path: root/tests/unit/Data/SqlMap/AllTests.php
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-03-25Removed simpletest and moved all tests in the unit treeFabio Bas
Tests are executed now, but a lot of them need fixing.
2014-01-15Removed ?> from testsFabio Bas
2013-09-17Chnages in phpunit's bootstrap script; should hopefully fix travisFabio Bas
2012-07-12standardize the use of unix eol; use svn properties to enforce native eolctrlaltca
2011-05-21up-ported to trunk/ unit tests fixes from
2009-05-01Fixed Issue #55 - TPropertyAccess.get don't recognize magic getter
2009-03-22Fixed Issue #88 - SQLMap $Param$ re-evaluation