diff options
23 files changed, 1062 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/app/Controller/Group.php b/app/Controller/Group.php
index 22d49e61..395a954d 100644
--- a/app/Controller/Group.php
+++ b/app/Controller/Group.php
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class Group extends Base
$this->response->html($this->template->layout('group/dissociate', array(
'group' => $group,
'user' => $user,
- 'title' => t('Remove a user from group "%s', $group['name']),
+ 'title' => t('Remove user from group "%s"', $group['name']),
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
index 9faa10ea..123bece9 100644
--- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Složenost',
'Task limit' => 'Najviše zadataka',
'Task count' => 'Broj zadataka',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Uredi prava pristupa projektu',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Dozvoli ovog korisnika',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Zapamti: Administrator može pristupiti svemu!',
- 'Revoke' => 'Opozovi',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Spisak odobrenih korisnika',
'User' => 'Korisnik',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Niko nema pristup ovom projektu',
'Comments' => 'Komentari',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Pisanje teksta pomoću Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Ostavi komentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email: ',
'Notifications:' => 'Obavještenja: ',
'Notifications' => 'Obavještenja',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupa:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Standardni korisnik',
'Account type:' => 'Vrsta korisničkog računa:',
'Edit profile' => 'Uredi profil',
'Change password' => 'Promijeni šifru',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Podrazumijevana swimline traka',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš ukloniti ovu swimline traku: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Neaktivne swimline trake',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Postavi kao projekt menadžera',
- 'Set project member' => 'Postavi kao člana projekta ',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Ukloni swimline traku',
'Rename' => 'Preimenuj',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Prikaži podrazumijevanu swimline traku',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Pomoc na Gitlab webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integracije',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integracija sa uslugama vanjskih servisa',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Uloga u ovom projektu',
- 'Project manager' => 'Manadžer projekta',
- 'Project member' => 'Učesnik projekta',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Projekt menadžer može mijenjati postavke projekta i ima više prava od standardnog korisnika.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab problemi',
'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadatka',
'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadaci',
@@ -724,7 +710,7 @@ return array(
'The project identifier is an optional alphanumeric code used to identify your project.' => 'Identifikator projekta je opcionalni alfanumerički kod koji se koristi za identifikaciju projekta.',
'Identifier' => 'Identifikator',
'Disable two factor authentication' => 'Onemogući faktor-dva autentifikaciju',
- 'Do you really want to disable the two factor authentication for this user: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš onemogućiti faktor-dva autentifikaciju: %s?',
+ 'Do you really want to disable the two factor authentication for this user: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš onemogućiti faktor-dva autentifikaciju: "%s"?',
'Edit link' => 'Uredi vezu',
'Start to type task title...' => 'Počni pisati naslov zadatka...',
'A task cannot be linked to itself' => 'Zadatak ne može biti povezan sa samim sobom',
@@ -749,7 +735,7 @@ return array(
'Factor to calculate new due date: ' => 'Faktor za računanje novog datuma završetka: ',
'Month(s)' => 'Mjesec(i)',
'Recurrence' => 'Referenca',
- 'This task has been created by: ' => 'Ovaj zadatak će napravio: ',
+ 'This task has been created by: ' => 'Ovaj zadatak je napravio: ',
'Recurrent task has been generated:' => 'Ponavljajući zadatak je napravio:',
'Timeframe to calculate new due date: ' => 'Vremenski okvir za računanje novog datuma završetka:',
'Trigger to generate recurrent task: ' => 'Okidač za pravljenje ponavljajućeg zadatka',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'saradnici',
'License:' => 'Licenca:',
'License' => 'Licenca',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrator projekta',
'Enter the text below' => 'Unesi tekst ispod',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantogram za %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Sortiraj po poziciji',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Članovi',
'Shared project' => 'Dijeljeni projekti',
'Project managers' => 'Menadžeri projekta',
- 'Project members' => 'Članovi projekta',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Gantogram za sve projekte',
'Projects list' => 'Lista projekata',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gantogram za ovaj projekat',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Dokumentacija',
'Table of contents' => 'Sadržaj',
'Gantt' => 'Gantogram',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Pomoć s pravima nad projektom',
'Author' => 'Autor',
'Version' => 'Verzija',
'Plugins' => 'Dodaci',
@@ -1039,7 +1022,7 @@ return array(
'Vertical bar' => 'Vertikalna traka',
'Double Quote' => 'Dvostruki navodnici',
'Single Quote' => 'Jednostruki navodnici',
- '%s attached a file to the task #%d' => '%s file je prirodan zadatku #%d',
+ '%s attached a file to the task #%d' => '%s je dodao novi fajl u zadatak %d',
'There is no column or swimlane activated in your project!' => 'Nema kolone ili swimline trake aktivirane za ovaj projekat!',
'Append filter (instead of replacement)' => 'Dodaj filter (umjesto zamjene postojećeg)',
'Append/Replace' => 'Dodaj/Zamijeni',
@@ -1064,8 +1047,56 @@ return array(
'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Korisničko ime mora biti malim slovima i jedinstveno',
'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Šifra će biti kriptovana',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
- // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
+ 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Automatsko pridruživanje kategorije bazirano na vezi',
'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => 'BAM - Konvertibilna marka',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Članovi projekta',
diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
index 5d6af0b6..48155725 100644
--- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Složitost',
'Task limit' => 'Maximální počet úkolů',
'Task count' => 'Počet úkolů',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Upravit přístupový seznam projektu',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Povolit tomuto uživateli',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Nezapomeňte, že administrátoři mají přistup ke všem údajům.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Odebrat',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Seznam autorizovaných uživatelů',
'User' => 'Uživatel',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Nikdo nemá přístup k tomuto projektu.',
'Comments' => 'Komentáře',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Můžete použít i Markdown-syntaxi',
'Leave a comment' => 'Zanechte komentář',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'e-mail',
'Notifications:' => 'Upozornění:',
'Notifications' => 'Upozornění',
- 'Group:' => 'Skupina',
- 'Regular user' => 'Pravidelný uživatel',
'Account type:' => 'Typ účtu:',
'Edit profile' => 'Upravit profil',
'Change password' => 'Změnit heslo',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Výchozí Swimlane',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Diese Swimlane wirklich ändern: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Inaktive Swimlane',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Nastavit práva vedoucího projektu',
- 'Set project member' => 'Nastavit práva člena projektu',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Odstranit swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Přejmenovat',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Standard Swimlane anzeigen',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Hilfe für Gitlab Webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integrace',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integration von Fremdleistungen',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Role pro tento projekt',
- 'Project manager' => 'Projektový manažer',
- 'Project member' => 'Člen projektu',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Manažer projektu může změnit nastavení projektu a zároveň má více práv než standardní uživatel.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab Fehler',
'Subtask Id' => 'Dílčí úkol Id',
'Subtasks' => 'Dílčí úkoly',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'přispěvatelé',
'License:' => 'Licence:',
'License' => 'Licence',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrátor projektu',
'Enter the text below' => 'Zadejte text níže',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt graf pro %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Třídit podle pozice',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
index a5ac1d39..2db73c09 100644
--- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Kompleksitet',
'Task limit' => 'Opgave begrænsning',
// 'Task count' => '',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Rediger adgangstilladelser for projektet',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Tillad denne bruger',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Glem ikke at administratorer har adgang til alt.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Fjern',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Liste over autoriserede brugere',
'User' => 'Bruger',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ingen har adgang til dette projekt.',
'Comments' => 'Kommentarer',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Skriv din tekst i markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Efterlad en kommentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email:',
'Notifications:' => 'Notifikationer:',
'Notifications' => 'Notifikationer',
- 'Group:' => 'Gruppe:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Normal bruger',
'Account type:' => 'Konto type:',
'Edit profile' => 'Rediger profil',
'Change password' => 'Skift adgangskode',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
// 'Default swimlane' => '',
// 'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '',
// 'Inactive swimlanes' => '',
- // 'Set project manager' => '',
- // 'Set project member' => '',
// 'Remove a swimlane' => '',
// 'Rename' => '',
// 'Show default swimlane' => '',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
// 'Integrations' => '',
// 'Integration with third-party services' => '',
- // 'Role for this project' => '',
- // 'Project manager' => '',
- // 'Project member' => '',
- // 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => '',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
// 'Subtask Id' => '',
// 'Subtasks' => '',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
index 13fa7542..3aa08de8 100644
--- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Komplexität',
'Task limit' => 'Maximale Anzahl von Aufgaben',
'Task count' => 'Aufgabenanzahl',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Zugriffsberechtigungen des Projektes bearbeiten',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Diesen Benutzer autorisieren',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Nicht vergessen: Administratoren haben überall Zugriff.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Entfernen',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Liste der autorisierten Benutzer',
'User' => 'Benutzer',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Niemand hat Zugriff auf dieses Projekt.',
'Comments' => 'Kommentare',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Schreibe deinen Text in Markdown-Syntax',
'Leave a comment' => 'Kommentar eingeben',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-Mail',
'Notifications:' => 'Benachrichtigungen:',
'Notifications' => 'Benachrichtigungen',
- 'Group:' => 'Gruppe',
- 'Regular user' => 'Standardbenutzer',
'Account type:' => 'Accounttyp:',
'Edit profile' => 'Profil bearbeiten',
'Change password' => 'Passwort ändern',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Standard-Swimlane',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Diese Swimlane wirklich ändern: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Inaktive Swimlane',
- 'Set project manager' => 'zum Projektmanager machen',
- 'Set project member' => 'zum Projektmitglied machen',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Swimlane entfernen',
'Rename' => 'umbenennen',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Standard-Swimlane anzeigen',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Hilfe für Gitlab-Webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integration',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integration von externen Diensten',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Rolle für dieses Projekt',
- 'Project manager' => 'Projektmanager',
- 'Project member' => 'Projektmitglied',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Ein Projektmanager kann die Projekteinstellungen ändern und hat mehr Rechte als ein normaler Benutzer.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab-Issue',
'Subtask Id' => 'Teilaufgaben-ID',
'Subtasks' => 'Teilaufgaben',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'Mitwirkende',
'License:' => 'Lizenz:',
'License' => 'Lizenz',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Projektadministrator',
'Enter the text below' => 'Text unten eingeben',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt Diagramm für %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Nach Position sortieren',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Mitglieder',
'Shared project' => 'Geteiltes Projekt',
'Project managers' => 'Projektmanager',
- 'Project members' => 'Projektmitglieder',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Gantt Diagramm für alle Projekte',
'Projects list' => 'Projektliste',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gantt Diagramm für dieses Projekt',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Dokumentation',
'Table of contents' => 'Inhaltsverzeichnis',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Hilfe bei Projektberechtigungen',
'Author' => 'Autor',
'Version' => 'Version',
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Projektmitglieder',
diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
index 02c6961a..dba4182e 100644
--- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complejidad',
'Task limit' => 'Número máximo de tareas',
'Task count' => 'Contador de tareas',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Editar los permisos del proyecto',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Autorizar a este usuario',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'No olvide que los administradores tienen acceso a todo.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Revocar',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista de los usuarios autorizados',
'User' => 'Usuario',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Nadie tiene acceso a este proyecto',
'Comments' => 'Comentarios',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Redacta el texto en Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Dejar un comentario',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Correo electrónico:',
'Notifications:' => 'Notificaciones:',
'Notifications' => 'Notificaciones',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupo:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Usuario regular',
'Account type:' => 'Tipo de Cuenta:',
'Edit profile' => 'Editar perfil',
'Change password' => 'Cambiar contraseña',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Calle por defecto',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '¿Realmente quiere quitar esta calle: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Calles inactivas',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Asignar administrador del proyecto',
- 'Set project member' => 'Asignar miembro del proyecto',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Quitar un calle',
'Rename' => 'Renombrar',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Mostrar calle por defecto',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Ayuda sobre Disparadores Web (Webhooks) de Gitlab',
'Integrations' => 'Integraciones',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integración con servicios de terceros',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Papel de este proyecto',
- 'Project manager' => 'Administrador de proyecto',
- 'Project member' => 'Miembro de proyecto',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Un administrador de proyecto puede cambiar sus valores y tener más privilegios que un usuario estándar.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Asunto Gitlab',
'Subtask Id' => 'Id de Subtarea',
'Subtasks' => 'Subtareas',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'contribuyentes',
'License:' => 'Licencia:',
'License' => 'Licencia',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrador del Proyecto',
'Enter the text below' => 'Digita el texto de abajo',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Diagrama de Gantt para %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Clasificado mediante posición',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Miembros',
'Shared project' => 'Proyecto compartido',
'Project managers' => 'Administradores de proyecto',
- 'Project members' => 'Miembros de proyecto',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Diagrama de Gantt para todos los proyectos',
'Projects list' => 'Lista de proyectos',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Diagrama de Gantt para este proyecto',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Documentación',
'Table of contents' => 'Tabla de contenido',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Ayuda con permisos del proyecto',
'Author' => 'Autor',
'Version' => 'Versión',
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Miembros de proyecto',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
index bff0f054..40d9cb39 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Monimutkaisuus',
'Task limit' => 'Tehtävien maksimimäärä',
'Task count' => 'Tehtävien määrä',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Muuta projektin käyttäjiä',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Salli tämä projekti',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Muista että ylläpitäjät pääsevät kaikkialle.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Poista',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Sallittujen käyttäjien lista',
'User' => 'Käyttäjät',
- // 'Nobody have access to this project.' => '',
'Comments' => 'Kommentit',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Kirjoita kommenttisi Markdownilla',
'Leave a comment' => 'Lisää kommentti',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Sähköpostiosoite:',
'Notifications:' => 'Ilmoitukset:',
'Notifications' => 'Ilmoitukset',
- 'Group:' => 'Ryhmä:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Peruskäyttäjä',
'Account type:' => 'Tilin tyyppi:',
'Edit profile' => 'Muokkaa profiilia',
'Change password' => 'Vaihda salasana',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Oletuskaista',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän kaistan: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Passiiviset kaistat',
- // 'Set project manager' => '',
- // 'Set project member' => '',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Poista kaista',
'Rename' => 'Uudelleennimeä',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Näytä oletuskaista',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
// 'Integrations' => '',
// 'Integration with third-party services' => '',
- // 'Role for this project' => '',
- // 'Project manager' => '',
- // 'Project member' => '',
- // 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => '',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
// 'Subtask Id' => '',
// 'Subtasks' => '',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
index 36ecf2e9..7b1508b7 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complexité',
'Task limit' => 'Tâches Max.',
'Task count' => 'Nombre de tâches',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Modifier l\'accès au projet',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Autoriser cet utilisateur',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'N\'oubliez pas que les administrateurs ont accès à tout.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Révoquer',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Liste des utilisateurs autorisés',
'User' => 'Utilisateur',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Personne n\'est autorisé à accéder au projet.',
'Comments' => 'Commentaires',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Écrivez votre texte en Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Laissez un commentaire',
@@ -398,8 +392,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email :',
'Notifications:' => 'Notifications :',
'Notifications' => 'Notifications',
- 'Group:' => 'Groupe :',
- 'Regular user' => 'Utilisateur normal',
'Account type:' => 'Type de compte :',
'Edit profile' => 'Modifier le profil',
'Change password' => 'Changer le mot de passe',
@@ -494,7 +486,7 @@ return array(
'Dashboard' => 'Tableau de bord',
'Confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'Allow everybody to access to this project' => 'Autoriser tout le monde à accéder à ce projet',
- 'Everybody have access to this project.' => 'Tout le monde a acccès à ce projet.',
+ 'Everybody have access to this project.' => 'Tout le monde a accès à ce projet.',
'Webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'API' => 'API',
'Github webhooks' => 'Webhook Github',
@@ -548,8 +540,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Swimlane par défaut',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette swimlane : « %s » ?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes inactives',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Mettre chef de projet',
- 'Set project member' => 'Mettre membre du projet',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Supprimer une swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Renommer',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Afficher la swimlane par défaut',
@@ -572,10 +562,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Aide sur les webhooks Gitlab',
'Integrations' => 'Intégrations',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Intégration avec des services externes',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Rôle pour ce projet',
- 'Project manager' => 'Chef de projet',
- 'Project member' => 'Membre du projet',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Un chef de projet peut changer les paramètres du projet et possède plus de privilèges qu\'un utilisateur standard.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Ticket Gitlab',
'Subtask Id' => 'Identifiant de la sous-tâche',
'Subtasks' => 'Sous-tâches',
@@ -933,7 +919,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'contributeurs',
'License:' => 'Licence :',
'License' => 'Licence',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrateur de projet',
'Enter the text below' => 'Entrez le texte ci-dessous',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Diagramme de Gantt pour %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Trier par position',
@@ -957,7 +942,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Membres',
'Shared project' => 'Projet partagé',
'Project managers' => 'Gestionnaires de projet',
- 'Project members' => 'Membres de projet',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Diagramme de Gantt pour tous les projets',
'Projects list' => 'Liste des projets',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Diagramme de Gantt pour ce projet',
@@ -984,7 +968,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Documentation',
'Table of contents' => 'Table des matières',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Aide avec les permissions des projets',
'Author' => 'Auteur',
'Version' => 'Version',
'Plugins' => 'Extensions',
@@ -1071,4 +1054,52 @@ return array(
'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => 'BAM - Mark convertible',
'Assignee Username' => 'Utilisateur assigné',
'Assignee Name' => 'Nom de l\'assigné',
+ 'Groups' => 'Groupes',
+ 'Members of %s' => 'Membres de %s',
+ 'New group' => 'Nouveau groupe',
+ 'Group created successfully.' => 'Groupe créé avec succès.',
+ 'Unable to create your group.' => 'Impossible de créé votre groupe.',
+ 'Edit group' => 'Modifier le groupe',
+ 'Group updated successfully.' => 'Groupe mis à jour avec succès.',
+ 'Unable to update your group.' => 'Impossible de mettre à jour votre groupe.',
+ 'Add group member to "%s"' => 'Ajouter un membre au groupe « %s »',
+ 'Group member added successfully.' => 'Membre ajouté avec succès au groupe.',
+ 'Unable to add group member.' => 'Impossible d\'ajouter ce membre au groupe.',
+ 'Remove user from group "%s"' => 'Supprimer un utilisateur d\'un groupe « %s »',
+ 'User removed successfully from this group.' => 'Utilisateur supprimé avec succès de ce groupe.',
+ 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => 'Impossible de supprimer cet utilisateur du groupe.',
+ 'Remove group' => 'Supprimer le groupe',
+ 'Group removed successfully.' => 'Groupe supprimé avec succès.',
+ 'Unable to remove this group.' => 'Impossible de supprimer ce groupe.',
+ 'Project Permissions' => 'Permissions du projet',
+ 'Manager' => 'Gestionnaire',
+ 'Project Manager' => 'Chef de projet',
+ 'Project Member' => 'Membre du projet',
+ 'Project Viewer' => 'Visualiseur de projet',
+ 'Gitlab issue reopened' => 'Ticket Gitlab rouvert',
+ 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => 'Votre compte est vérouillé pour %d minutes',
+ 'Invalid captcha' => 'Captcha invalid',
+ 'The name must be unique' => 'Le nom doit être unique',
+ 'View all groups' => 'Voir tous les groupes',
+ 'View group members' => 'Voir les membres du groupe',
+ 'There is no user available.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun utilisateur disponible',
+ 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l\'utilisateur « %s » du groupe « %s » ?',
+ 'There is no group.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun groupe.',
+ 'External Id' => 'Identifiant externe',
+ 'Add group member' => 'Ajouter un membre au groupe',
+ 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce groupe : « %s » ?',
+ 'There is no user in this group.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun utilisateur dans ce groupe',
+ 'Remove this user' => 'Supprimer cet utilisateur',
+ 'Permissions' => 'Permissions',
+ 'Allowed Users' => 'Utilisateurs autorisés',
+ 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => 'Aucun utilisateur a été autorisé spécifiquement.',
+ 'Role' => 'Rôle',
+ 'Enter user name...' => 'Entrez le nom de l\'utilisateur...',
+ 'Allowed Groups' => 'Groupes autorisés',
+ 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => 'Aucun groupe a été autorisé spécifiquement.',
+ 'Group' => 'Groupe',
+ 'Group Name' => 'Nom du groupe',
+ 'Enter group name...' => 'Entrez le nom du groupe...',
+ 'Role:' => 'Rôle :',
+ 'Project members' => 'Membres du project',
diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
index 1a34a5b9..0b7a403f 100644
--- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Bonyolultság',
'Task limit' => 'Maximális számú feladat',
'Task count' => 'Feladatok száma',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Projekt hozzáférés módosítása',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Engedélyezi ezt a felhasználót',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Ne felejtsük el: a rendszergazdák mindenhez hozzáférnek.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Visszavon',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Az engedélyezett felhasználók',
'User' => 'Felhasználó',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Senkinek sincs hozzáférése a projekthez.',
'Comments' => 'Hozzászólások',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Írja be a szöveget Markdown szintaxissal',
'Leave a comment' => 'Írjon hozzászólást ...',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-mail:',
'Notifications:' => 'Értesítések:',
'Notifications' => 'Értesítések',
- 'Group:' => 'Csoport:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Default User',
'Account type:' => 'Fiók típusa:',
'Edit profile' => 'Profil szerkesztése',
'Change password' => 'Jelszó módosítása',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Alapértelmezett folyamat',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Valóban törli a folyamatot:%s ?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Inaktív folyamatok',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Beállítás projekt kezelőnek',
- 'Set project member' => 'Beállítás projekt felhasználónak',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Folyamat törlés',
'Rename' => 'Átnevezés',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Alapértelmezett folyamat megjelenítése',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Gitlab webhooks súgó',
'Integrations' => 'Integráció',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integráció harmadik féllel',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Projekt szerepkör',
- 'Project manager' => 'Projekt kezelő',
- 'Project member' => 'Projekt felhasználó',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'A projekt kezelő képes megváltoztatni a projekt beállításait és több joggal rendelkezik mint az alap felhasználók.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab issue',
'Subtask Id' => 'Részfeladat id',
'Subtasks' => 'Részfeladatok',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
index 3e80025a..ab2e5f72 100644
--- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Kompleksitas',
'Task limit' => 'Batas tugas.',
'Task count' => 'Jumlah tugas',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Modifikasi hak akses proyek',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Memperbolehkan pengguna ini',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Ingat bahwa administrator memiliki akses ke semua.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Mencabut',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Daftar pengguna yang berwenang',
'User' => 'Pengguna',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Tidak ada yang berwenang untuk mengakses proyek.',
'Comments' => 'Komentar',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Menulis teks anda didalam Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Tinggalkan komentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email :',
'Notifications:' => 'Pemberitahuan :',
'Notifications' => 'Pemberitahuan',
- 'Group:' => 'Grup :',
- 'Regular user' => 'Pengguna normal',
'Account type:' => 'Tipe akun :',
'Edit profile' => 'Modifikasi profil',
'Change password' => 'Rubah kata sandri',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Standar swimlane',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Apakah anda yakin akan menghapus swimlane ini : « %s » ?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes tidak aktif',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Masukan manajer proyek',
- 'Set project member' => 'Masukan anggota proyek ',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Supprimer une swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Ganti nama',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Perlihatkan standar swimlane',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Bantuan pada webhook Gitlab',
'Integrations' => 'Integrasi',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integrasi dengan layanan pihak ketiga',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Peran untuk proyek ini',
- 'Project manager' => 'Manajer proyek',
- 'Project member' => 'Anggota proyek',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Seorang manajer proyek dapat mengubah pengaturan proyek dan memiliki lebih banyak keistimewaan dibandingkan dengan pengguna biasa.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Tiket Gitlab',
'Subtask Id' => 'Id Subtugas',
'Subtasks' => 'Subtugas',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'kontributor',
'License:' => 'Lisensi :',
'License' => 'Lisensi',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrator proyek',
'Enter the text below' => 'Masukkan teks di bawah',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Grafik Gantt untuk %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan posisi',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Anggota',
'Shared project' => 'Proyek bersama',
'Project managers' => 'Manajer proyek',
- 'Project members' => 'Anggota proyek',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Grafik Gantt untuk semua proyek',
'Projects list' => 'Daftar proyek',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Grafik Gantt untuk proyek ini',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Dokumentasi',
'Table of contents' => 'Daftar isi',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Bantuan dengan izin proyek',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Anggota proyek',
diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
index 7fd39d9d..d4a910ce 100644
--- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complessità',
'Task limit' => 'Numero massimo di compiti',
'Task count' => 'Numero di compiti',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Modificare i permessi del progetto',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Permettere a questo utente',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Non dimenticare che gli amministratori hanno accesso a tutto.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Revocare',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista di utenti autorizzati',
'User' => 'Utente',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Nessuno ha accesso a questo progetto.',
'Comments' => 'Commenti',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Scrivi il testo in Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Lasciare un commento',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
// 'Email:' => '',
'Notifications:' => 'Notifiche:',
'Notifications' => 'Notifiche',
- 'Group:' => 'Gruppo',
- 'Regular user' => 'Utente regolare',
'Account type:' => 'Tipo di account',
'Edit profile' => 'Modifica il profilo',
'Change password' => 'Cambia password',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Corsia di default',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Vuoi davvero rimuovere questa corsia: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Corsie inattive',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Imposta un manager del progetto',
- 'Set project member' => 'Imposta un membro del progetto',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Rimuovi una corsia',
'Rename' => 'Rinomina',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Mostra le corsie di default',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Guida ai Webhooks di Gitlab',
'Integrations' => 'Integrazioni',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integrazione con servizi di terze parti',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Ruolo per questo progetto',
- 'Project manager' => 'Manager del progetto',
- 'Project member' => 'Membro del progetto',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Un manager del progetto può cambiare le impostazioni del progetto ed avere più privilegi di un utente standard.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Issue di Gitlab',
'Subtask Id' => 'Id del sotto-compito',
'Subtasks' => 'Sotto-compiti',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
index 8447113c..e4d7049e 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => '複雑さ',
'Task limit' => 'タスク数制限',
'Task count' => 'タスク数',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'プロジェクトのアクセス許可を変更',
- 'Allow this user' => 'このユーザを許可する',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => '管理者には全ての権限が与えられます。',
- 'Revoke' => '許可を取り下げる',
- 'List of authorized users' => '許可されたユーザ',
'User' => 'ユーザ',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'だれもプロジェクトにアクセスできません。',
'Comments' => 'コメント',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Markdown 記法で書く',
'Leave a comment' => 'コメントを書く',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email:',
'Notifications:' => '通知:',
'Notifications' => '通知',
- 'Group:' => 'グループ:',
- 'Regular user' => '通常のユーザ',
'Account type:' => 'アカウントの種類:',
'Edit profile' => 'プロフィールの変更',
'Change password' => 'パスワードの変更',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'デフォルトスイムレーン',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'このスイムレーン「%s」を本当に削除しますか?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'インタラクティブなスイムレーン',
- 'Set project manager' => 'プロジェクトマネジャーをセット',
- 'Set project member' => 'プロジェクトメンバーをセット',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'スイムレーンの削除',
'Rename' => '名前の変更',
'Show default swimlane' => 'デフォルトスイムレーンの表示',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Gitlab Webhooks のヘルプ',
'Integrations' => '連携',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'サードパーティサービスとの連携',
- 'Role for this project' => 'このプロジェクトの役割',
- 'Project manager' => 'プロジェクトマネジャー',
- 'Project member' => 'プロジェクトメンバー',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'プロジェクトマネジャーはプロジェクトの設定を変更するなどの通常ユーザにはない権限があります。',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab Issue',
'Subtask Id' => 'サブタスク Id',
'Subtasks' => 'サブタスク',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
index b0fa0647..79515810 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Kompleksitet',
'Task limit' => 'Oppgave begrensning',
'Task count' => 'Antall oppgaver',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Endre tillatelser for prosjektet',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Tillat denne brukeren',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Husk at administratorer har tilgang til alt.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Fjern',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Liste over autoriserte brukere',
'User' => 'Bruker',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ingen har tilgang til dette prosjektet.',
'Comments' => 'Kommentarer',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Skriv din tekst i markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Legg inn en kommentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Epost:',
'Notifications:' => 'Varslinger:',
'Notifications' => 'Varslinger',
- 'Group:' => 'Gruppe:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Normal bruker',
'Account type:' => 'Konto type:',
'Edit profile' => 'Rediger profil',
'Change password' => 'Endre passord',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Standard svømmebane',
// 'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '',
// 'Inactive swimlanes' => '',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Velg prosjektleder',
- 'Set project member' => 'Velg prosjektmedlem',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Fjern en svømmebane',
'Rename' => 'Endre navn',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Vis standard svømmebane',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
'Integrations' => 'Integrasjoner',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integrasjoner med tredje-parts tjenester',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Rolle for dette prosjektet',
- 'Project manager' => 'Prosjektleder',
- 'Project member' => 'Prosjektmedlem',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Prosjektlederen kan endre flere innstillinger for prosjektet enn den en vanlig bruker kan.',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
'Subtask Id' => 'Deloppgave ID',
'Subtasks' => 'Deloppgaver',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'bidragsytere',
'License:' => 'Lisens:',
'License' => 'Lisens',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Prosjektadministrator',
'Enter the text below' => 'Legg inn teksten nedenfor',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt skjema for %s',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Medlemmer',
'Shared project' => 'Delt prosjekt',
'Project managers' => 'Prosjektledere',
- 'Project members' => 'Prosjektmedlemmer',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
'Projects list' => 'Prosjektliste',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gantt skjema for dette prosjektet',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Dokumentasjon',
'Table of contents' => 'Innholdsfortegnelse',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Hjelp med prosjekttilganger',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Prosjektmedlemmer',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
index eaeca452..5c44fae9 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complexiteit',
'Task limit' => 'Taak limiet.',
'Task count' => 'Aantal taken',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Aanpassen toegangsrechten project',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Deze gebruiker toestaan',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Vergeet niet dat administrators overal toegang hebben.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Intrekken',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lijst met geautoriseerde gebruikers',
'User' => 'Gebruiker',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Niemand heeft toegang tot dit project',
'Comments' => 'Commentaar',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Schrijf uw tekst in Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Schrijf een commentaar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email :',
'Notifications:' => 'Notificaties :',
'Notifications' => 'Notificaties',
- 'Group:' => 'Groep :',
- 'Regular user' => 'Normale gebruiker',
'Account type:' => 'Account type:',
'Edit profile' => 'Profiel aanpassen',
'Change password' => 'Wachtwoord aanpassen',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Standaard swinlane',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze swimlane wil verwijderen : « %s » ?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Inactieve swinlanes',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Project manager instellen',
- 'Set project member' => 'Project lid instellen',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Verwijder swinlane',
'Rename' => 'Hernoemen',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Standaard swimlane tonen',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Hulp bij Gitlab webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integraties',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integratie met derde-partij-services',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Rol voor dit project',
- 'Project manager' => 'Project manager',
- 'Project member' => 'Project lid',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Een project manager kan de instellingen van het project wijzigen en heeft meer rechten dan een normale gebruiker.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab issue',
'Subtask Id' => 'Subtaak id',
'Subtasks' => 'Subtaken',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
index 7419e134..756ac3f1 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Poziom trudności',
'Task limit' => 'Limit zadań',
'Task count' => 'Liczba zadań',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Edycja list dostępu dla projektu',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Dodaj użytkownika',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Pamiętaj: Administratorzy mają zawsze dostęp do wszystkiego!',
- 'Revoke' => 'Odbierz dostęp',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista użytkowników mających dostęp',
'User' => 'Użytkownik',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Żaden użytkownik nie ma dostępu do tego projektu',
'Comments' => 'Komentarze',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Możesz użyć Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Zostaw komentarz',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email: ',
'Notifications:' => 'Powiadomienia: ',
'Notifications' => 'Powiadomienia',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupa:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Zwykły użytkownik',
'Account type:' => 'Typ konta:',
'Edit profile' => 'Edytuj profil',
'Change password' => 'Zmień hasło',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Domyślny proces',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć proces: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Nieaktywne procesy',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Ustaw menadżera projektu',
- 'Set project member' => 'Ustaw członka projektu',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Usuń proces',
'Rename' => 'Zmień nazwe',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Pokaż domyślny proces',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
'Integrations' => 'Integracje',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integracja z usługami firm trzecich',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Rola w tym projekcie',
- 'Project manager' => 'Manadżer projektu',
- 'Project member' => 'Członek projektu',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Menadżer projektu może zmieniać ustawienia projektu i posiada większe uprawnienia od zwykłego użytkownika',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadania',
'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadania',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
index f03be30e..c9a5993d 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complexidade',
'Task limit' => 'Limite de tarefas',
'Task count' => 'Número de tarefas',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Editar lista de acesso ao projeto',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Permitir este usuário',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Não esqueça que administradores têm acesso a tudo.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Revogar',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista de usuários autorizados',
'User' => 'Usuário',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ninguém tem acesso a este projeto.',
'Comments' => 'Comentários',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Escreva seu texto em Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Deixe um comentário',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-mail:',
'Notifications:' => 'Notificações:',
'Notifications' => 'Notificações',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupo:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Usuário comum',
'Account type:' => 'Tipo de conta:',
'Edit profile' => 'Editar perfil',
'Change password' => 'Alterar senha',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Swimlane padrão',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Você realmente deseja remover esta swimlane: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Desativar swimlanes',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Definir gerente do projeto',
- 'Set project member' => 'Definir membro do projeto',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Remover uma swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Renomear',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Exibir swimlane padrão',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Ajuda sobre os webhooks do GitLab',
'Integrations' => 'Integrações',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integração com serviços de terceiros',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Função para este projeto',
- 'Project manager' => 'Gerente do projeto',
- 'Project member' => 'Membro do projeto',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Um gerente de projeto pode alterar as configurações do projeto e ter mais privilégios que um usuário padrão.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab Issue',
'Subtask Id' => 'ID da subtarefa',
'Subtasks' => 'Subtarefas',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'contribuidores',
'License:' => 'Licença:',
'License' => 'Licença',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrador de projeto',
'Enter the text below' => 'Entre o texto abaixo',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Ordenar por posição',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Membros',
'Shared project' => 'Projeto compartilhado',
'Project managers' => 'Gerentes de projeto',
- 'Project members' => 'Membros de projeto',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para todos os projetos',
'Projects list' => 'Lista dos projetos',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para este projeto',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Documentação',
'Table of contents' => 'Índice',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Ajuda com as permissões de projetos',
'Author' => 'Autor',
'Version' => 'Versão',
'Plugins' => 'Extensões',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Membros de projeto',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
index 168a18f7..7886f7c4 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Complexidade',
'Task limit' => 'Limite da tarefa',
'Task count' => 'Número de tarefas',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Editar lista de acesso ao projecto',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Permitir este utilizador',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Não se esqueça que administradores têm acesso a tudo.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Revogar',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista de utilizadores autorizados',
'User' => 'Utilizador',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ninguém tem acesso a este projecto.',
'Comments' => 'Comentários',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Escreva o seu texto em Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Deixe um comentário',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-mail:',
'Notifications:' => 'Notificações:',
'Notifications' => 'Notificações',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupo:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Utilizador comum',
'Account type:' => 'Tipo de conta:',
'Edit profile' => 'Editar perfil',
'Change password' => 'Alterar senha',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Swimlane padrão',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Tem a certeza que quer remover este swimlane: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Desactivar swimlanes',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Definir gerente do projecto',
- 'Set project member' => 'Definir membro do projecto',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Remover um swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Renomear',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Mostrar swimlane padrão',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Ajuda sobre Gitlab webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integrações',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integração com serviços de terceiros',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Função para este projecto',
- 'Project manager' => 'Gerente do projecto',
- 'Project member' => 'Membro do projecto',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Um gerente do projecto pode alterar as configurações do projecto e ter mais privilégios que um utilizador padrão.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Problema Gitlab',
'Subtask Id' => 'ID da subtarefa',
'Subtasks' => 'Subtarefas',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'contribuidores',
'License:' => 'Licença:',
'License' => 'Licença',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Administrador do Projecto',
'Enter the text below' => 'Escreva o texto em baixo',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Ordenar por posição',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Membros',
'Shared project' => 'Projecto partilhado',
'Project managers' => 'Gestores do projecto',
- 'Project members' => 'Membros do projecto',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para todos os projectos',
'Projects list' => 'Lista de projectos',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para este projecto',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Documentação',
'Table of contents' => 'Tabela de conteúdos',
'Gantt' => 'Gantt',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Ajuda com permissões de projecto',
'Author' => 'Autor',
'Version' => 'Versão',
'Plugins' => 'Extras',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => 'BAM - Marca Conversível',
'Assignee Username' => 'Utilizador do Assignado',
'Assignee Name' => 'Nome do Assignado',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Membros do projecto',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
index e5445ce1..d13212ab 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Сложность',
'Task limit' => 'Лимит задач',
'Task count' => 'Количество задач',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Изменить доступ к проекту',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Разрешить этого пользователя',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Помните, администратор имеет неограниченные права.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Отозвать',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Список авторизованных пользователей',
'User' => 'Пользователь',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ни у кого нет доступа к этому проекту',
'Comments' => 'Комментарии',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Справка по синтаксису Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Оставить комментарий 2',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-mail:',
'Notifications:' => 'Уведомления:',
'Notifications' => 'Уведомления',
- 'Group:' => 'Группа:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Обычный пользователь',
'Account type:' => 'Тип профиля:',
'Edit profile' => 'Редактировать профиль',
'Change password' => 'Сменить пароль',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Стандартная дорожка',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Вы действительно хотите удалить дорожку "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Неактивные дорожки',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Установить менеджера проекта',
- 'Set project member' => 'Установить участника проекта',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Удалить дорожку',
'Rename' => 'Переименовать',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Показать стандартную дорожку',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Помощь по Gitlab webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Интеграции',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Интеграция со сторонними сервисами',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Роли для этого проекта',
- 'Project manager' => 'Менеджер проекта',
- 'Project member' => 'Участник проекта',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Менеджер проекта может изменять настройки проекта и имеет больше привелегий чем стандартный пользователь.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab вопросы',
'Subtask Id' => 'Id подзадачи',
'Subtasks' => 'Подзадачи',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'соавторы',
'License:' => 'Лицензия:',
'License' => 'Лицензия',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Администратор проекта',
'Enter the text below' => 'Введите текст ниже',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Диаграмма Гантта для %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Сортировать по позиции',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => 'Участники',
'Shared project' => 'Общие/публичные проекты',
'Project managers' => 'Менеджер проекта',
- 'Project members' => 'Участники проекта',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Диаграмма Гантта для всех проектов',
'Projects list' => 'Список проектов',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Диаграмма Гантта для этого проекта',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
'Documentation' => 'Документация',
'Table of contents' => 'Сожержание',
'Gantt' => 'Гантт',
- 'Help with project permissions' => 'Помощь с правами доступа по проекту',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ 'Project members' => 'Участники проекта',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
index af785f91..435fd232 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Složenost',
'Task limit' => 'Ograničenje zadatka',
'Task count' => 'Broj zadataka',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Izmeni prava pristupa projektu',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Dozvoli ovog korisnika',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Zapamti: Administrator može pristupiti svemu!',
- 'Revoke' => 'Povuci',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Spisak odobrenih korisnika',
'User' => 'Korisnik',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Niko nema pristup ovom projektu',
'Comments' => 'Komentari',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Pisanje teksta pomoću Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'Ostavi komentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'Email: ',
'Notifications:' => 'Obaveštenja: ',
'Notifications' => 'Obaveštenja',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupa:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Standardni korisnik',
'Account type:' => 'Vrsta naloga:',
'Edit profile' => 'Izmeni profil',
'Change password' => 'Izmeni lozinku',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Osnovni razdelnik',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Da li da uklonim razdelnik: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Neaktivni razdelniki',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Podesi menadžera projekta',
- 'Set project member' => 'Podesi učesnika projekat',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Ukloni razdelnik',
'Rename' => 'Preimenuj',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Prikaži osnovni razdelnik',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
'Integrations' => 'Integracje',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integracja sa uslugama spoljnih servisa',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Uloga u ovom projektu',
- 'Project manager' => 'Manadžer projekta',
- 'Project member' => 'Učesnik projekta',
- // 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => '',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadania',
'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadataka',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
index 188b2bd4..ca6c50ec 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Komplexitet',
'Task limit' => 'Uppgiftsbegränsning',
'Task count' => 'Antal uppgifter',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Ändra projektåtkomst lista',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Tillåt användare',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Glöm inte att administratörerna har rätt att göra allt.',
- 'Revoke' => 'Dra tillbaka behörighet',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Lista med behöriga användare',
'User' => 'Användare',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Ingen har tillgång till detta projekt.',
'Comments' => 'Kommentarer',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Exempelsyntax för text',
'Leave a comment' => 'Lämna en kommentar',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-post:',
'Notifications:' => 'Notiser:',
'Notifications' => 'Notiser',
- 'Group:' => 'Grupp:',
- 'Regular user' => 'Normal användare',
'Account type:' => 'Kontotyp:',
'Edit profile' => 'Ändra profil',
'Change password' => 'Byt lösenord',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Standard swimlane',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort denna swimlane: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Inaktiv swimlane',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Sätt Projektadministratör',
- 'Set project member' => 'Sätt projektmedlem',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Ta bort en swimlane',
'Rename' => 'Byt namn',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Visa standard swimlane',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Hjälp för Gitlab webhooks',
'Integrations' => 'Integrationer',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Integration med tjänst från tredjepart',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Roll för detta projekt',
- 'Project manager' => 'Projektadministratör',
- 'Project member' => 'Projektmedlem',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'En projektadministratör kan ändra inställningar för projektet och har mer rättigheter än en standardanvändare.',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab fråga',
'Subtask Id' => 'Deluppgifts-ID',
'Subtasks' => 'Deluppgift',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => 'bidragare:',
'License:' => 'Licens:',
'License' => 'Licens',
- 'Project Administrator' => 'Projektadministratör',
'Enter the text below' => 'Fyll i texten nedan',
'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt-schema för %s',
'Sort by position' => 'Sortera efter position',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
index d180c5e5..8c73ef85 100644
--- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'ความซับซ้อน',
'Task limit' => 'จำกัดงาน',
'Task count' => 'นับงาน',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'แก้ไขการเข้าถึงรายชื่อโปรเจค',
- 'Allow this user' => 'อนุญาตผู้ใช้นี้',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'อย่าลืมผู้ดูแลระบบสามารถเข้าถึงได้ทุกอย่าง',
- 'Revoke' => 'ยกเลิก',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'รายชื่อผู้ใช้ที่ได้รับการยืนยัน',
'User' => 'ผู้ใช้',
- // 'Nobody have access to this project.' => '',
'Comments' => 'ความคิดเห็น',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'เขียนข้อความในรูปแบบ Markdown',
'Leave a comment' => 'ออกความคิดเห็น',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'อีเมล:',
'Notifications:' => 'แจ้งเตือน:',
'Notifications' => 'การแจ้งเตือน',
- 'Group:' => 'กลุ่ม:',
- 'Regular user' => 'ผู้ใช้ปกติ:',
'Account type:' => 'ชนิดบัญชี:',
'Edit profile' => 'แก้ไขประวัติ',
'Change password' => 'เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'สวิมเลนเริ่มต้น',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'คุณต้องการลบสวิมเลนนี้ : "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'สวิมเลนไม่ทำงาน',
- 'Set project manager' => 'กำหนดผู้จัดการโปรเจค',
- 'Set project member' => 'กำหนดสมาชิกโปรเจค',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'ลบสวิมเลน',
'Rename' => 'เปลี่ยนชื่อ',
'Show default swimlane' => 'แสดงสวิมเลนเริ่มต้น',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
'Integrations' => 'การใช้ร่วมกัน',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'การใช้งานร่วมกับบริการ third-party',
- // 'Role for this project' => '',
- 'Project manager' => 'ผู้จัดการโปรเจค',
- 'Project member' => 'สมาชิกโปรเจค',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'ผู้จัดการโปรเจคสามารถตั้งค่าของโปรเจคและมีสิทธิ์มากกว่าผู้ใช้ทั่วไป',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
'Subtask Id' => 'รหัสงานย่อย',
'Subtasks' => 'งานย่อย',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
index fca425eb..bcd67915 100644
--- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => 'Zorluk seviyesi',
'Task limit' => 'Görev limiti',
'Task count' => 'Görev sayısı',
- 'Edit project access list' => 'Proje erişim listesini düzenle',
- 'Allow this user' => 'Bu kullanıcıya izin ver',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Dikkat: Yöneticilerin herşeye erişimi olduğunu unutmayın!',
- 'Revoke' => 'Iptal et',
- 'List of authorized users' => 'Yetkili kullanıcıların listesi',
'User' => 'Kullanıcı',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Bu projeye kimsenin erişimi yok.',
'Comments' => 'Yorumlar',
'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Yazınızı Markdown ile yazın',
'Leave a comment' => 'Bir yorum ekle',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => 'E-Posta',
'Notifications:' => 'Bildirimler:',
'Notifications' => 'Bildirimler',
- 'Group:' => 'Grup',
- 'Regular user' => 'Varsayılan kullanıcı',
'Account type:' => 'Hesap türü:',
'Edit profile' => 'Profili değiştir',
'Change password' => 'Şifre değiştir',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => 'Varsayılan Kulvar',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => 'Bu Kulvarı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?: "%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Pasif Kulvarlar',
- 'Set project manager' => 'Proje yöneticisi olarak ata',
- 'Set project member' => 'Proje üyesi olarak ata',
'Remove a swimlane' => 'Kulvarı sil',
'Rename' => 'Yeniden adlandır',
'Show default swimlane' => 'Varsayılan Kulvarı göster',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
// 'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => '',
'Integrations' => 'Entegrasyon',
'Integration with third-party services' => 'Dış servislerle entegrasyon',
- 'Role for this project' => 'Bu proje için rol',
- 'Project manager' => 'Proje Yöneticisi',
- 'Project member' => 'Proje Üyesi',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => 'Bir Proje Yöneticisi proje ayarlarını değiştirebilir ve bir üyeden daha fazla yetkiye sahiptir.',
// 'Gitlab Issue' => '',
'Subtask Id' => 'Alt görev No:',
'Subtasks' => 'Alt görevler',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
// 'contributors' => '',
// 'License:' => '',
// 'License' => '',
- // 'Project Administrator' => '',
// 'Enter the text below' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for %s' => '',
// 'Sort by position' => '',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
// 'Members' => '',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
index 7642e01e..51ee75be 100644
--- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
@@ -174,13 +174,7 @@ return array(
'Complexity' => '复杂度',
'Task limit' => '任务限制',
'Task count' => '任务数',
- 'Edit project access list' => '编辑项目存取列表',
- 'Allow this user' => '允许该用户',
- 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => '别忘了管理员有一切的权限。',
- 'Revoke' => '撤销',
- 'List of authorized users' => '已授权的用户列表',
'User' => '用户',
- 'Nobody have access to this project.' => '无用户可以访问此项目.',
'Comments' => '评论',
'Write your text in Markdown' => '用Markdown格式编写',
'Leave a comment' => '留言',
@@ -396,8 +390,6 @@ return array(
'Email:' => '电子邮件:',
'Notifications:' => '通知:',
'Notifications' => '通知',
- 'Group:' => '群组:',
- 'Regular user' => '常规用户',
'Account type:' => '账户类型:',
'Edit profile' => '编辑属性',
'Change password' => '修改密码',
@@ -546,8 +538,6 @@ return array(
'Default swimlane' => '默认泳道',
'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '确定要删除泳道:"%s"?',
'Inactive swimlanes' => '非活动泳道',
- 'Set project manager' => '设为项目经理',
- 'Set project member' => '设为项目成员',
'Remove a swimlane' => '删除泳道',
'Rename' => '重命名',
'Show default swimlane' => '显示默认泳道',
@@ -570,10 +560,6 @@ return array(
'Help on Gitlab webhooks' => 'Gitlab 网络钩子帮助',
'Integrations' => '整合',
'Integration with third-party services' => '与第三方服务进行整合',
- 'Role for this project' => '项目角色',
- 'Project manager' => '项目管理员',
- 'Project member' => '项目成员',
- 'A project manager can change the settings of the project and have more privileges than a standard user.' => '项目经理可以修改项目的设置,比标准用户多了一些权限',
'Gitlab Issue' => 'Gitlab 问题',
'Subtask Id' => '子任务 Id',
'Subtasks' => '子任务',
@@ -931,7 +917,6 @@ return array(
'contributors' => '贡献者',
'License:' => '授权许可:',
'License' => '授权许可',
- 'Project Administrator' => '项目管理者',
'Enter the text below' => '输入下方的文本',
'Gantt chart for %s' => '%s的甘特图',
'Sort by position' => '按位置排序',
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ return array(
'Members' => '成员',
// 'Shared project' => '',
// 'Project managers' => '',
- // 'Project members' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for all projects' => '',
// 'Projects list' => '',
// 'Gantt chart for this project' => '',
@@ -982,7 +966,6 @@ return array(
// 'Documentation' => '',
// 'Table of contents' => '',
// 'Gantt' => '',
- // 'Help with project permissions' => '',
// 'Author' => '',
// 'Version' => '',
// 'Plugins' => '',
@@ -1068,4 +1051,52 @@ return array(
// 'BAM - Konvertibile Mark' => '',
// 'Assignee Username' => '',
// 'Assignee Name' => '',
+ // 'Groups' => '',
+ // 'Members of %s' => '',
+ // 'New group' => '',
+ // 'Group created successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to create your group.' => '',
+ // 'Edit group' => '',
+ // 'Group updated successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to update your group.' => '',
+ // 'Add group member to "%s"' => '',
+ // 'Group member added successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to add group member.' => '',
+ // 'Remove user from group "%s"' => '',
+ // 'User removed successfully from this group.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this user from the group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove group' => '',
+ // 'Group removed successfully.' => '',
+ // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '',
+ // 'Project Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Manager' => '',
+ // 'Project Member' => '',
+ // 'Project Viewer' => '',
+ // 'Gitlab issue reopened' => '',
+ // 'Your account is locked for %d minutes' => '',
+ // 'Invalid captcha' => '',
+ // 'The name must be unique' => '',
+ // 'View all groups' => '',
+ // 'View group members' => '',
+ // 'There is no user available.' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no group.' => '',
+ // 'External Id' => '',
+ // 'Add group member' => '',
+ // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '',
+ // 'There is no user in this group.' => '',
+ // 'Remove this user' => '',
+ // 'Permissions' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Users' => '',
+ // 'No user have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Role' => '',
+ // 'Enter user name...' => '',
+ // 'Allowed Groups' => '',
+ // 'No group have been allowed specifically.' => '',
+ // 'Group' => '',
+ // 'Group Name' => '',
+ // 'Enter group name...' => '',
+ // 'Role:' => '',
+ // 'Project members' => '',