diff options
author | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-03-25 18:37:11 -0400 |
committer | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-03-25 18:37:11 -0400 |
commit | dc9f50a554293bd8d5a8257c241eb8e684bdaf28 (patch) | |
tree | 4987ad5f6f19161f8fa594819defbad201dface9 | |
parent | c5fc56894e5be89dd968c27c36a483e2e64afe3b (diff) |
Sync locales
25 files changed, 337 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php index c9abcd08..7499f765 100644 --- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Svi projekti', 'Add a new column' => 'Dodaj novu kolonu', 'Title' => 'Naslov', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Niko nije dodijeljen', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Dodijeljen korisniku %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Ukloni kolonu', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Ukloni kolonu sa table', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Broj zadataka', 'User' => 'Korisnik', 'Comments' => 'Komentari', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Pisanje teksta pomoću Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Ostavi komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar je obavezan', 'Leave a description' => 'Dodaj opis', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Format ISO je uvijek prihvatljiv, primjer: "%s", "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Novi privatni projekat', 'This project is private' => 'Ovaj projekat je privatan', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Piši ovdje za kreiranje novog pod-zadatka', 'Add' => 'Dodaj', 'Start date' => 'Datum početka', 'Time estimated' => 'Procijenjeno vrijeme', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima za "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Izvozi', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ovaj izvoz sadržava broj zadataka po koloni grupisanih po danima.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Ništa za pokazati...', - 'Preview' => 'Pregled', - 'Write' => 'Piši', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivne swimline trake', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Dodaj novu swimline traku', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Preimenuj podrazumijevanu swimline traku', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Trajanje zadatka u danima', 'Days in this column' => 'Dani u ovoj koloni', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Dodaj vezu', 'Add a new link' => 'Dodaj novu vezu', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želite ukloniti ovu vezu: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Da li zaista želite ukloniti ovu vezu sa zadatkom #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Tok mojih aktivnosti', 'My calendar' => 'Moj kalendar', 'Search tasks' => 'Pretraga zadataka', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Vrati na kalendar', - 'Filters' => 'Filteri', 'Reset filters' => 'Vrati filtere na početno', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Moji zadaci koje treba završiti sutra', 'Tasks due today' => 'Zadaci koje treba završiti danas', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Podijeljeno', 'Owner' => 'Vlasnik', 'Unread notifications' => 'Nepročitana obavještenja', - 'My filters' => 'Moji filteri', 'Notification methods:' => 'Metode obavještenja:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Uvezi zadatke putem CSV fajla', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Nemoguće pročitati fajl', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Zatvori zadatak kada nema aktivnosti', 'Duration in days' => 'Dužina trajanja u danima', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Pošalji email kada nema aktivnosti na zadatku', - 'List of external links' => 'Lista vanjskih veza', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Ne mogu da pribavim informacije o vezi.', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Dnevni pozadinski poslovi na zadacima', 'Auto' => 'Automatski', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Vanjska veza', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Kopiraj i zalijepi svoju vezu ovdje...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Trenutno nema vanjskih veza.', 'Internal links' => 'Unutrašnje veze', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Trenutno nema unutrašnjih veza.', 'Assign to me' => 'Dodijeli meni', 'Me' => 'Za mene', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Ništa ne dupliciraj', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Menadžment korisnika', 'Groups management' => 'Menadžment grupa', 'Create from another project' => 'Napravi iz drugog projekta', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Trenutno nema pod-zadataka.', 'open' => 'otvoreno', 'closed' => 'zatvoreno', 'Priority:' => 'Prioritet:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Početo:', 'Moved:' => 'Pomjereno:', 'Task #%d' => 'Zadatak #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Pod-zadaci', 'Date and time format' => 'Format za datum i vrijeme', 'Time format' => 'Format za vrijeme', 'Start date: ' => 'Početni datum:', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Korisnički filteri', 'Category filters' => 'Kategorija filtera', 'Upload a file' => 'Dodaj fajl', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Trenutno nema priloga.', 'View file' => 'Pregled fajla', 'Last activity' => 'Posljednja aktivnost', 'Change subtask position' => 'Promijeni poziciju pod-zadatka', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'Trenutno nema akcija.', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Uvezi akcije iz drugog projekta', 'There is no available project.' => 'Trenutno nema dostupnih projekata.', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php index 08836dec..8331d055 100644 --- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Všechny projekty', 'Add a new column' => 'Přidat nový sloupec', 'Title' => 'Název', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nepřiřazena žádná osoba', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Přiřazeno uživateli: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Vyjmout sloupec', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Vyjmout sloupec z nástěnky', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Počet úkolů', 'User' => 'Uživatel', 'Comments' => 'Komentáře', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Můžete použít i Markdown-syntaxi', 'Leave a comment' => 'Zanechte komentář', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentář je vyžadován', 'Leave a description' => 'Vložte popis', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO formát je vždy akceptován, například: "%s" a "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nový soukromý projekt', 'This project is private' => 'Tento projekt je soukromuý', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Uveďte zde pro vytvoření nového dílčího úkolu', 'Add' => 'Přidat', 'Start date' => 'Počáteční datum', 'Time estimated' => 'Odhadovaný čas', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export denních přehledů pro "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporty', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Tento export obsahuje počet úkolů pro jednotlivé sloupce seskupených podle dní.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Žádná položka k zobrazení ...', - 'Preview' => 'Náhled', - 'Write' => 'Režim psaní', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktive Swimlane', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Přidat nový řádek', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Standard Swimlane ändern', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Doba trvání úkolu ve dnech', 'Days in this column' => 'Dní v tomto sloupci', '%dd' => '%d d', - 'Add a link' => 'Přidat odkaz', 'Add a new link' => 'Přidat nový odkaz', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Die Verbindung "%s" wirklich löschen?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Die Verbindung mit der Aufgabe #%d wirklich löschen?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Přehled mých aktivit', 'My calendar' => 'Můj kalendář', 'Search tasks' => 'Hledání úkolů', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Zpět do kalendáře', - 'Filters' => 'Filtry', 'Reset filters' => 'Resetovat filtry', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Moje zítřejší úkoly', 'Tasks due today' => 'Dnešní úkoly', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php index 8e686ee4..354666a8 100644 --- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Alle Projekter', 'Add a new column' => 'Tilføj en ny kolonne', 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ingen ansvarlig', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Ansvarlig: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Fjern en kolonne', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Fjern en kolonne fra et board', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( // 'Task count' => '', 'User' => 'Bruger', 'Comments' => 'Kommentarer', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Skriv din tekst i markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Efterlad en kommentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Kommentar er krævet', 'Leave a description' => 'Efterlad en beskrivelse...', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO format er altid accepteret, eksempelvis: "%s" og "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nyt privat projekt', 'This project is private' => 'Dette projekt er privat', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Skriv her for at tilføje en ny under-opgave', 'Add' => 'Tilføj', 'Start date' => 'Start dato', 'Time estimated' => 'Tid estimeret', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( // 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '', // 'Exports' => '', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', - // 'Nothing to preview...' => '', - // 'Preview' => '', - // 'Write' => '', // 'Active swimlanes' => '', // 'Add a new swimlane' => '', // 'Change default swimlane' => '', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( // 'Task age in days' => '', // 'Days in this column' => '', // '%dd' => '', - // 'Add a link' => '', // 'Add a new link' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', - // 'Back to the calendar' => '', - // 'Filters' => '', // 'Reset filters' => '', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php index 59c16e11..1cd8c07b 100644 --- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Alle Projekte', 'Add a new column' => 'Neue Spalte hinzufügen', 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nicht zugeordnet', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Zuständig: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Spalte löschen', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Spalte einer Pinnwand löschen', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Aufgabenanzahl', 'User' => 'Benutzer', 'Comments' => 'Kommentare', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Schreibe deinen Text in Markdown-Syntax', 'Leave a comment' => 'Kommentar eingeben', 'Comment is required' => 'Ein Kommentar wird benötigt', 'Leave a description' => 'Beschreibung eingeben', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO Format wird immer akzeptiert, z.B.: "%s" und "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Neues privates Projekt', 'This project is private' => 'Dieses Projekt ist privat', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Hier tippen, um eine neue Teilaufgabe zu erstellen', 'Add' => 'Hinzufügen', 'Start date' => 'Startdatum', 'Time estimated' => 'Geschätzte Zeit', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export der täglichen Projektzusammenfassung für "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporte', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Dieser Export enthält die Anzahl der Aufgaben pro Spalte nach Tagen gruppiert.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nichts in der Vorschau anzuzeigen ...', - 'Preview' => 'Vorschau', - 'Write' => 'Ändern', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktive Swimlane', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Eine neue Swimlane hinzufügen', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Standard-Swimlane ändern', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Aufgabenalter in Tagen', 'Days in this column' => 'Tage in dieser Spalte', '%dd' => '%dT', - 'Add a link' => 'Verbindung hinzufügen', 'Add a new link' => 'Neue Verbindung hinzufügen', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Die Verbindung "%s" wirklich löschen?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Die Verbindung mit der Aufgabe #%d wirklich löschen?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Aktivitätsstream', 'My calendar' => 'Mein Kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Suche nach Aufgaben', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Zurück zum Kalender', - 'Filters' => 'Filter', 'Reset filters' => 'Filter zurücksetzen', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Meine morgen fälligen Aufgaben', 'Tasks due today' => 'Heute fällige Aufgaben', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Geteilt', 'Owner' => 'Eigentümer', 'Unread notifications' => 'Ungelesene Benachrichtigungen', - 'My filters' => 'Meine Filter', 'Notification methods:' => 'Benachrichtigungs-Methoden:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importiere Aufgaben aus CSV Datei', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Die Datei kann nicht gelesen werden', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Schliesse eine Aufgabe, wenn keine Aktivitäten vorhanden sind', 'Duration in days' => 'Dauer in Tagen', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Versende eine Email, wenn keine Aktivitäten an einer Aufgabe vorhanden sind', - 'List of external links' => 'Liste der externen Verbindungen', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Kann keine Informationen über Verbindungen holen', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Tägliche Hintergrundarbeit für Aufgaben', 'Auto' => 'Auto', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Externe Verbindung', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Kopieren Sie Ihren Link hier...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Es gibt im Moment keine externe Verbindung.', 'Internal links' => 'Interne Verbindungen', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Es gibt im Moment keine interne Verbindung.', 'Assign to me' => 'Mir zuweisen', 'Me' => 'Mich', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Nichts duplizieren', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Benutzermanagement', 'Groups management' => 'Gruppenmanagement', 'Create from another project' => 'Von einem anderen Projekt erstellen', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Es gibt im Moment keine Teilaufgabe', 'open' => 'offen', 'closed' => 'geschlossen', 'Priority:' => 'Priorität:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Gestarted:', 'Moved:' => 'Verschoben:', 'Task #%d' => 'Aufgabe #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Teilaufgaben', 'Date and time format' => 'Datums- und Zeitformat', 'Time format' => 'Zeitformat', 'Start date: ' => 'Anfangsdatum:', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Benutzer-Filter', 'Category filters' => 'Kategorie-Filter', 'Upload a file' => 'Eine Datei hochladen', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Es gibt zur Zeit keine Anhänge', 'View file' => 'Datei ansehen', 'Last activity' => 'Letzte Aktivität', 'Change subtask position' => 'Position der Unteraufgabe ändern', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'Es gibt zur Zeit keine Aktionen.', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Aktionen von einem anderen Projekt importieren', 'There is no available project.' => 'Es ist kein Projekt verfügbar.', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php index 1f58fb69..ac0622dd 100644 --- a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Όλα τα έργα', 'Add a new column' => 'Πρόσθήκη στήλης', 'Title' => 'Τίτλος', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Δεν έχει ανατεθεί', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Ανατιθεμένο στον %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Αφαίρεση στήλης', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Αφαίρεση στήλης από τον πίνακα', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Αρίθμηση εργασιών', 'User' => 'Χρήστης', 'Comments' => 'Σχόλια', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Δυνατότητα γραφής και σε Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο', 'Comment is required' => 'Το σχόλιο απαιτείται', 'Leave a description' => 'Αφήστε μια περιγραφή', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO format είναι πάντα αποδεκτό, π.χ.: « %s » και « %s »', 'New private project' => 'Νέο ιδιωτικό έργο', 'This project is private' => 'Αυτό το έργο είναι ιδιωτικό', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Πληκτρολογήστε εδώ για να δημιουργήσετε μια νέα υπο-εργασία', 'Add' => 'Προσθήκη', 'Start date' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης', 'Time estimated' => 'Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Εξαγωγή της καθημερινής περίληψης του έργου « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Εξαγωγές', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Αυτή η κατάσταση περιέχει τον αριθμό των εργασιών ανά στήλη ομαδοποιημένα ανά ημέρα.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Τίποτα για προεπισκόπηση...', - 'Preview' => 'Προεπισκόπηση', - 'Write' => 'Write', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Ενεργές λωρίδες', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Προσθήκη λωρίδας', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Αλλαγή της εξ\' ορισμού λωρίδας', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Χρόνος εργασίας σε μέρες', 'Days in this column' => 'Μέρες σε αυτή την στήλη', '%dd' => '%dημ', - 'Add a link' => 'Προσθήκη ενός link', 'Add a new link' => 'Προσθήκη ενός νέου link', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Θέλετε σίγουρα να αφαιρέσετε αυτό το link : « %s » ?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Θέλετε σίγουρα να αφαιρέσετε αυτό το link του έργου n°%d ?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Η ροή δραστηριοτήτων μου', 'My calendar' => 'Το ημερολόγιο μου', 'Search tasks' => 'Αναζήτηση εργασιών', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Πίσω στο ημερολόγιο', - 'Filters' => 'Φίλτρα', 'Reset filters' => 'Επαναφορά φίλτρων', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Οι εργασίες καθηκόντων μου αύριο', 'Tasks due today' => 'Οι εργασίες καθηκόντων μου αύριο', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Διαμοιρασμένα', 'Owner' => 'Ιδιοκτήτης', 'Unread notifications' => 'Αδιάβαστες ειδοποιήσεις', - 'My filters' => 'Τα φίλτρα μου', 'Notification methods:' => 'Μέθοδοι ειδοποίησης:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Εισαγωγή εργασιών μέσω αρχείου CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση του αρχείου', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Κλείσιμο εργασίας όταν δεν υπάρχει δραστηριότητα', 'Duration in days' => 'Διάρκεια σε ημέρες', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Αποστολή email όταν δεν υπάρχει δραστηριότητα σε εργασία', - 'List of external links' => 'Λίστα εξωτερικών συνδέσμων', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάλυση της πληροφορίας συνδεσμου', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Ημερήσια παρασκηνιακή δουλειά για τις εργασίες', 'Auto' => 'Αυτόματο', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Εξωτερικός σύνδεσμος', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Κάντε αντιγραφή και επικόλληση εδώ', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Προς το παρών, δεν υπάρχουν εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι.', 'Internal links' => 'Εσωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Προς το παρών, δεν υπάρχουν εσωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι.', 'Assign to me' => 'Αναττίθεται σε εμένα', 'Me' => 'Σε μένα', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Να μην γίνει κλωνοποίηση από άλλο έργο', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Διαχείριση χρηστών', 'Groups management' => 'Διαχείριση ομάδων', 'Create from another project' => 'Δημιουργία από άλλο έργο', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Προς το παρών, δεν υπάρχει καμία υπο-εργασία.', 'open' => 'Ανοικτό', 'closed' => 'Κλειστό', 'Priority:' => 'Προτεραιότητα:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Ξεκίνησε:', 'Moved:' => 'Μετακινήθηκε:', 'Task #%d' => 'Εργασία #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Υπο-εργασίες', 'Date and time format' => 'Μορφή ημερομηνίας και ώρας', 'Time format' => 'Μορφή ώρας', 'Start date: ' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης: ', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Φίλτρα οριζόμενα από τον χρήστη', 'Category filters' => 'Κατηγορία φίλτρων', 'Upload a file' => 'Ανέβασμα αρχείου', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Προς το παρόν, δεν υπάρχουν συνημμένα', 'View file' => 'Προβολή αρχείου', 'Last activity' => 'Τελευταία δραστηριότητα', 'Change subtask position' => 'Αλλαγή θέσης υπο-εργασίας', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php index bda20e61..79871279 100644 --- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Todos los proyectos', 'Add a new column' => 'Añadir una nueva columna', 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nadie asignado', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Asignada a %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Suprimir esta columna', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Suprimir una columna de un tablero', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Contador de tareas', 'User' => 'Usuario', 'Comments' => 'Comentarios', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Redacta el texto en Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Dejar un comentario', 'Comment is required' => 'El comentario es obligatorio', 'Leave a description' => 'Dejar una descripción', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'El formato ISO siempre es aceptado, ejemplo: "%s" y "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nuevo proyecto privado', 'This project is private' => 'Este proyecto es privado', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Escriba aquí para crear una nueva sub-tarea', 'Add' => 'Añadir', 'Start date' => 'Fecha de inicio', 'Time estimated' => 'Tiempo estimado', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportar sumario diario del proyecto para "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exportaciones', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportación contiene el número de tereas por columna agrupada por día.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nada que previsualizar...', - 'Preview' => 'Previsualizar', - 'Write' => 'Grabar', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Calles activas', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Añadir nueva calle', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Cambiar la calle por defecto', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Edad de la tarea en días', 'Days in this column' => 'Días en esta columna', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Añadir enlace', 'Add a new link' => 'Añadir nuevo enlace', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '¿Realmente quiere quitar este enlace: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '¿Realmente quiere quitar este enlace con esta tarea: #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Mi flujo de actividad', 'My calendar' => 'Mi calendario', 'Search tasks' => 'Buscar tareas', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Volver al calendario', - 'Filters' => 'Filtros', 'Reset filters' => 'Limpiar filtros', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Mis tareas a entregar mañana', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tareas a antregar hoy', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Compartido', 'Owner' => 'Dueño', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notificaciones sin leer', - 'My filters' => 'Mis filtros', 'Notification methods:' => 'Métodos de notificación', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importar tareas desde archivo CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'No es posible leer el archivo', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Cerrar tarea cuando no haya actividad', 'Duration in days' => 'Duración en días', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Enviar correo cuando no haya actividad en una tarea', - 'List of external links' => 'Lista de enlaces externos', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'No es posible obtener información sobre el enlace', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Tarea de fondo diaria para las tareas', 'Auto' => 'Automático', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Enlace externo', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Copia y pega tu enlace aquí...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'No existe un enlace externo por el momento', 'Internal links' => 'Enlaces internos', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'No existe un enlace interno por el momento', 'Assign to me' => 'Asignar a mí', 'Me' => 'Yo', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'No duplicar nada', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Administración de usuarios', 'Groups management' => 'Administración de grupos', 'Create from another project' => 'Crear de otro proyecto', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'No existe subtarea por el momento', 'open' => 'abierto', 'closed' => 'cerrado', 'Priority:' => 'Prioridad', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniciado', 'Moved:' => 'Movido', 'Task #%d' => 'Tarea #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Subtareas', 'Date and time format' => 'Formato de hora y fecha', 'Time format' => 'Formato de hora', 'Start date: ' => 'Fecha de inicio', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Usar filtros', 'Category filters' => 'Categoría y filtros', 'Upload a file' => 'Subir archivo', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'No existe ningún adjunto por el momento', 'View file' => 'Ver archivo', 'Last activity' => 'Última actividad', 'Change subtask position' => 'Cambiar posición de la subtarea', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'No hay ninguna acción en este momento.', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Importar acciones de otro proyecto', 'There is no available project.' => 'No hay proyectos disponibles.', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php index 48b6d659..34ca00ac 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Kaikki projektit', 'Add a new column' => 'Lisää uusi sarake', 'Title' => 'Nimi', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ei suorittajaa', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Tekijä: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Poista sarake', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Poista sarake taulusta', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Tehtävien määrä', 'User' => 'Käyttäjät', 'Comments' => 'Kommentit', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Kirjoita kommenttisi Markdownilla', 'Leave a comment' => 'Lisää kommentti', 'Comment is required' => 'Kommentti vaaditaan', 'Leave a description' => 'Lisää kuvaus', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO-muoto on aina hyväksytty, esimerkiksi %s ja %s', 'New private project' => 'Uusi yksityinen projekti', 'This project is private' => 'Tämä projekti on yksityinen', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Kirjoita tähän luodaksesi uuden alitehtävän', 'Add' => 'Lisää', 'Start date' => 'Aloituspäivä', 'Time estimated' => 'Arvioitu aika', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Päivittäisen yhteenvedon vienti kohteeseen "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Viennit', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Tämä tiedosto sisältää tehtäviä sarakkeisiin päiväkohtaisesti ryhmilteltyinä', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Ei esikatselua...', - 'Preview' => 'Ei esikatselua', - 'Write' => 'Kirjoita', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktiiviset kaistat', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Lisää uusi kaista', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Vaihda oletuskaistaa', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( // 'Task age in days' => '', // 'Days in this column' => '', // '%dd' => '', - // 'Add a link' => '', // 'Add a new link' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', - // 'Back to the calendar' => '', - // 'Filters' => '', // 'Reset filters' => '', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php index ec8a36bd..b3746bd2 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Tous les projets', 'Add a new column' => 'Ajouter une nouvelle colonne', 'Title' => 'Titre', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Personne assigné', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Assigné à %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Supprimer une colonne', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Supprimer une colonne d\'un tableau', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Nombre de tâches', 'User' => 'Utilisateur', 'Comments' => 'Commentaires', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Écrivez votre texte en Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Laissez un commentaire', 'Comment is required' => 'Le commentaire est obligatoire', 'Leave a description' => 'Laissez une description', @@ -434,7 +432,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Le format ISO est toujours accepté, exemple : « %s » et « %s »', 'New private project' => 'Nouveau projet privé', 'This project is private' => 'Ce projet est privé', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Créer une sous-tâche en écrivant le titre ici', 'Add' => 'Ajouter', 'Start date' => 'Date de début', 'Time estimated' => 'Temps estimé', @@ -485,9 +482,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export du résumé quotidien du projet pour « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Exports', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Cet export contient le nombre de tâches par colonne groupé par jour.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Rien à prévisualiser...', - 'Preview' => 'Prévisualiser', - 'Write' => 'Écrire', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes actives', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Ajouter une nouvelle swimlane', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Modifier la swimlane par défaut', @@ -541,7 +535,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Âge de la tâche en jours', 'Days in this column' => 'Jours dans cette colonne', '%dd' => '%dj', - 'Add a link' => 'Ajouter un lien', 'Add a new link' => 'Ajouter un nouveau lien', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce lien : « %s » ?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce lien avec la tâche n°%d ?', @@ -751,8 +744,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Mon flux d\'activité', 'My calendar' => 'Mon agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Rechercher des tâches', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Retour au calendrier', - 'Filters' => 'Filtres', 'Reset filters' => 'Réinitialiser les filtres', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Mes tâches qui arrivent à échéance demain', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tâches qui arrivent à échéance aujourd\'hui', @@ -904,7 +895,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Partagé', 'Owner' => 'Propriétaire', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notifications non lus', - 'My filters' => 'Mes filtres', 'Notification methods:' => 'Méthodes de notifications :', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importer les tâches depuis un fichier CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Impossible de lire votre fichier', @@ -1052,7 +1042,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Fermer une tâche sans activité', 'Duration in days' => 'Durée en jours', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Envoyer un email lorsqu\'il n\'y a pas d\'activité sur une tâche', - 'List of external links' => 'Liste des liens externes', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Impossible de récupérer les informations sur le lien.', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Tâche planifiée quotidienne pour les tâches', 'Auto' => 'Auto', @@ -1070,9 +1059,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Lien externe', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Copier-coller vôtre lien ici...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de lien externe pour le moment.', 'Internal links' => 'Liens internes', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de lien interne pour le moment.', 'Assign to me' => 'Assigner à moi', 'Me' => 'Moi', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Ne rien dupliquer', @@ -1080,7 +1067,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Gestion des utilisateurs', 'Groups management' => 'Gestion des groupes', 'Create from another project' => 'Créer depuis un autre projet', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Il n\'y a aucune sous-tâche pour le moment.', 'open' => 'ouvert', 'closed' => 'fermé', 'Priority:' => 'Priorité :', @@ -1099,7 +1085,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Commençé le :', 'Moved:' => 'Déplacé le : ', 'Task #%d' => 'Tâche n°%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Sous-tâches', 'Date and time format' => 'Format de la date et de l\'heure', 'Time format' => 'Format de l\'heure', 'Start date: ' => 'Date de début : ', @@ -1140,7 +1125,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Filtres des utilisateurs', 'Category filters' => 'Filtres des catégories', 'Upload a file' => 'Uploader un fichier', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Il n\'y a aucune pièce-jointe pour le moment.', 'View file' => 'Voir le fichier', 'Last activity' => 'Dernières activités', 'Change subtask position' => 'Changer la position de la sous-tâche', @@ -1154,4 +1138,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'Il n\'y a aucune action pour le moment.', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Importer les actions depuis un autre projet', 'There is no available project.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de projet disponible.', + 'Local File' => 'Fichier local', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', + 'PHP version:' => 'Version de PHP :', + 'PHP SAPI:' => 'PHP SAPI :', + 'OS version:' => 'Version du système d\'exploitation :', + 'Database version:' => 'Version de la base de donnée :', + 'Browser:' => 'Navigateur web :', + 'Task view' => 'Vue détaillée d\'une tâche', + 'Edit task' => 'Modifier la tâche', + 'Edit description' => 'Modifier la description', + 'New internal link' => 'Nouveau lien interne', + 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => 'Afficher la liste des raccourcis claviers', + 'Menu' => 'Menu', + 'Set start date' => 'Définir la date de début', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php index 53e8ace5..a0037848 100644 --- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Minden projekt', 'Add a new column' => 'Új oszlop', 'Title' => 'Cím', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nincs felelős', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Felelős: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Oszlop törlése', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Oszlop törlése a tábláról', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Feladatok száma', 'User' => 'Felhasználó', 'Comments' => 'Hozzászólások', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Írja be a szöveget Markdown szintaxissal', 'Leave a comment' => 'Írjon hozzászólást ...', 'Comment is required' => 'A hozzászólás mező kötelező', 'Leave a description' => 'Írjon leírást ...', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO formátum mindig elfogadott, pl: "%s" és "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Új privát projekt', 'This project is private' => 'Ez egy privát projekt', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Ide írva létrehozhat egy új részfeladatot', 'Add' => 'Hozzáadás', 'Start date' => 'Kezdés dátuma', 'Time estimated' => 'Becsült időtartam', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Napi projektösszefoglaló exportálása: %s', 'Exports' => 'Exportálások', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ez az export tartalmazza a feladatok számát oszloponként összesítve, napokra lebontva.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nincs semmi az előnézetben ...', - 'Preview' => 'Előnézet', - 'Write' => 'Szerkesztés', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktív folyamatok', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Új folyamat', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Alapértelmezett folyamat változtatás', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Feladat életkora napokban', 'Days in this column' => 'Napok ebben az oszlopban', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Hivatkozás hozzáadása', 'Add a new link' => 'Új hivatkozás hozzáadása', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Biztos törölni akarja a hivatkozást: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Biztos törölni akarja a(z) #%d. feladatra mutató hivatkozást?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', - // 'Back to the calendar' => '', - // 'Filters' => '', // 'Reset filters' => '', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php index b4b8dcd4..320a5e01 100644 --- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Semua proyek', 'Add a new column' => 'Tambah kolom baru', 'Title' => 'Judul', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Tidak ada yang ditugaskan', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Ditugaskan ke %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Hapus kolom', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Hapus kolom dari papan', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Jumlah tugas', 'User' => 'Pengguna', 'Comments' => 'Komentar', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Menulis teks anda didalam Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Tinggalkan komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar diperlukan', 'Leave a description' => 'Tinggalkan deskripsi', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Format ISO selalu diterima, contoh : « %s » et « %s »', 'New private project' => 'Proyek pribadi baru', 'This project is private' => 'Proyek ini adalah pribadi', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Ketik disini untuk membuat sub-tugas baru', 'Add' => 'Tambah', 'Start date' => 'Tanggal mulai', 'Time estimated' => 'Perkiraan waktu', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Ekspor ringkasan proyek harian untuk « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Ekspor', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ekspor ini berisi jumlah dari tugas per kolom dikelompokan perhari.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Tidak ada yang dapat dilihat...', - 'Preview' => 'Preview', - 'Write' => 'Tulis', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes aktif', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Tambah swimlane baru', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Modifikasi standar swimlane', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Usia tugas dalam hari', 'Days in this column' => 'Hari dalam kolom ini', '%dd' => '%dj', - 'Add a link' => 'Menambahkan tautan', 'Add a new link' => 'Tambah tautan baru', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Apakah anda yakin akan menghapus tautan ini : « %s » ?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Apakah anda yakin akan menghapus tautan ini dengan tugas n°%d ?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Aliran kegiatan saya', 'My calendar' => 'Kalender saya', 'Search tasks' => 'Cari tugas', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Kembali ke kalender', - 'Filters' => 'Filter', 'Reset filters' => 'Reset ulang filter', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Tugas saya yang berakhir besok', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tugas yang berakhir hari ini', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php index bba629cb..e2895fd3 100644 --- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Tutti i progetti', 'Add a new column' => 'Aggiungi una nuova colonna', 'Title' => 'Titolo', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nessuno assegnato', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Assegnato a %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Cancella questa colonna', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Cancella una colonna da una bacheca', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Numero di task', 'User' => 'Utente', 'Comments' => 'Commenti', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Scrivi il testo in Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Lascia un commento', 'Comment is required' => 'Si richiede un commento', 'Leave a description' => 'Lascia una descrizione', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Il formato ISO è sempre accettato, esempio: "%s" e "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nuovo progetto privato', 'This project is private' => 'Questo progetto è privato', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Scrivi qui per creare un sotto-task', 'Add' => 'Aggiungi', 'Start date' => 'Data di inizio', 'Time estimated' => 'Tempo stimato', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export del sommario giornaliero del progetto per "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Esporta', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Questo export contiene il numero di task per colonna raggruppati per giorno', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nessuna anteprima...', - 'Preview' => 'Anteprima', - 'Write' => 'Scrivi', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Corsie attive', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Aggiungi una corsia', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Cambia la corsia predefinita', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Anzianità del task in giorni', 'Days in this column' => 'Giorni in questa colonna', '%dd' => '%dg', - 'Add a link' => 'Aggiungi una relazione', 'Add a new link' => 'Aggiungi una nuova relazione', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Vuoi davvero rimuovere la seguente relazione: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Vuoi davvero rimuovere questa relazione dal task #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Il mio flusso di attività', 'My calendar' => 'Il mio calendario', 'Search tasks' => 'Ricerca task', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Torna al calendario', - 'Filters' => 'Filtri', 'Reset filters' => 'Annulla filtri', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'I miei task da completare per domani', 'Tasks due today' => 'Task da completare oggi', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Condiviso', 'Owner' => 'Proprietario', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notifiche non lette', - 'My filters' => 'I miei filtri', 'Notification methods:' => 'Metodi di notifica', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importa task da file CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Impossibile leggere il file', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Chiudi un task quando non c\'è nessuna attività', 'Duration in days' => 'Durata in giorni', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Invia un\'email quando non c\'è attività sul task', - 'List of external links' => 'Elenco dei link esterni', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Impossibile recuperare informazioni sul link.', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Job giornaliero in background per i task', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Link esterno', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Copia e incolla il tuo link qui...', // 'URL' => '', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Nessun link esterno presente al momento.', 'Internal links' => 'Link interni', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Nessun link interno presente al momento.', 'Assign to me' => 'Assegna a me', // 'Me' => '', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Non duplicare nulla', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Gestione utenti', 'Groups management' => 'Gestione gruppi', 'Create from another project' => 'Crea da un\'altro progetto', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Nessun sotto-task presente al momento.', 'open' => 'aperto', 'closed' => 'chiuso', 'Priority:' => 'Priorità:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniziato:', 'Moved:' => 'Spostato:', // 'Task #%d' => '', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Sotto-task', 'Date and time format' => 'Formato data e ora', 'Time format' => 'Formato ora', 'Start date: ' => 'Data di inizio: ', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Filtri utente', 'Category filters' => 'Filtri di categorie', 'Upload a file' => 'Carica un file', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Nessun allegato presente.', 'View file' => 'Visualizza file', 'Last activity' => 'Attività recente', 'Change subtask position' => 'Cambia la posizione del sotto-task', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php index e4b41c93..44ee836a 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'すべてのプロジェクト', 'Add a new column' => 'カラムの追加', 'Title' => 'タイトル', - 'Nobody assigned' => '担当なし', 'Assigned to %s' => '%sが担当', 'Remove a column' => 'カラムの削除', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'ボードからカラムの削除', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'タスク数', 'User' => 'ユーザ', 'Comments' => 'コメント', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Markdown 記法で書く', 'Leave a comment' => 'コメントを書く', 'Comment is required' => 'コメントを入力してください', 'Leave a description' => '説明を書く', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO フォーマットが入力できます(例: %s または %s)', 'New private project' => '非公開プロジェクトを作る', 'This project is private' => 'このプロジェクトは非公開です', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'サブタスクを追加するにはここに入力してください', 'Add' => '追加', 'Start date' => '開始時間', 'Time estimated' => '予想時間', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '「%s」の日時プロジェクトサマリーの出力', 'Exports' => '出力', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'この出力は日時のカラムごとのタスク数を集計したものです', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'プレビューがありません', - 'Preview' => 'プレビュー', - 'Write' => '書く', 'Active swimlanes' => 'アクティブなスイムレーン', 'Add a new swimlane' => '新しいスイムレーン', 'Change default swimlane' => 'デフォルトスイムレーンの変更', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'タスクの経過日数', 'Days in this column' => 'カラムでの経過日数', '%dd' => '%d 日', - 'Add a link' => 'リンクの追加', 'Add a new link' => '新しいリンクの追加', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'リンク「%s」を本当に削除しますか?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'このリンクとタスク#%dを削除しますか?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', - // 'Back to the calendar' => '', - // 'Filters' => '', // 'Reset filters' => '', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php index fc1447e9..416a9065 100644 --- a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Semua projek', 'Add a new column' => 'Tambah kolom baru', 'Title' => 'Judul', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Tidak ada yang ditugaskan', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Ditugaskan ke %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Hapus kolom', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Hapus kolom dari papan', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Jumlah tugas', 'User' => 'Pengguna', 'Comments' => 'Komentar', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Menulis teks anda didalam Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Tinggalkan komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar diperlukan', 'Leave a description' => 'Tinggalkan deskripsi', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Format ISO selalunya diterima, contoh: « %s » et « %s »', 'New private project' => 'Projek peribadi baharu', 'This project is private' => 'projek ini adalah peribadi', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Ketik disini untuk membuat sub-tugas baru', 'Add' => 'Tambah', 'Start date' => 'Tarikh mula', 'Time estimated' => 'Anggaran masa', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Ekspor ringkasan projek harian untuk « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Ekspor', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ekspor ini berisi jumlah dari tugas per kolom dikelompokan perhari.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Tiada yang dapat diintai...', - 'Preview' => 'Intai', - 'Write' => 'Tulis', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes aktif', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Tambah swimlane baharu', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Tukar piawai swimlane', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Usia tugas dalam bentuk harian', 'Days in this column' => 'Hari dalam kolom ini', '%dd' => '%dj', - 'Add a link' => 'Menambahkan pautan', 'Add a new link' => 'Tambah Pautan baru', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Anda yakin akan menghapus Pautan ini : « %s » ?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Anda yakin akan menghapus Pautan ini dengan tugas n°%d ?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Aliran kegiatan saya', 'My calendar' => 'Kalender saya', 'Search tasks' => 'Cari tugas', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Kembali ke kalender', - 'Filters' => 'Filter', 'Reset filters' => 'Reset ulang filter', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Tugas saya yang berakhir besok', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tugas yang berakhir hari ini', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php index 003ca856..347d5264 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Alle prosjekter', 'Add a new column' => 'Legg til en ny kolonne', 'Title' => 'Tittel', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ikke tildelt', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Tildelt: %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Fjern en kolonne', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Fjern en kolonne fra et board', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Antall oppgaver', 'User' => 'Bruker', 'Comments' => 'Kommentarer', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Skriv din tekst i markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Legg inn en kommentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Kommentar må legges inn', 'Leave a description' => 'Legg inn en beskrivelse...', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO format er alltid akseptert, eksempelvis: "%s" og "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nytt privat prosjekt', 'This project is private' => 'Dette projektet er privat', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Skriv her for ø opprette en ny deloppgave', 'Add' => 'Legg til', 'Start date' => 'Start dato', 'Time estimated' => 'Tid estimert', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( // 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '', 'Exports' => 'Eksporter', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Ingenting å forhåndsvise', - 'Preview' => 'Forhåndsvisning', - 'Write' => 'Skriv', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktive svømmebaner', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Legg til en ny svømmebane', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Endre standard svømmebane', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Dager siden oppgaven ble opprettet', 'Days in this column' => 'Dager siden oppgaven ble lagt i denne kolonnen', // '%dd' => '', - 'Add a link' => 'Legg til en relasjon', 'Add a new link' => 'Legg til en ny relasjon', // 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Aktivitetslogg', 'My calendar' => 'Min kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Søk oppgave', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Tilbake til kalender', - 'Filters' => 'Filtere', 'Reset filters' => 'Nullstill filter', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Mine oppgaver med frist i morgen', 'Tasks due today' => 'Oppgaver med frist i dag', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php index 4fce1c33..5c35d960 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Alle projecten', 'Add a new column' => 'Kolom toevoegen', 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Niemand toegewezen', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Toegewezen aan %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Kolom verwijderen', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Kolom verwijderen van het bord', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Aantal taken', 'User' => 'Gebruiker', 'Comments' => 'Commentaar', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Schrijf uw tekst in Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Schrijf een commentaar', 'Comment is required' => 'Commentaar is verplicht', 'Leave a description' => 'Schrijf een omschrijving', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO formaat is altijd geaccepteerd, bijvoorbeeld : « %s » et « %s »', 'New private project' => 'Nieuw privé project', 'This project is private' => 'Dit project is privé', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Typ hier om een nieuwe subtaak aan te maken', 'Add' => 'Toevoegen', 'Start date' => 'Startdatum', 'Time estimated' => 'Geschatte tijd', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Dagelijkse project samenvatting voor « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Exports', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Dit rapport bevat het aantal taken per kolom gegroupeerd per dag.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Niets om te previewen...', - 'Preview' => 'Preview', - 'Write' => 'Schrijf', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Actieve swinlanes', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Nieuwe swimlane toevoegen', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Standaard swimlane aapassen', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Leeftijd taak in dagen', 'Days in this column' => 'Dagen in deze kolom', '%dd' => '%dj', - 'Add a link' => 'Link toevoegen', 'Add a new link' => 'Nieuwe link toevoegen', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze link wil verwijderen : « %s » ?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze link met taak %d wil verwijderen?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Mijn activiteiten', 'My calendar' => 'Mijn kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Zoek taken', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Terug naar de kalender', - 'Filters' => 'Filters', 'Reset filters' => 'Reset filters', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php index 87201bd0..e5770339 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Wszystkie projekty', 'Add a new column' => 'Dodaj nową kolumnę', 'Title' => 'Nazwa', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Nikt nie przypisany', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Przypisane do %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Usuń kolumnę', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Usuń kolumnę z tablicy', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Liczba zadań', 'User' => 'Użytkownik', 'Comments' => 'Komentarze', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Zobacz jak formatować tekst z użyciem Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Wstaw komentarz', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentarz jest wymagany', 'Leave a description' => 'Dodaj opis', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Format ISO jest zawsze akceptowany, przykłady: "%s", "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nowy projekt prywatny', 'This project is private' => 'Ten projekt jest prywatny', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Nazwa podzadania', 'Add' => 'Dodaj', 'Start date' => 'Data rozpoczęcia', 'Time estimated' => 'Szacowany czas', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Wygeneruj dzienny raport dla projektu: "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Eksporty', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ten eksport zawiera ilość zadań zgrupowanych w kolumnach na dzień', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nic do podejrzenia...', - 'Preview' => 'Podgląd', - 'Write' => 'Edycja', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktywne procesy', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Dodaj proces', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Zmień domyślny proces', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Wiek zadania w dniach', 'Days in this column' => 'Dni w tej kolumnie', // '%dd' => '', - 'Add a link' => 'Dodaj link', 'Add a new link' => 'Dodaj nowy link', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten link: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten link razem z zadaniem nr %d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Moja aktywność', 'My calendar' => 'Mój kalendarz', 'Search tasks' => 'Szukaj zadań', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Wróć do kalendarza', - 'Filters' => 'Filtry', 'Reset filters' => 'Resetuj zastosowane filtry', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Moje zadania do jutra', 'Tasks due today' => 'Zadania do dzisiaj', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', 'Owner' => 'Właściciel', 'Unread notifications' => 'Nieprzeczytane powiadomienia', - 'My filters' => 'Moje filtry', 'Notification methods:' => 'Metody powiadomień:', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', 'Auto' => 'Automatyczny', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Link zewnętrzny', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Skopiuj i wklej link tutaj ...', // 'URL' => '', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'Brak linków zewnętrznych.', 'Internal links' => 'Linki do innych zadań', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'Brak powiązań do innych zadań.', // 'Assign to me' => '', 'Me' => 'JA', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Nie kopiuj żadnego projektu', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Zarządzanie użytkownikami', 'Groups management' => 'Zarządzanie grupami', 'Create from another project' => 'Utwórz na podstawie innego projektu', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'Brak podzadań.', 'open' => 'otwarty', 'closed' => 'zamknięty', 'Priority:' => 'Priorytet:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Rozpoczęte:', 'Moved:' => 'Przesunięcie:', 'Task #%d' => 'Zadanie #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Podzadania', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', 'Upload a file' => 'Prześlij plik', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Brak załączników.', 'View file' => 'Wyświetl plik', 'Last activity' => 'Ostatnia aktywność', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php index 2c9412b6..b174ec2e 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Todos os projetos', 'Add a new column' => 'Adicionar uma nova coluna', 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ninguém designado', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Designado para %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Remover uma coluna', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Remover uma coluna do board', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Número de tarefas', 'User' => 'Usuário', 'Comments' => 'Comentários', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Escreva seu texto em Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Deixe um comentário', 'Comment is required' => 'Comentário é obrigatório', 'Leave a description' => 'Deixe uma descrição', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'O formato ISO é sempre aceito, exemplo: "%s" e "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Novo projeto privado', 'This project is private' => 'Este projeto é privado', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Digite aqui para criar uma nova subtarefa', 'Add' => 'Adicionar', 'Start date' => 'Data de início', 'Time estimated' => 'Tempo estimado', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projeto para "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exportar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportação contém o número de tarefas por coluna agrupada por dia.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nada para pré-visualizar...', - 'Preview' => 'Pré-visualizar', - 'Write' => 'Escrever', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Ativar swimlanes', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Adicionar swimlane', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Alterar swimlane padrão', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Idade da tarefa em dias', 'Days in this column' => 'Dias nesta coluna', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Adicionar uma associação', 'Add a new link' => 'Adicionar uma nova associação', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Você realmente deseja remover esta associação: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Você realmente deseja remover esta associação com a tarefa #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Meu feed de atividades', 'My calendar' => 'Minha agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Pesquisar tarefas', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Voltar ao calendário', - 'Filters' => 'Filtros', 'Reset filters' => 'Redefinir os filtros', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Minhas tarefas que expiram amanhã', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tarefas que expiram hoje', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Compartilhado', 'Owner' => 'Líder', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notificações não lidas', - 'My filters' => 'Meus filtros', 'Notification methods:' => 'Métodos de notificação:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importar tarefas a partir de arquivo CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Não foi possível ler seu arquivo', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Fechar uma tarefa sem atividade', 'Duration in days' => 'Duração em dias', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Enviar um e-mail quando não há nenhuma atividade em uma tarefa', - 'List of external links' => 'Lista dos links externos', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Não foi possível obter informações sobre o link.', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Tarefa agendada diariamente para as tarefas', 'Auto' => 'Auto', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php index 31a56882..f6991e96 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Todos os projectos', 'Add a new column' => 'Adicionar uma nova coluna', 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ninguém assignado', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Designado para %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Remover uma coluna', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Remover uma coluna do quadro', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Número de tarefas', 'User' => 'Utilizador', 'Comments' => 'Comentários', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Escreva o seu texto em Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Deixe um comentário', 'Comment is required' => 'Comentário é obrigatório', 'Leave a description' => 'Deixe uma descrição', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'O formato ISO é sempre aceite, exemplo: "%s" e "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Novo projecto privado', 'This project is private' => 'Este projecto é privado', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Escreva aqui para criar uma nova subtarefa', 'Add' => 'Adicionar', 'Start date' => 'Data de início', 'Time estimated' => 'Tempo estimado', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projecto para "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exportar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportação contém o número de tarefas por coluna agrupada por dia.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nada para pré-visualizar...', - 'Preview' => 'Pré-visualizar', - 'Write' => 'Escrever', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Activar swimlanes', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Adicionar novo swimlane', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Alterar swimlane padrão', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Idade da tarefa em dias', 'Days in this column' => 'Dias nesta coluna', // '%dd' => '', - 'Add a link' => 'Adicionar uma associação', 'Add a new link' => 'Adicionar uma nova associação', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Tem a certeza que quer remover esta associação: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Tem a certeza que quer remover esta associação com a tarefa n°%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'O meu feed de actividade', 'My calendar' => 'A minha agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Pesquisar tarefas', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Voltar ao calendário', - 'Filters' => 'Filtros', 'Reset filters' => 'Redefinir os filtros', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'A minhas tarefas que expiram amanhã', 'Tasks due today' => 'Tarefas que expiram hoje', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Partilhado', 'Owner' => 'Dono', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notificações por ler', - 'My filters' => 'Os meus filtros', 'Notification methods:' => 'Métodos de notificação:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Importar tarefas de um ficheiro CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Não foi possivel ler o ficheiro', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Fechar tarefa quando não há actividade', 'Duration in days' => 'Duração em dias', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Enviar email quando não há actividade numa tarefa', - 'List of external links' => 'Lista de ligações externas', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Impossivel obter informação da ligação.', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Trabalho diário em segundo plano para tarefas', 'Auto' => 'Auto', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Ligação externa', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Copie e cole a sua ligação aqui...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'De momento não existe nenhuma ligação externa.', 'Internal links' => 'Ligações internas', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'De momento não existe nenhuma ligação interna.', 'Assign to me' => 'Assignar a mim', 'Me' => 'Eu', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Não duplicar nada', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Gestão de utilizadores', 'Groups management' => 'Gestão de grupos', 'Create from another project' => 'Criar apartir de outro projecto', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'De momento não existe sub-tarefa.', 'open' => 'aberto', 'closed' => 'fechado', 'Priority:' => 'Prioridade:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniciado:', 'Moved:' => 'Movido:', 'Task #%d' => 'Tarefa #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Sub-tarefa', 'Date and time format' => 'Formato tempo e data', 'Time format' => 'Formato tempo', 'Start date: ' => 'Data inicio: ', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Filtros de utilizador', 'Category filters' => 'Filtros de categoria', 'Upload a file' => 'Enviar um ficheiro', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'De momento não existe anexo.', 'View file' => 'Ver ficheiro', 'Last activity' => 'Ultima actividade', 'Change subtask position' => 'Mudar posição da sub-tarefa', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'De momento não existe acção.', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Importar acções de outro projecto', 'There is no available project.' => 'Não existe projecto disponivel.', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php index 74f1deb8..782b31ec 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Все проекты', 'Add a new column' => 'Добавить новую колонку', 'Title' => 'Название', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Никто не назначен', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Назначено %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Удалить колонку', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Удалить колонку с доски', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Количество задач', 'User' => 'Пользователь', 'Comments' => 'Комментарии', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Справка по синтаксису Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Оставить комментарий', 'Comment is required' => 'Нужен комментарий', 'Leave a description' => 'Напишите описание', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Время должно быть в ISO-формате, например: "%s" или "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Новый проект с ограниченным доступом', 'This project is private' => 'Это проект с ограниченным доступом', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Печатайте сюда чтобы создать подзадачу', 'Add' => 'Добавить', 'Start date' => 'Дата начала', 'Time estimated' => 'Запланировано', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Экспорт ежедневного резюме проекта "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Экспорт', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Этот экспорт содержит ряд задач в колонках, сгруппированные по дням.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Нет данных для предпросмотра...', - 'Preview' => 'Предпросмотр', - 'Write' => 'Написание', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Активные дорожки', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Добавить новую дорожку', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Сменить стандартную дорожку', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Возраст задачи в днях', 'Days in this column' => 'Дней в этой колонке', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Добавить ссылку на другие задачи', 'Add a new link' => 'Добавление новой ссылки', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить ссылку: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить ссылку вместе с задачей #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Лента моей активности', 'My calendar' => 'Мой календарь', 'Search tasks' => 'Поиск задачи', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Вернуться в календарь', - 'Filters' => 'Фильтры', 'Reset filters' => 'Сбросить фильтры', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Мои задачи на завтра', 'Tasks due today' => 'Задачи, завершающиеся сегодня', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Общие', 'Owner' => 'Владелец', 'Unread notifications' => 'Непрочитанные уведомления', - 'My filters' => 'Мои фильтры', 'Notification methods:' => 'Способы уведомления:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Импорт задач из CSV-файла', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Невозможно прочитать файл', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'Закрывать задачу, когда нет активности', 'Duration in days' => 'Длительность в днях', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'Отправлять email, когда активность по задаче отсутствует', - 'List of external links' => 'Список внешних ссылок', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'Не удалось получить информацию о ссылке', 'Daily background job for tasks' => 'Ежедневные фоновые работы для задач', 'Auto' => 'Авто', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'Внешняя ссылка', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'Скопируйте и вставьте вашу ссылку здесь', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'На данный момент внешние ссылки отсутствуют', 'Internal links' => 'Внутренние ссылки', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'На данные момент внутреннии ссылки отсутствуют', 'Assign to me' => 'Связать со мной', 'Me' => 'Мне', 'Do not duplicate anything' => 'Не дублировать ничего', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'Управление пользователями', 'Groups management' => 'Управление группами', 'Create from another project' => 'Создать из другого проекта', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'На данный момент подзадачи отсутствуют', 'open' => 'открыто', 'closed' => 'закрыто', 'Priority:' => 'Приоритет:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Начата:', 'Moved:' => 'Перемещена:', 'Task #%d' => 'Задача #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'Подзадачи', 'Date and time format' => 'Формат даты и времени', 'Time format' => 'Формат времени', 'Start date: ' => 'Дата начала:', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => 'Фильтры по пользователям', 'Category filters' => 'Фильтры по категориям', 'Upload a file' => 'Загрузить файл', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => 'Вложения на данный момент отсутствуют', 'View file' => 'Просмотр файла', 'Last activity' => 'Последняя активность', 'Change subtask position' => 'Смена позиции подзадачи', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => 'Действия на данный момент отсутствуют', 'Import actions from another project' => 'Импорт действий из другого проекта', 'There is no available project.' => 'Нет доступного проекта', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index e63a106c..9b7d47c6 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Svi projekti', 'Add a new column' => 'Dodaj novu kolonu', 'Title' => 'Naslov', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Niko nije dodeljen', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Dodeljen korisniku %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Ukloni kolonu', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Ukloni kolonu sa table', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Broj zadataka', 'User' => 'Korisnik', 'Comments' => 'Komentari', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Pisanje teksta pomoću Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Ostavi komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar je obavezan', 'Leave a description' => 'Dodaj opis', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'Format ISO je uvek prihvatljiv, primer: "%s", "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Novi privatni projekat', 'This project is private' => 'Ovaj projekat je privatan', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Kucaj ovde za kreiranje novog pod-zadatka', 'Add' => 'Dodaj', 'Start date' => 'Datum početka', 'Time estimated' => 'Procenjeno vreme', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zbirnig pregleda po danima za "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Izvoz', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Ništa za prikazivanje...', - 'Preview' => 'Pregled', - 'Write' => 'Piši', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivni razdelnik', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Dodaj razdelnik', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Zameni osnovni razdelnik', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( // 'Task age in days' => '', // 'Days in this column' => '', // '%dd' => '', - 'Add a link' => 'Dodaj link', // 'Add a new link' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', - // 'Back to the calendar' => '', - // 'Filters' => '', // 'Reset filters' => '', // 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '', // 'Tasks due today' => '', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index 26952355..4fe9468a 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Alla projekt', 'Add a new column' => 'Lägg till ny kolumn', 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Ingen tilldelad', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Tilldelad %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Ta bort en kolumn', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Ta bort en kolumn från tavlan', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Antal uppgifter', 'User' => 'Användare', 'Comments' => 'Kommentarer', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Exempelsyntax för text', 'Leave a comment' => 'Lämna en kommentar', 'Comment is required' => 'En kommentar måste lämnas', 'Leave a description' => 'Lämna en beskrivning', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO-format är alltid tillåtet, exempel: "%s" och "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Nytt privat projekt', 'This project is private' => 'Det här projektet är privat', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Skriv här för att skapa en ny deluppgift', 'Add' => 'Lägg till', 'Start date' => 'Startdatum', 'Time estimated' => 'Uppskattad tid', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export av daglig projektsummering för "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporter', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Denna export innehåller antalet uppgifter per kolumn grupperade per dag.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Inget att förhandsgrandska...', - 'Preview' => 'Förhandsgranska', - 'Write' => 'Skriva', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktiva swimlanes', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Lägg till en nytt swimlane', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Ändra standard swimlane', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Uppgiftsålder i dagar', 'Days in this column' => 'Dagar i denna kolumn', '%dd' => '%dd', - 'Add a link' => 'Lägg till länk', 'Add a new link' => 'Lägg till ny länk', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort länken: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort länken till uppgiften #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Min aktivitetsström', 'My calendar' => 'Min kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Sök uppgifter', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Tillbaka till kalendern', - 'Filters' => 'Filter', 'Reset filters' => 'Återställ filter', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Mina uppgifter förfaller imorgon', 'Tasks due today' => 'Uppgifter förfaller idag', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( // 'Shared' => '', // 'Owner' => '', // 'Unread notifications' => '', - // 'My filters' => '', // 'Notification methods:' => '', // 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '', // 'Unable to read your file' => '', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php index 12f374b6..28726fa1 100644 --- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'โปรเจคทั้งหมด', 'Add a new column' => 'เพิ่มคอลัมน์ใหม่', 'Title' => 'หัวเรื่อง', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'ไม่กำหนดใคร', 'Assigned to %s' => 'กำหนดให้ %s', 'Remove a column' => 'ลบคอลัมน์', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'ลบคอลัมน์ออกจากบอร์ด', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'นับงาน', 'User' => 'ผู้ใช้', 'Comments' => 'ความคิดเห็น', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'เขียนข้อความในรูปแบบ Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'ออกความคิดเห็น', 'Comment is required' => 'ต้องการความคิดเห็น', 'Leave a description' => 'แสดงคำอธิบาย', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ยอมรับรูปแบบ ISO ตัวอย่าง: "%s" และ "%s"', 'New private project' => 'เพิ่มโปรเจคส่วนตัวใหม่', 'This project is private' => 'โปรเจคนี้เป็นโปรเจคส่วนตัว', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'พิมพ์ที่นี้เพื่อสร้างงานย่อยใหม่', 'Add' => 'เพิ่ม', 'Start date' => 'เริ่มวันที่', 'Time estimated' => 'เวลาโดยประมาณ', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'ส่งออกสรุปโปรเจครายวันสำหรับ "%s"', 'Exports' => 'ส่งออก', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'การส่งออกนี้เป็นการนับจำนวนงานในแต่ละคอลัมน์ในแต่ละวัน', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'ไม่มีพรีวิว...', - 'Preview' => 'พรีวิว', - 'Write' => 'เขียน', 'Active swimlanes' => 'สวิมเลนพร้อมใช้งาน', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'เพิ่มสวิมเลนใหม่', 'Change default swimlane' => 'เปลี่ยนสวิมเลนเริ่มต้น', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'อายุงาน', 'Days in this column' => 'วันในคอลัมน์นี้', '%dd' => '%d วัน', - 'Add a link' => 'เพิ่มลิงค์', 'Add a new link' => 'เพิ่มลิงค์ใหม่', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'คุณต้องการลบลิงค์นี้: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'คุณต้องการลบลิงค์นี้ของงาน #%d?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'กิจกรรมที่เกิดขึ้นของฉัน', 'My calendar' => 'ปฎิทินของฉัน', 'Search tasks' => 'ค้นหางาน', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'กลับไปที่ปฎิทิน', - 'Filters' => 'ตัวกรอง', 'Reset filters' => 'ล้างตัวกรอง', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'งานถึงกำหนดของฉันวันพรุ่งนี้', 'Tasks due today' => 'งานถึงกำหนดวันนี้', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'แชร์', 'Owner' => 'เจ้าของ', 'Unread notifications' => 'การแจ้งเตือนยังไม่ได้อ่าน', - 'My filters' => 'ตัวกรองของฉัน', 'Notification methods:' => 'ลักษณะการแจ้งเตือน:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'นำเข้างานจากไฟล์ CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'ไม่สามารถอ่านไฟล์ของคุณ', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => 'ปิดงานเมื่อไม่มีกิจกกรมเกิดขึ้น', 'Duration in days' => 'ระยะเวลาวันที่', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => 'ส่งอีเมลเมื่อไม่มีกิจกรรมเกิดขึ้นในงาน', - 'List of external links' => 'รายการเชื่อมโยงภายนอก', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => 'ไม่สามารถดึงข้อมูลการเชื่อมโยง', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', 'Auto' => 'อัตโนมัติ', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => 'เชื่อมโยงภายนอก', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => 'คัดลอกและวางลิงค์ของคุณที่นี้...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => 'ขณะนี้ไม่มีการเชื่อมโยงภายนอก', 'Internal links' => 'เชื่อมโยงภายใน', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => 'ขณะนี้ไม่มีการเชื่อมโยงภายใน', 'Assign to me' => 'ฉันรับผิดชอบ', 'Me' => 'ฉัน', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => 'การจัดการผู้ใช้', 'Groups management' => 'การจัดการกลุ่ม', 'Create from another project' => 'สร้างโปรเจคอื่น', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => 'ขณะนี้ไม่มีงานย่อย', 'open' => 'เปิด', 'closed' => 'ปิด', 'Priority:' => 'ความสำคัญ:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'เริ่ม:', 'Moved:' => 'ย้าย:', 'Task #%d' => 'งานที่ #%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => 'งานย่อย', 'Date and time format' => 'รูปแบบของวันเวลา', 'Time format' => 'รูปแบบของเวลา', 'Start date: ' => 'เริ่มวันที่:', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php index 2dc611e4..e294ac6e 100644 --- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => 'Tüm projeler', 'Add a new column' => 'Yeni sütun ekle', 'Title' => 'Başlık', - 'Nobody assigned' => 'Kullanıcı atanmamış', 'Assigned to %s' => '%s kullanıcısına atanmış', 'Remove a column' => 'Bir sütunu sil', 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Tablodan bir sütunu sil', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Görev sayısı', 'User' => 'Kullanıcı', 'Comments' => 'Yorumlar', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Yazınızı Markdown ile yazın', 'Leave a comment' => 'Bir yorum ekle', 'Comment is required' => 'Yorum gerekli', 'Leave a description' => 'Açıklama ekleyin', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO formatı her zaman kabul edilir, örneğin: "%s" ve "%s"', 'New private project' => 'Yeni özel proje', 'This project is private' => 'Bu proje özel', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Yeni bir alt görev oluşturmak için buraya yazın', 'Add' => 'Ekle', 'Start date' => 'Başlangıç tarihi', 'Time estimated' => 'Tahmini süre', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '"%s" için günlük proje özetinin dışa', 'Exports' => 'Dışa aktarımlar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Bu dışa aktarım günlük gruplanmış olarak her sütundaki görev sayısını içerir.', - 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Önizleme yapılacak bir şey yok ...', - 'Preview' => 'Önizleme', - 'Write' => 'Değiştir', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktif Kulvar', 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Yeni bir Kulvar ekle', 'Change default swimlane' => 'Varsayılan Kulvarı değiştir', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => 'Görev yaşı gün olarak', 'Days in this column' => 'Bu sütunda geçirilen gün', '%dd' => '%dG', - 'Add a link' => 'Link ekle', 'Add a new link' => 'Yeni link ekle', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '"%s" linkini gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '#%d numaralı görev ile linki gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => 'Olay akışım', 'My calendar' => 'Takvimim', 'Search tasks' => 'Görevleri ara', - 'Back to the calendar' => 'Takvime geri dön', - 'Filters' => 'Filtreler', 'Reset filters' => 'Filtreleri sıfırla', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => 'Yarına tamamlanması gereken görevlerim', 'Tasks due today' => 'Bugün tamamlanması gereken görevler', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => 'Paylaşılan', 'Owner' => 'Sahibi', 'Unread notifications' => 'Okunmamış bildirimler', - 'My filters' => 'Filtrelerim', 'Notification methods:' => 'Bildirim yöntemleri:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'CSV dosyasından görevleri içeri aktar', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Dosya okunamıyor', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( // 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '', // 'Duration in days' => '', // 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '', - // 'List of external links' => '', // 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '', // 'Daily background job for tasks' => '', // 'Auto' => '', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( // 'External link' => '', // 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '', // 'URL' => '', - // 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '', // 'Internal links' => '', - // 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '', // 'Assign to me' => '', // 'Me' => '', // 'Do not duplicate anything' => '', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( // 'Users management' => '', // 'Groups management' => '', // 'Create from another project' => '', - // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '', // 'open' => '', // 'closed' => '', // 'Priority:' => '', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Sub-tasks' => '', // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( // 'User filters' => '', // 'Category filters' => '', // 'Upload a file' => '', - // 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '', // 'View file' => '', // 'Last activity' => '', // 'Change subtask position' => '', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( // 'There is no action at the moment.' => '', // 'Import actions from another project' => '', // 'There is no available project.' => '', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php index dadedc5b..6e4942c3 100644 --- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ return array( 'All projects' => '所有项目', 'Add a new column' => '添加新栏目', 'Title' => '标题', - 'Nobody assigned' => '无人被指派', 'Assigned to %s' => '指派给 %s', 'Remove a column' => '移除一个栏目', 'Remove a column from a board' => '从看板移除一个栏目', @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ return array( 'Task count' => '任务数', 'User' => '用户', 'Comments' => '评论', - 'Write your text in Markdown' => '用Markdown格式编写', 'Leave a comment' => '留言', 'Comment is required' => '必须得有评论', 'Leave a description' => '给一个描述', @@ -432,7 +430,6 @@ return array( 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'ISO 格式总是允许的,例如:"%s" 和 "%s"', 'New private project' => '新建私有项目', 'This project is private' => '此项目为私有项目', - 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => '要创建新的子任务,请在此输入', 'Add' => '添加', 'Start date' => '启动日期', 'Time estimated' => '预计时间', @@ -483,9 +480,6 @@ return array( 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '导出项目"%s"的每日汇总', 'Exports' => '导出', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '此导出包含每列的任务数,按天分组', - 'Nothing to preview...' => '没有需要预览的内容', - 'Preview' => '预览', - 'Write' => '书写', 'Active swimlanes' => '活动里程碑', 'Add a new swimlane' => '添加新里程碑', 'Change default swimlane' => '修改默认里程碑', @@ -539,7 +533,6 @@ return array( 'Task age in days' => '任务存在天数', 'Days in this column' => '在此栏目的天数', '%dd' => '%d天', - 'Add a link' => '添加一个关联', 'Add a new link' => '添加一个新关联', 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '确认要删除此关联吗:"%s"?', 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '确认要删除到任务 #%d 的关联吗?', @@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ return array( 'My activity stream' => '我的活动流', 'My calendar' => '我的日程表', 'Search tasks' => '搜索任务', - 'Back to the calendar' => '返回日程', - 'Filters' => '过滤器', 'Reset filters' => '重置过滤器', 'My tasks due tomorrow' => '我的明天到期的任务', 'Tasks due today' => '今天到期的任务', @@ -902,7 +893,6 @@ return array( 'Shared' => '共享', 'Owner' => '所有人', 'Unread notifications' => '未读通知', - 'My filters' => '我的过滤器', 'Notification methods:' => '通知提醒方式:', 'Import tasks from CSV file' => '从CSV文件导入任务', 'Unable to read your file' => '无法读取文件', @@ -1049,7 +1039,6 @@ return array( 'Close a task when there is no activity' => '当任务没有活动记录时关闭任务', 'Duration in days' => '持续天数', 'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '当任务没有活动记录时发送邮件', - 'List of external links' => '列出外部关联', 'Unable to fetch link information.' => '无法获取关联信息', 'Daily background job for tasks' => '每日后台任务', 'Auto' => '自动', @@ -1067,9 +1056,7 @@ return array( 'External link' => '外部关联', 'Copy and paste your link here...' => '复制并粘贴链接到当前位置...', 'URL' => 'URL', - 'There is no external link for the moment.' => '当前没有外部关联。', 'Internal links' => '内部关联', - 'There is no internal link for the moment.' => '当前没有内部关联。', 'Assign to me' => '指派给我', 'Me' => '我', 'Do not duplicate anything' => '不再重复', @@ -1077,7 +1064,6 @@ return array( 'Users management' => '用户管理', 'Groups management' => '用户组管理', 'Create from another project' => '从另一个项目中创建', - 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '当前没有子任务。', 'open' => '打开', 'closed' => '已关闭', 'Priority:' => '优先级:', @@ -1096,7 +1082,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => '已开始:', 'Moved:' => '已移走', 'Task #%d' => '任务#%d', - 'Sub-tasks' => '子任务', 'Date and time format' => '时间和日期格式', 'Time format' => '时间格式', 'Start date: ' => '开始时间:', @@ -1137,7 +1122,6 @@ return array( 'User filters' => '用户过滤器', 'Category filters' => '分类过滤器', 'Upload a file' => '上传文件', - 'There is no attachment at the moment.' => '当前没有附件。', 'View file' => '查看文件', 'Last activity' => '最后活动', 'Change subtask position' => '更改子任务位置', @@ -1151,4 +1135,18 @@ return array( 'There is no action at the moment.' => '当前没有动作。', 'Import actions from another project' => '从另一个项目中导入动作', 'There is no available project.' => '当前没有可用项目', + // 'Local File' => '', + // 'Configuration' => '', + // 'PHP version:' => '', + // 'PHP SAPI:' => '', + // 'OS version:' => '', + // 'Database version:' => '', + // 'Browser:' => '', + // 'Task view' => '', + // 'Edit task' => '', + // 'Edit description' => '', + // 'New internal link' => '', + // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', + // 'Menu' => '', + // 'Set start date' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Template/project_overview/description.php b/app/Template/project_overview/description.php index 9895aede..72ccf06a 100644 --- a/app/Template/project_overview/description.php +++ b/app/Template/project_overview/description.php @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ <div class="accordion-content"> <?php if ($this->user->hasProjectAccess('ProjectEdit', 'description', $project['id'])): ?> <div class="buttons-header"> - <?= $this->url->button('fa-edit', t('Edit Description'), 'ProjectEdit', 'description', array('project_id' => $project['id']), 'popover') ?> + <?= $this->url->button('fa-edit', t('Edit description'), 'ProjectEdit', 'description', array('project_id' => $project['id']), 'popover') ?> </div> <?php endif ?> <article class="markdown"> |