespace format and must be writable by the Web server process.
+filelogroute_maxfilesize_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxFileSize must be greater than 0.
+filelogroute_maxlogfiles_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxLogFiles must be greater than 0.
+emaillogroute_sentfrom_required = TEmailLogRoute.SentFrom cannot be empty.
+repeatinfo_repeatcolumns_invalid = TRepeatInfo.RepeatColumns must be no less than 0.
+basevalidator_controltovalidate_invalid = {0}.ControlToValidate is empty or contains an invalid control ID path.
+basevalidator_validatable_required = {0}.ControlToValidate must point to a control implementing IValidatable interface.
+basevalidator_forcontrol_unsupported = {0}.ForControl is not supported.
+comparevalidator_controltocompare_invalid = TCompareValidator.ControlToCompare contains an invalid control ID path.
+listcontrolvalidator_invalid_control = {0}.ControlToValidate contains an invalid TListControl ID path, "{1}" is a {2}.
+repeater_template_required = TRepeater.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
+datalist_template_required = TDataList.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
+datagrid_template_required = TDataGrid.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
+templatecolumn_template_required = TTemplateColumn.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface.
+datagrid_currentpageindex_invalid = TDataGrid.CurrentPageIndex must be no less than 0.
+datagrid_pagesize_invalid = TDataGrid.PageSize must be greater than 0.
+datagrid_virtualitemcount_invalid = TDataGrid.VirtualItemCount must be no less than 0.
+datagridpagerstyle_pagebuttoncount_invalid = TDataGridPagerStyle.PageButtonCount must be greater than 0.
+datafieldaccessor_data_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate a field value of an invalid data. Make sure the data is an array, TMap, TList, or object that contains the specified field '{0}'.
+datafieldaccessor_datafield_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate data value of an unknown field '{0}'.
+repeateritemcollection_repeateritem_required = TRepeaterItemCollection can only accept TRepeaterItem objects.
+datagriditemcollection_datagriditem_required = TDataGridItemCollection can only accept TDataGridItem objects.
+datagridcolumncollection_datagridcolumn_required = TDataGridColumnCollection can only accept TDataGridColumn objects.
+datalistitemcollection_datalistitem_required = TDataListItemCollection can only accept TDataListItem objects.
+tablerowcollection_tablerow_required = TTableRowCollection can only accept TTableRow objects.
+tablecellcollection_tablerow_required = TTableCellCollection can only accept TTableCell objects.
+multiview_view_required = TMultiView can only accept TView as child.
+multiview_activeviewindex_invalid = TMultiView.ActiveViewIndex has an invalid index '{0}'.
+multiview_view_inexistent = TMultiView cannot find the specified view.
+multiview_viewid_invalid = TMultiView cannot find the view '{0}' to switch to.
+viewcollection_view_required = TViewCollection can only accept TView as its element.
+view_visible_readonly = TView.Visible is read-only. Use TView.Active to toggle its visibility.
+wizard_step_invalid = The step to be activated cannot be found in wizard step collection.
+wizard_command_invalid = Invalid wizard navigation command '{0}'.
+table_tablesection_outoforder = TTable table sections must be in the order of: Header, Body and Footer.
+completewizardstep_steptype_readonly = TCompleteWizardStep.StepType is read-only.
+wizardstepcollection_wizardstep_required = TWizardStepCollection can only accept objects of TWizardStep or its derived classes.
+texthighlighter_stylesheet_invalid = Unable to find the stylesheet file for TTextHighlighter.
+hotspotcollection_hotspot_required = THotSpotCollection can only accept instance of THotSpot or its derived classes.
+htmlarea_textmode_readonly = THtmlArea.TextMode is read-only.
+htmlarea_tarfile_invalid = THtmlArea is unable to locate the TinyMCE tar file.
+parametermodule_parameterfile_unchangeable = TParameterModule.ParameterFile is not changeable because the module is already initialized.
+parametermodule_parameterfile_invalid = TParameterModule.ParameterFile '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace format and the file extension is '.xml'.
+parametermodule_parameterid_required = Parameter element must have 'id' attribute.
+datagridcolumn_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2}
+outputcache_cachemoduleid_invalid = TOutputCache.CacheModuleID is set with an invalid cache module ID {0}. Either the module does not exist or does not implement ICache interface.
+outputcache_duration_invalid = {0}.Duration must be an integer no less than 0.
+stack_data_not_iterable = TStack can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object.
+stack_empty = TStack is empty.
+queue_data_not_iterable = TQueue can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object.
+queue_empty = TQueue is empty.
+callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update.
+callback_invalid_callback_options = '{1}' is not a valid TCallbackOptions control for Callback control '{0}'.
+callback_invalid_clientside_options = Callback ClientSide property must be either a string that is the ID of a TCallbackOptions control or an instance of TCallbackClientSideOptions.=======
+callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update.
+callback_invalid_handler = Invalid callback handler, control {0} must implement ICallbackEventHandler.
+callback_invalid_target = Invalid callback target, no such control with ID {0}.
+callback_interval_be_positive = Interval for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be strictly greater than zero seconds.
+callback_decay_be_not_negative = Decay rate for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be not negative.
+callback_no_autopostback = Control "{0}" can not enable AutoPostBack.
+xmltransform_xslextension_required = TXmlTransform require the PHP's XSL extension
+xmltransform_transformpath_invalid = TransformPath '{0}' is invalid.
+xmltransform_documentpath_invalid = DocumentPath '{0}' is invalid.
+xmltransform_transform_required = Either TransformContent or TransformPath property must be set.
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseDataList.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseDataList.php
index 479fb2ef..a8ab8faf 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseDataList.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseDataList.php
@@ -44,15 +44,6 @@ Prado::using('System.Util.TDataFieldAccessor');
abstract class TBaseDataList extends TDataBoundControl
- * No body content should be added to data list control.
- * This method is invoked when body content is parsed and added to this control.
- * @param mixed body content to be added
- */
- public function addParsedObject($object)
- {
- }
- /**
* Creates a style object for the control.
* This method creates a {@link TTableStyle} to be used by the data list control.
* @return TTableStyle control style to be used
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TButton.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TButton.php
index b77ca111..f1132625 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TButton.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TButton.php
@@ -13,37 +13,35 @@
* TButton class
- * TButton creates a click button on the page. It is used to submit data to a page.
- * You can create either a <b>submit</b> button or a <b>command</b> button.
+ * TButton creates a click button on the page. It is mainly used to submit data to a page.
- * A <b>command</b> button has a command name (specified by
- * the {@link setCommandName CommandName} property) and and a command parameter
- * (specified by {@link setCommandParameter CommandParameter} property)
- * associated with the button. This allows you to create multiple TButton
+ * TButton raises two server-side events, {@link onClick OnClick} and {@link onCommand OnCommand},
+ * when it is clicked on the client-side. The difference between these two events
+ * is that the event {@link onCommand OnCommand} is bubbled up to the button's ancestor controls.
+ * And within the event parameter for {@link onCommand OnCommand} contains the reference
+ * to the {@link setCommandName CommandName} and {@link setCommandParameter CommandParameter}
+ * property values that are set for the button object. This allows you to create multiple TButton
* components on a Web page and programmatically determine which one is clicked
- * with what parameter. You can provide an event handler for
- * {@link onCommand OnCommand} event to programmatically control the actions performed
- * when the command button is clicked. In the event handler, you can determine
- * the {@link setCommandName CommandName} property value and
- * the {@link setCommandParameter CommandParameter} property value
- * through the {@link TCommandParameter::getName Name} and
- * {@link TCommandParameter::getParameter Parameter} properties of the event
- * parameter which is of type {@link TCommandEventParameter}.
+ * with what parameter.
- * A <b>submit</b> button does not have a command name associated with the button
- * and clicking on it simply posts the Web page back to the server.
- * By default, a TButton component is a submit button.
- * You can provide an event handler for the {@link onClick OnClick} event
- * to programmatically control the actions performed when the submit button is clicked.
- *
- * Clicking on button can trigger form validation, if
+ * Clicking on button can also trigger form validation, if
* {@link setCausesValidation CausesValidation} is true.
- * And the validation may be restricted within a certain group of validator
+ * The validation may be restricted within a certain group of validator
* controls by setting {@link setValidationGroup ValidationGroup} property.
* If validation is successful, the data will be post back to the same page.
* TButton displays the {@link setText Text} property as the button caption.
+ * TButton can be one of three {@link setButtonType ButtonType}: Submit, Button and Reset.
+ * By default, it is a Submit button and the form submission uses the browser's
+ * default submission capability. If it is Button or Reset, postback may occur
+ * if one of the following conditions is met:
+ * - an event handler is attached to {@link onClick OnClick} event;
+ * - an event handler is attached to {@link onCommand OnCommand} event;
+ * - the button is in a non-empty validation group.
+ * In addition, clicking on a Reset button will clear up all input fields
+ * if the button does not cause a postback.
+ *
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
@@ -68,12 +66,15 @@ class TButton extends TWebControl implements IPostBackEventHandler, IButtonContr
- $writer->addAttribute('type','submit');
+ $writer->addAttribute('type',strtolower($this->getButtonType()));
- if($this->getEnabled(true) )
- $this->renderClientControlScript($writer);
+ if($this->getEnabled(true))
+ {
+ if($this->needPostBackScript())
+ $this->renderClientControlScript($writer);
+ }
else if($this->getEnabled()) // in this case, parent will not render 'disabled'
@@ -85,12 +86,8 @@ class TButton extends TWebControl implements IPostBackEventHandler, IButtonContr
protected function renderClientControlScript($writer)
- if($this->canCauseValidation())
- {
- $writer->addAttribute('id',$this->getClientID());
- $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
- $cs->registerPostBackControl($this->getClientClassName(),$this->getPostBackOptions());
- }
+ $writer->addAttribute('id',$this->getClientID());
+ $this->getPage()->getClientScript()->registerPostBackControl($this->getClientClassName(),$this->getPostBackOptions());
@@ -118,6 +115,15 @@ class TButton extends TWebControl implements IPostBackEventHandler, IButtonContr
+ * @return boolean whether the button needs javascript to do postback
+ */
+ protected function needPostBackScript()
+ {
+ return $this->canCauseValidation() || ($this->getButtonType()!=='Submit' &&
+ ($this->hasEventHandler('OnClick') || $this->hasEventHandler('OnCommand')));
+ }
+ /**
* Returns postback specifications for the button.
* This method is used by framework and control developers.
* @return array parameters about how the button defines its postback behavior.
@@ -262,6 +268,22 @@ class TButton extends TWebControl implements IPostBackEventHandler, IButtonContr
+ /**
+ * @return string the type of the button. Defaults to 'Submit'.
+ */
+ public function getButtonType()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('ButtonType','Submit');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string the type of the button. Valid values include 'Submit', 'Reset', 'Button'.
+ */
+ public function setButtonType($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('ButtonType',TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'Submit','Reset','Button'),'Submit');
+ }
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
index 69798c1a..dae2d2cd 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
@@ -186,6 +186,14 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
private $_pagedDataSource=null;
private $_topPager=null;
private $_bottomPager=null;
+ /**
+ * @var ITemplate template used when empty data is bounded
+ */
+ private $_emptyTemplate=null;
+ /**
+ * @var boolean whether empty template is effective
+ */
+ private $_useEmptyTemplate=false;
* @return string tag name (table) of the datagrid
@@ -197,13 +205,15 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
* Adds objects parsed in template to datagrid.
- * Only datagrid columns are added into {@link getColumns Columns} collection.
+ * Datagrid columns are added into {@link getColumns Columns} collection.
* @param mixed object parsed in template
public function addParsedObject($object)
if($object instanceof TDataGridColumn)
+ else
+ parent::addParsedObject($object);
@@ -683,6 +693,26 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
+ * @return ITemplate the template applied when no data is bound to the datagrid
+ */
+ public function getEmptyTemplate()
+ {
+ return $this->_emptyTemplate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ITemplate the template applied when no data is bound to the datagrid
+ * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
+ */
+ public function setEmptyTemplate($value)
+ {
+ if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
+ $this->_emptyTemplate=$value;
+ else
+ throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datagrid_template_required','EmptyTemplate');
+ }
+ /**
* This method overrides parent's implementation to handle
* {@link onItemCommand OnItemCommand} event which is bubbled from
* {@link TDataGridItem} child controls.
@@ -953,6 +983,7 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
+ $this->_useEmptyTemplate=false;
@@ -968,6 +999,17 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
$ds->setDataSource(new TDummyDataSource($itemCount));
$ds->setDataSource(new TDummyDataSource($this->getViewState('DataSourceCount',0)));
+ if($ds->getCount()===0 && $ds->getCurrentPageIndex()===0 && $this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ {
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
+ $this->_useEmptyTemplate=true;
+ $this->clearViewState('ItemCount');
+ $this->clearViewState('PageCount');
+ $this->clearViewState('DataSourceCount');
+ return;
+ }
$columns=new TList($this->getColumns());
@@ -1020,9 +1062,21 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
if($allowPaging && $ds->getCurrentPageIndex()>=$ds->getPageCount())
throw new TInvalidDataValueException('datagrid_currentpageindex_invalid');
+ if($ds->getCount()===0 && $ds->getCurrentPageIndex()===0 && $this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ {
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
+ $this->_useEmptyTemplate=true;
+ $this->clearViewState('ItemCount');
+ $this->clearViewState('PageCount');
+ $this->clearViewState('DataSourceCount');
+ return;
+ }
// get all columns
@@ -1046,7 +1100,7 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
- $dsIndex=$ds->getAllowPaging()?$ds->getFirstIndexInPage():0;
+ $dsIndex=$allowPaging?$ds->getFirstIndexInPage():0;
foreach($ds as $key=>$data)
@@ -1502,17 +1556,31 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer
- $this->applyItemStyles();
- if($this->_topPager)
+ if($this->_useEmptyTemplate)
- $this->_topPager->renderControl($writer);
- $writer->writeLine();
+ $control=new TWebControl;
+ $control->setID($this->getClientID());
+ $control->copyBaseAttributes($this);
+ if($this->getHasStyle())
+ $control->getStyle()->copyFrom($this->getStyle());
+ $control->renderBeginTag($writer);
+ $this->renderContents($writer);
+ $control->renderEndTag($writer);
- $this->renderTable($writer);
- if($this->_bottomPager)
+ else
- $writer->writeLine();
- $this->_bottomPager->renderControl($writer);
+ $this->applyItemStyles();
+ if($this->_topPager)
+ {
+ $this->_topPager->renderControl($writer);
+ $writer->writeLine();
+ }
+ $this->renderTable($writer);
+ if($this->_bottomPager)
+ {
+ $writer->writeLine();
+ $this->_bottomPager->renderControl($writer);
+ }
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataList.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataList.php
index b2bd9229..0dac2be2 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataList.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataList.php
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUs
* @var Itemplate various item templates
private $_itemTemplate=null;
+ private $_emptyTemplate=null;
private $_alternatingItemTemplate=null;
private $_selectedItemTemplate=null;
private $_editItemTemplate=null;
@@ -363,6 +364,26 @@ class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUs
+ * @return ITemplate the template applied when no data is bound to the datalist
+ */
+ public function getEmptyTemplate()
+ {
+ return $this->_emptyTemplate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ITemplate the template applied when no data is bound to the datalist
+ * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
+ */
+ public function setEmptyTemplate($value)
+ {
+ if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
+ $this->_emptyTemplate=$value;
+ else
+ throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','EmptyTemplate');
+ }
+ /**
* @return ITemplate the separator template
public function getSeparatorTemplate()
@@ -1109,6 +1130,8 @@ class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUs
+ else if($this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
@@ -1150,6 +1173,8 @@ class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUs
if($itemIndex>0 && $this->_footerTemplate!==null)
+ if($itemIndex===0 && $this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
@@ -1162,9 +1187,14 @@ class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUs
- $this->applyItemStyles();
- $repeatInfo=$this->getRepeatInfo();
- $repeatInfo->renderRepeater($writer,$this);
+ if($this->getItemCount()>0)
+ {
+ $this->applyItemStyles();
+ $repeatInfo=$this->getRepeatInfo();
+ $repeatInfo->renderRepeater($writer,$this);
+ }
+ else if($this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ parent::render($writer);
@@ -1317,7 +1347,7 @@ class TDataListItem extends TWebControl implements INamingContainer
- * @return string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'
+ * @return string item type
public function getItemType()
@@ -1325,7 +1355,7 @@ class TDataListItem extends TWebControl implements INamingContainer
- * @param mixed data to be associated with the item
+ * @param string item type. Valid values include 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
public function setItemType($value)
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/THyperLink.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/THyperLink.php
index 5489727c..011ce4db 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/THyperLink.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/THyperLink.php
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class THyperLink extends TWebControl
- $image->setAlternateText(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($text));
+ $image->setAlternateText($text);
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TRepeater.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TRepeater.php
index 9c1cc4ac..a2fc01d7 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TRepeater.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TRepeater.php
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
const IT_HEADER='Header';
const IT_FOOTER='Footer';
- const IT_EMPTY='Empty';
const IT_ITEM='Item';
const IT_SEPARATOR='Separator';
const IT_ALTERNATINGITEM='AlternatingItem';
@@ -105,15 +104,6 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
private $_footer=null;
- * No body content should be added to repeater.
- * This method is invoked when body content is parsed and added to this control.
- * @param mixed body content to be added
- */
- public function addParsedObject($object)
- {
- }
- /**
* @return ITemplate the template for repeater items
public function getItemTemplate()
@@ -343,7 +333,6 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
case self::IT_HEADER: $template=$this->_headerTemplate; break;
case self::IT_FOOTER: $template=$this->_footerTemplate; break;
- case self::IT_EMPTY : $template=$this->_emptyTemplate; break;
case self::IT_ITEM : $template=$this->_itemTemplate; break;
case self::IT_SEPARATOR : $template=$this->_separatorTemplate; break;
case self::IT_ALTERNATINGITEM : $template=$this->_alternatingItemTemplate===null ? $this->_itemTemplate : $this->_alternatingItemTemplate; break;
@@ -360,7 +349,10 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
public function render($writer)
- $this->renderContents($writer);
+ if($this->_items && $this->_items->getCount())
+ $this->renderContents($writer);
+ else if($this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
+ parent::render($writer);
@@ -422,7 +414,7 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
else if($this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
- $this->createItemInternal(-1,self::IT_EMPTY,false,null);
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
@@ -460,7 +452,7 @@ class TRepeater extends TDataBoundControl implements INamingContainer
if($itemIndex>0 && $this->_footerTemplate!==null)
if($itemIndex===0 && $this->_emptyTemplate!==null)
- $this->createItemInternal(-1,self::IT_EMPTY,true,null);
+ $this->_emptyTemplate->instantiateIn($this);
@@ -677,16 +669,16 @@ class TRepeaterItem extends TControl implements INamingContainer
* Constructor.
* @param integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of repeater
- * @param string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Empty','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
+ * @param string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
public function __construct($itemIndex,$itemType)
- $this->_itemType=$itemType;
+ $this->setItemType($itemType);
- * @return string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Empty','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'
+ * @return string item type
public function getItemType()
@@ -694,6 +686,14 @@ class TRepeaterItem extends TControl implements INamingContainer
+ * @param string item type. Valid values include 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
+ */
+ public function setItemType($value)
+ {
+ $this->_itemType=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager');
+ }
+ /**
* @return integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of repeater
public function getItemIndex()