path: root/ausbutler
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01-17Proper links to old butler (normalized or not)emkael
2017-01-17Previous butler from old database is carried overemkael
2017-01-10Option to calculate opponents' scores with all results, not only currentemkael
2017-01-06Code formattingemkael
2017-01-06Code formatting: import sortemkael
2017-01-06Encoding fixesemkael
2017-01-06Explicit join instead of ForeignKey in model so that create_all does not atte...emkael
2017-01-06Goniec supportemkael
2017-01-06Goniec clientemkael
2017-01-06Aggregating and firing page generationemkael
2017-01-06Generating compiled table pageemkael
2017-01-06Generating segment pagesemkael
2017-01-06Player and team information added to modelemkael
2017-01-06Generating frame pages for segment pagesemkael
2017-01-06Setting up template system, with translationsemkael
2017-01-06Merging DB parameters from two tablesemkael
2017-01-06DB connection charsetemkael
2017-01-05Fetching translation strings and constants from tournament DBemkael
2017-01-05Refactoring - config loading helperemkael
2017-01-05Refactoring - grouping calculation methodsemkael
2017-01-04Opponents' score includes current segment and cutoffsemkael
2017-01-04Code reformattingemkael
2017-01-04Import sortemkael
2017-01-04Moving config read to entry scriptemkael
2017-01-04Applying normalization to butler scoresemkael
2017-01-04Compiling opponents previous scores for each segment butleremkael
2017-01-04Populating model database with normalized (RDBMS-wise) data, with cut-off fro...emkael
2017-01-04Model database creation interfaceemkael
2017-01-04Model classesemkael
2017-01-04Database connection setupemkael
2017-01-04Module structureemkael