path: root/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2016-07-24 21:00:16 -0400
committerFrederic Guillot <>2016-07-24 21:00:16 -0400
commit407a8d2f09d590caaf4cade8ceb5863cd57d7e05 (patch)
treea731e0d0920124753bc7cbeef00e085910f57d3d /app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
parent4dae025db8c1baec1ac0e2518bd032769e199fca (diff)
Sync translations
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
index 908112df..898e4d66 100644
--- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
@@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array(
'Display another project' => 'Prikaži drugi projekat',
'Created by %s' => 'Kreirao %s',
'Tasks Export' => 'Izvoz zadataka',
- 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zadataka za "%s"',
'Start Date' => 'Početni datum',
'End Date' => 'Datum završetka',
'Execute' => 'Izvrši',
@@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array(
'New sub-task' => 'Novi pod-zadatak',
'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ubačen novi prilog "%s"',
'New comment posted by %s' => '%s ostavio novi komentar',
- 'New attachment' => 'Novi prilog',
'New comment' => 'Novi komentar',
'Comment updated' => 'Komentar ažuriran',
'New subtask' => 'Novi pod-zadatak',
- 'Subtask updated' => 'Pod-zadatak ažuriran',
- 'Task updated' => 'Zadatak ažuriran',
- 'Task closed' => 'Zadatak je zatvoren',
- 'Task opened' => 'Zadatak je otvoren',
'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Želim obavještenja samo za ove projekte:',
'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Pregledaj zadatke',
'Public access' => 'Javni pristup',
@@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array(
'%s created the task #%d' => '%s kreirao zadatak #%d',
'%s closed the task #%d' => '%s zatvorio zadatak #%d',
'%s opened the task #%d' => '%s otvorio zadatak #%d',
- '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s premjestio zadatak #%d u kolonu "%s"',
- '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s premjestio zadatak #%d na poziciju %d u koloni "%s"',
'Activity' => 'Aktivnosti',
'Default values are "%s"' => 'Podrazumijevane vrijednosti su: "%s"',
'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Podrazumijevane kolone za novi projekat (Odvojene zarezom)',
@@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array(
'Percentage' => 'Procenat',
'Number of tasks' => 'Broj zadataka',
'Task distribution' => 'Podjela zadataka',
- 'Reportings' => 'Izveštaji',
- 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja zadataka za "%s"',
'Analytics' => 'Analiza',
'Subtask' => 'Pod-zadatak',
'My subtasks' => 'Moji pod-zadaci',
'User repartition' => 'Zaduženja korisnika',
- 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja korisnika za "%s"',
'Clone this project' => 'Kloniraj ovaj projekat',
'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolona uspješno uklonjena.',
'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nedovoljno podataka za prikaz na grafikonu.',
@@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array(
'This value must be numeric' => 'Vrijednost mora biti broj',
'Unable to create this task.' => 'Nije moguće kreirati zadatak.',
'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka',
- 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka za "%s"',
'Daily project summary' => 'Zbirni pregled po danima',
'Daily project summary export' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima',
- 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima za "%s"',
'Exports' => 'Izvozi',
'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ovaj izvoz sadržava broj zadataka po koloni grupisanih po danima.',
'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivne swimline trake',
@@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array(
'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadatka',
'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadaci',
'Subtasks Export' => 'Izvoz pod-zadataka',
- 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz pod-zadataka za "%s"',
'Task Title' => 'Naslov zadatka',
'Untitled' => 'Bez naslova',
'Application default' => 'Podrazumijevano od aplikacije',
@@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array(
'Test your device' => 'Testiraj svoj uređaj',
'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Dodijeli boju kada je zadatak pomjeren u odabranu kolonu',
'%s via Kanboard' => '%s uz pomoć Kanboard-a',
- 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Grafikon izgaranja za "%s"',
'Burndown chart' => 'Grafikon izgaranja',
'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Ovaj grafikon pokazuje kompleksnost zadatka u vremenu (Preostalo vremena)',
'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Slika ekrana uzeta %s',
@@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array(
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pomjeri zadatak u drugu kolonu kada je kategorija promijenjena',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Pošalji zadatak nekome emailom',
'Reopen a task' => 'Ponovo otvori zadatak',
- 'Column change' => 'Promijena kolone',
- 'Position change' => 'Promjena pozicije',
- 'Swimlane change' => 'Promjena swimline trake',
- 'Assignee change' => 'Promijenjen izvršilac',
- '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Zaostali zadaci',
'Notification' => 'Obavještenja',
'%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s je premjestio zadatak #%d u prvu swimline traku',
- '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s je premjestio zadatak #%d u swimline traku "%s"',
'Swimlane' => 'Swimline traka',
'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar',
'%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s je premjestio zadatak %s u prvi swimline traku',
@@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array(
'Search by category: ' => 'Pretraga po kategoriji: ',
'Search by description: ' => 'Pretraga po opisu: ',
'Search by due date: ' => 'Pretraga po datumu završetka: ',
- 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Vrijeme upravljanje i vremenski ciklus za "%s"',
- 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vremena u svakoj koloni za "%s"',
'Average time spent into each column' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vrmena u svakoj koloni',
'Average time spent' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vremena',
'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Ovaj grafik pokazuje prosjek utrošenog vremena u svakoj koloni za posljednjih %d zadataka.',
@@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array(
'License:' => 'Licenca:',
'License' => 'Licenca',
'Enter the text below' => 'Unesi tekst ispod',
- 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantogram za %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Sortiraj po poziciji',
'Sort by date' => 'Sortiraj po datumu',
'Add task' => 'Dodaj zadatak',
@@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array(
'Version' => 'Verzija',
'Plugins' => 'Dodaci',
'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Nema učitanih dodataka.',
- 'Set maximum column height' => 'Postavi maksimalnu visinu kolone',
- 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Ukloni maksimalnu visinu kolone',
'My notifications' => 'Moja obavještenja',
'Custom filters' => 'Prilagođeni filteri',
'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Tvoj prilagođeni filter je uspješno napravljen.',
@@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array(
'Invalid captcha' => 'Pogrešna captcha',
'The name must be unique' => 'Ime mora biti jedinstveno',
'View all groups' => 'Pregledaj sve grupe',
- 'View group members' => 'Pregledaj članove grupe',
'There is no user available.' => 'Trenutno nema dostupnih korisnika.',
'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš ukloniti korisnika "%s" iz grupe "%s"?',
'There is no group.' => 'Trenutno nema grupa.',
@@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array(
'Enter group name...' => 'Unesi ime grupe...',
'Role:' => 'Uloga:',
'Project members' => 'Članovi projekta',
- 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Poredi sate za "%s"',
'%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s te spomenuo u zadatku #%d',
'%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s te spomenuo u komentaru zadatka #%d',
'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Spomenut si u zadatku #%d',
'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Spomenut si u komentaru zadatka #%d',
- 'Mentioned' => 'Spominjanja',
- 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Poređenje očekivanog i aktuelnog vremena',
'Estimated hours: ' => 'Očekivani sati:',
'Actual hours: ' => 'Aktuelni sati:',
'Hours Spent' => 'Utrošeni sati:',
@@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array(
// 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '',
// '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '',
// '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '',
+ // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '',
+ // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '',
+ // 'Dashboard for %s' => '',
+ // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '',
+ // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '',
+ // 'Projects overview for %s' => '',
+ // 'Activity stream for %s' => '',
+ // 'Calendar for %s' => '',
+ // 'Notifications for %s' => '',
+ // 'Subtasks export' => '',
+ // 'Tasks exportation' => '',