path: root/http/index.php
diff options
authoremkael <>2015-01-27 16:31:12 +0100
committeremkael <>2015-01-27 16:31:12 +0100
commitcab5dcbafb0f82ba742ac014741dfc4208be9fbd (patch)
tree3081fc9150ac7d15280c099a4699085a2a27087f /http/index.php
* initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'http/index.php')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/http/index.php b/http/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a2731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+define('CACHE_PATH', '../cache');
+define('CEZAR_URL', '');
+// fetch item from content cache
+function get_cache_content($cacheKey, $url, $force = FALSE) {
+ $cacheFile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . CACHE_PATH) . '/' . $cacheKey;
+ if ($force || !(file_exists($cacheFile) && filemtime($cacheFile) > strtotime('-1 day'))) {
+ fetch_with_user_agent_spoof($cacheFile, $url);
+ }
+ return file_get_contents($cacheFile);
+// save remote URL locally, forwarding browser's User Agent String
+function fetch_with_user_agent_spoof($targetFile, $sourceUrl) {
+ file_put_contents(
+ $targetFile,
+ file_get_contents($sourceUrl,
+ stream_context_create(['http' => [
+ 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
+ ]
+ ]))
+ );
+// parse requested path (after rewrite)
+$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+$path = array_values(array_filter(explode('/', $url['path'])));
+if ($path) {
+ // /[ANYTHING]/refresh disables cache (forces cache refresh)
+ $cache = !(count($path) > 1 && $path[1] == 'refresh');
+ // build Cezar URL for requested path
+ $path[0] = urldecode($path[0]);
+ $searchUrl = new http\Url(CEZAR_URL,
+ ['query' => http_build_query(
+ ['pid_search' => $path[0],
+ 'p' => '21']
+ )]);
+ $mscUrl = $searchUrl->toString();
+ $content = get_cache_content($path[0], $mscUrl, !$cache); // requested content
+ $contentLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content);
+ // if the comment delimiters are present, we're possibly dealing with the content we want, slice it and wrap it
+ $delimiters = array_keys(preg_grep('/---- page content /', $contentLines));
+ if ($delimiters) {
+ $content = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><base href="/" /><style>body {width: 580px; font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, "sans-serif";}</style></head><body>'
+ . implode(PHP_EOL, array_slice($contentLines, $delimiters[0]+1, $delimiters[1]-$delimiters[0]-1))
+ . '</body></html>';
+ }
+ else {
+ die('Malformed (even more than usually) content :(');
+ }
+ require_once('/usr/share/php/QueryPath/QueryPath.php');
+ $html = htmlqp($content, NULL, ['convert_to_encoding' => 'utf-8']);
+ // for search list pages, replace links with internal links to player IDs
+ $links = $html->find('a[href^="?p=21&pid="]');
+ if ($links->size()) {
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ $href = [];
+ parse_str($link->attr('href'), $href);
+ $link->attr('href', $href['pid']);
+ }
+ }
+ $html->top();
+ // remove general crap
+ $html->find('script, table.msc_noprint, center>p')->remove();
+ $html->top();
+ // leave only first-ish table of the content
+ $html->find('table > tr > td')->eq(1)->remove();
+ $html->top();
+ $html->find('table > tr > td > table')->eq(2)->remove();
+ $html->top();
+ $html->find('table > tr > td > table')->eq(2)->remove();
+ $html->top();
+ // remove internal Cezar links
+ $innerLinks = $html->find('table > tr > td > table a');
+ foreach ($innerLinks as $innerLink) {
+ $innerLink->removeAttr('href');
+ }
+ // get rid of Cezar link icons (right green arrows)
+ $html->find('img[src*="ico_link_8.gif"]')->remove();
+ $html->top();
+ // proxy all external images, by resolving them relatively to the original server
+ // and cache them locally
+ // internal images are left untouched in the markup and are proxied through pic/fetch.php handler
+ // (if they're not present/overwritten locally)
+ $images = $html->find('img')->not('[src^="pic/"]');
+ foreach ($images as $image) {
+ $src = $image->attr('src');
+ $url = new http\Url(CEZAR_URL, $src, http\Url::FROM_ENV | http\Url::SANITIZE_PATH | http\Url::JOIN_PATH | http\Url::REPLACE);
+ $imageUrl = $url->toString();
+ $cachedImageUrl = 'foto/' . md5($imageUrl) . '.' . array_pop(explode('.', $imageUrl));
+ if (!file_exists($cachedImageUrl) || !$cache) {
+ fetch_with_user_agent_spoof($cachedImageUrl, $imageUrl);
+ }
+ $image->attr('src', $cachedImageUrl);
+ }
+ $html->top();
+ // all done
+ print $html->html();
+else {
+ die('Nothing to see here, move along.');