path: root/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
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authorFrederic Guillot <>2016-02-05 19:13:17 -0500
committerFrederic Guillot <>2016-02-05 19:13:17 -0500
commitae150d80c26cda93230b6e5a393841bf4c947245 (patch)
tree9b341a4a013103093b7a703d8d063f7c919a1dd7 /app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
parente2181612b984489e479f52f748c3199c693d986c (diff)
Sync locales
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
index 05852fa3..ae90468d 100644
--- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
@@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ return array(
'Created on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '创建时间:%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',
'There is nobody assigned' => '当前无人被指派',
'Column on the board:' => '看板上的栏目:',
- 'Status is open' => '开启状态',
- 'Status is closed' => '关闭状态',
'Close this task' => '关闭该任务',
'Open this task' => '开启该任务',
'There is no description.' => '当前没有描述。',
@@ -158,10 +156,7 @@ return array(
'Work in progress' => '工作进行中',
'Done' => '完成',
'Application version:' => '应用程序版本:',
- 'Completed on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '于%Y/%m/%d %H:%M 完成',
'%B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',
- 'Date created' => '创建时间',
- 'Date completed' => '完成时间',
'Id' => '编号',
'%d closed tasks' => '%d个已关闭任务',
'No task for this project' => '该项目尚无任务',
@@ -187,7 +182,6 @@ return array(
'Invalid date' => '无效日期',
'Must be done before %B %e, %Y' => '必须在%Y/%m/%d前完成',
'%B %e, %Y' => '%Y/%m/%d',
- // '%b %e, %Y' => '',
'Automatic actions' => '自动动作',
'Your automatic action have been created successfully.' => '您的自动动作已成功创建',
'Unable to create your automatic action.' => '无法为您创建自动动作。',
@@ -229,7 +223,6 @@ return array(
'Comment removed successfully.' => '评论成功移除。',
'Unable to remove this comment.' => '无法移除该评论。',
'Do you really want to remove this comment?' => '确定要移除评论吗?',
- 'Only administrators or the creator of the comment can access to this page.' => '只有管理员或评论创建者可以进入该页面。',
'Current password for the user "%s"' => '用户"%s"的当前密码',
'The current password is required' => '需要输入当前密码',
'Wrong password' => '密码错误',
@@ -260,7 +253,6 @@ return array(
'External authentication failed' => '外部认证失败',
'Your external account is linked to your profile successfully.' => '你已成功关联到你的外部账户',
'Email' => '电子邮件',
- 'Project not found.' => '未发现项目',
'Task removed successfully.' => '任务成功去除',
'Unable to remove this task.' => '无法移除该任务。',
'Remove a task' => '移除一个任务',
@@ -361,7 +353,6 @@ return array(
'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => '我仅需要收到下面项目的通知:',
'view the task on Kanboard' => '在看板中查看此任务',
'Public access' => '公开访问',
- 'User management' => '用户管理',
'Active tasks' => '活动任务',
'Disable public access' => '停止公开访问',
'Enable public access' => '开启公开访问',
@@ -390,8 +381,6 @@ return array(
'Password modification' => '修改密码',
'External authentications' => '外部认证',
'Never connected.' => '从未连接。',
- 'No account linked.' => '未链接账号。',
- 'Account linked.' => '已经链接账号。',
'No external authentication enabled.' => '未启用外部认证。',
'Password modified successfully.' => '已经成功修改密码。',
'Unable to change the password.' => '无法修改密码。',
@@ -433,7 +422,6 @@ return array(
'Change the assignee based on an external username' => '根据外部用户名修改任务分配',
'Change the category based on an external label' => '根据外部标签修改分类',
'Reference' => '参考',
- 'Reference: %s' => '参考:%s',
'Label' => '标签',
'Database' => '数据库',
'About' => '关于',
@@ -459,9 +447,6 @@ return array(
'This project is private' => '此项目为私有项目',
'Type here to create a new sub-task' => '要创建新的子任务,请在此输入',
'Add' => '添加',
- 'Estimated time: %s hours' => '预计时间:%s小时',
- 'Time spent: %s hours' => '花费时间:%s小时',
- 'Started on %B %e, %Y' => '开始时间: %Y/%m/%d %H:%M ',
'Start date' => '启动日期',
'Time estimated' => '预计时间',
'There is nothing assigned to you.' => '当前无任务指派给你。',
@@ -614,7 +599,6 @@ return array(
'Keyboard shortcuts' => '键盘快捷方式',
'Open board switcher' => '打开面板切换器',
'Application' => '应用程序',
- 'since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '自从 %B %e, %Y %k:%M %p',
'Compact view' => '紧凑视图',
'Horizontal scrolling' => '水平滚动',
'Compact/wide view' => '紧凑/宽视图',
@@ -686,7 +670,6 @@ return array(
'A task cannot be linked to itself' => '任务不能关联到本身',
'The exact same link already exists' => '相同的关联已存在',
'Recurrent task is scheduled to be generated' => '循环性任务将按计划生成',
- 'Recurring information' => '循环信息',
'Score' => '积分',
'The identifier must be unique' => '标识符必须唯一',
'This linked task id doesn\'t exists' => '关联任务不存在',
@@ -770,7 +753,6 @@ return array(
'The field "%s" have been updated' => '"%s"字段已更新',
'The description have been modified' => '描述已更改',
'Do you really want to close the task "%s" as well as all subtasks?' => '你是否要移除所有子任务的同时父任务"%s"',
- 'Swimlane: %s' => '里程碑:%s',
'I want to receive notifications for:' => '我想接收以下相关通知:',
'All tasks' => '所有任务',
'Only for tasks assigned to me' => '所有指派给我的任务',
@@ -780,7 +762,6 @@ return array(
// '%b %e, %Y, %k:%M %p' => '',
'New due date: %B %e, %Y' => '新的超期时间:%B %e, %Y',
'Start date changed: %B %e, %Y' => '开始时间已变为:%B %e, %Y',
- // '%k:%M %p' => '',
// '%%Y-%%m-%%d' => '',
'Total for all columns' => '所有栏目下的',
'You need at least 2 days of data to show the chart.' => '当前柱状图至少需要2天的数据。',
@@ -852,8 +833,6 @@ return array(
'New remote user' => '新加远程用户',
'New local user' => '新加本地用户',
'Default task color' => '默认任务颜色',
- 'Hide sidebar' => '隐藏侧边栏',
- 'Expand sidebar' => '展开侧边栏',
'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '本功能只在部分浏览器下工作正常。',
'There is no destination project available.' => '当前没有目标项目可用',
'Trigger automatically subtask time tracking' => '自动跟踪子任务时间',
@@ -887,7 +866,6 @@ return array(
'open file' => '打开文件',
'End date' => '结束日期',
'Users overview' => '用户概览',
- 'Managers' => '管理员',
'Members' => '成员',
'Shared project' => '公开项目',
'Project managers' => '项目管理员',
@@ -1096,7 +1074,6 @@ return array(
'Lowest priority' => '最低优先级',
'Highest priority' => '最高优先级',
'If you put zero to the low and high priority, this feature will be disabled.' => '如果你为优先级填0,将禁用本功能',
- 'Priority: %d' => '优先级:%d',
'Close a task when there is no activity' => '当任务没有活动记录时关闭任务',
'Duration in days' => '持续天数',
'Send email when there is no activity on a task' => '当任务没有活动记录时发送邮件',
@@ -1112,8 +1089,6 @@ return array(
'Add external link' => '添加外部关联',
'Type' => '类型',
'Dependency' => '依赖',
- 'View internal links' => '查看内部关联',
- 'View external links' => '查看外部关联',
'Add internal link' => '添加内部关联',
'Add a new external link' => '添加新的外部关联',
'Edit external link' => '编辑外部关联',
@@ -1130,4 +1105,24 @@ return array(
// 'Users management' => '',
// 'Groups management' => '',
// 'Create from another project' => '',
+ // 'There is no subtask at the moment.' => '',
+ // 'open' => '',
+ // 'closed' => '',
+ // 'Priority:' => '',
+ // 'Reference:' => '',
+ // 'Complexity:' => '',
+ // 'Swimlane:' => '',
+ // 'Column:' => '',
+ // 'Position:' => '',
+ // 'Creator:' => '',
+ // 'Time estimated:' => '',
+ // '%s hours' => '',
+ // 'Time spent:' => '',
+ // 'Created:' => '',
+ // 'Modified:' => '',
+ // 'Completed:' => '',
+ // 'Started:' => '',
+ // 'Moved:' => '',
+ // 'Task #%d' => '',
+ // 'Sub-tasks' => '',