path: root/config
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-10-08Explanation texts do not expand table widthHEADmasteremkael
Fixes #11
2019-10-06Line breaks in translationsemkael
2019-10-06Fix typo in translations.jsonMichaƂ Zimniewicz
2019-07-26Translation config reformattedv1.3emkael
2019-07-26Explanation texts on main summary tableemkael
2017-01-10Option to calculate opponents' scores with all results, not only currentemkael
2017-01-06Translation whitespace and line break fixesemkael
2017-01-06Goniec clientemkael
2017-01-06Translation fixemkael
2017-01-06Generating compiled table pageemkael
2017-01-06Additional translationsemkael
2017-01-05Fetching translation strings and constants from tournament DBemkael
2017-01-04Example clear text DB config fileemkael
2017-01-04Initial commit:emkael
* git-crypt setup * configuration files